PHOTOS: On This Day Last Year Storm Darwin Struck Tralee

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TODAY marks a year on from the day ‘Storm Darwin’ hit Tralee and wrecked havoc around the town and surrounding area.

Some of the huge damage caused by the hurricane winds included a tree falling on O’Donnell’s bar in Mounthawk and a large part of the roof of the Brandon Hotel falling onto the street.

Listellick National School gained national exposure when frightened children had to be evacuated after the roof of one of the prefabs lifted off.

A number of trees in the town park were felled due to the strong gust’s along with countless other’s scattered around Tralee and its environs.

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‘Storm Darwin’ brought gusts of up to 170km, it damaged buildings and tore down trees, while road, rail, ferry, and air travel were disrupted.

Thousand’s of homes in Tralee were left without power. Kerry and Cork bore the brunt of the storm and were the worst effected area’s in the country.

Check out photos below…


The roof of one of the prefabs of Listellick National School which lifted off.
The roof of one of the prefabs of Listellick National School which lifted off.
Bracker O'Regan road in the aftermath of Storm Darwin.
Bracker O’Regan road in the aftermath of Storm Darwin.
Another shot of the damage at the Brandon Hotel.
Another shot of the damage at the Brandon Hotel.
Debris from 'Storm Darwin' which landed near Siamese Tire theater.
Debris from ‘Storm Darwin’ which landed near Siamese Tire theater.
One of the Tree's in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
One of the trees in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The tree that landed on O'Donnell's Bar in Mounthawk. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The tree that landed on O’Donnell’s Bar in Mounthawk. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
Part of the roof of the Brandon that flew off its roof. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
Part of the roof of the Brandon that flew off. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
One of the Tree's in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
One of the trees in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
One of the Tree's in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
One of the trees in the Town Park knocked down by Storm Darwin. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The scene on Rock Street after the storm hit. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The scene on Rock Street after the storm hit. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The roof of the Brandon Hotel after the storm. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.
The roof of the Brandon Hotel after the storm. Photo by Fergus Dennehy.