PHOTO GALLERY: All-Ireland Winning Ladies Bring Brendan Martin Cup To Tralee Schools

A Holy Family junior infants pupil with the Brendan Martin Cup on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean

IT’S been just over a month since the Kerry Ladies won the All-Ireland final, but the excitement was still fresh in the minds of Tralee schoolchildren today.

Members of the team, Aisling O’Connell, Aoife Dillane and Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh, along with managers Darragh Long and Declan Quill paid a visit to a number of schools and received a raucous welcome wherever they went.

They began at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn where Declan Quill teaches and the hall was packed with green and gold-clad children greeting the visitors.

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A visit to Listellick NS saw similar exhilaration in the sports hall with one pupil particularly excited. Sixth class pupil Lauren Hayes won a competition to design Kerry LGFA’s 50th anniversary jersey she said it was an amazing feeling seeing people from all over wearing the jersey.

Kerry players Aishling O’Connell, Aoife Dillane and Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh with pupil Lauren Hayes who designed the Kerry LGFA 50th anniversary jersey at Listellick NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean

The lads and ladies received a guard of honour arriving at CBS Primary School and faced a serious of question from pupils ranging from who their heroes were growing up to the benefits of playing sports.

The Holy Family pupils’ screaming reached Beatlemania levels in the school hall and teacher Ms Breathnach from Galway managed to get her hands on the Brendan Martin Cup even if her fellow countywomen couldn’t.

Galway woman Ms Breathnach gets her hands on the Brendan Martin Cup at Holy Family NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean

The town’s biggest primary school, Scoil Eoin, equalled all the others with their enthusiasm while Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí welcomed back past pupils Darragh Long, Aisling O’Connell and Aoife Dillane who joined current pupil Amy Ní Curtáin in being feted.

In all the schools, the players and management stressed the importance of perseverance, hard work and the benefits of sport…while also announcing the primary kids had homework off on Monday and Tuesday. TGI Friday indeed! Scroll down for photos…

A captive audience at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean

Kerry players Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Aishling O’Connell and Aoife Dillane with Niamh O’Sullivan, Donna Forrest and Maeve Kelliher at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Montessori school on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Kerry players Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Aishling O’Connell and Aoife Dillane with youngsters at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn Montessori school on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn at the school on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Colm Ó hAiniféin, Aoife Dillon and Declan Quill at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Declan Quill with son Mattie and Adam at Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn at the school on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn at the school on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn pupils with members of the Kerry Ladies Football team and management on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn pupils with the Brendan Martin Cup on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Young Kerry fans at Listellick NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Excited Listellick NS pupils on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Darragh Long signs jerseys at Listellick NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Aishling O’Connell looks at the match programme with a Listellick pupil on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Listellick NS pupils excited to welcome the visitors. Photo by Dermot Crean
Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh signs jerseys for pupils at Listellick NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Kerry players Aishling O’Connell, Aoife Dillane and Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh with managers Declan Quill and Darragh Long with Listellick pupils on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Young Kerry fans greet the Kerry ladies at Listellick NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Children in the Montessori school at CBS Primary with Kerry ladies team members and management. Photo by Dermot Crean
CBS pupils excited to welcome the visitors. Photo by Dermot Crean
CBS Primary School pupils gave a huge welcome to the Kerry ladies team members and management on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
CBS Primary School pupils gave a huge welcome to the Kerry ladies team members and management on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
A guard of honour from young pupils at CBS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
CBS Primary School pupils gave a huge welcome to the Kerry ladies team members and management on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Back to the old school…Declan Quill at Holy Family on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Declan Quill with his nephews on visit to Holy Family NS on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Holy Family pupils with members of the Kerry Ladies Football team and management on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
Ladies men at Holy Family on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
The junior infants welcome the visitors to Holy Family. Photo by Dermot Crean
A Holy Family junior infants pupil with the Brendan Martin Cup. Photo by Dermot Crean
A Holy Family junior infants pupil with the Brendan Martin Cup on Friday. Photo by Dermot Crean
The junior infants welcome the visitors to Holy Family. Photo by Dermot Crean
Holy Family NS secretary Maureen Murphy welcome past pupil Declan Quill back with the Brendan Martin Cup. Photo by Dermot Crean