Presentation Students Raise €600 Through Sleepover For Syrian Refugees

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Presentaion Secondary School students, Niamh Myers and Mairead Dowling had over a €600 cheque to Theresa Elumelu of Tralee Internationl Resource Centre, with teacher, Brid Prenderville. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
Presentation Secondary School students, Niamh Myers and Mairead Dowling presenting a cheque for €600 to Theresa Elumelu of Tralee International Resource Centre, with teacher, Brid Prenderville. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

SIXTH year students at Presentation Secondary School Tralee took part in a sleepover in the school on Friday November 20 to raise funds for Syrian refugees.

Forty-eight sixth year students took part in what was a very enjoyable night with a number of school staff staying the night also.

The cheque was handed over to Theresa Elumelu of  Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC), by Presentation students, Mairead Dowling and Niamh Myers on Friday afternoon.

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TIRC will be dealing directly with the Syrian refugees who are expected to arrive in Kerry shortly.

On the night, teachers were delighted to see all students working up a sweat, dancing along to the latest Wii Just Dance disc and were quietly optimistic that this would lead to exhaustion and to an early night.  How wrong they were!

The girls were thrilled by the unexpected arrival of pizzas which were generously donated by Four Star and by Domino’s Pizza.

Revived by the food, which was augmented by copious amount of sweets and crisps, the girls settled down to watch a film, which was followed in turn by a lot of chatting and even singing, which lasted into the wee small hours.

“We are really pleased and proud of our students for thinking of other young people who find themselves in very difficult circumstances,”  said School Principal Ms. Mary O’Keeffe.

“I want to thank the Student Representative council, Ms. Prendeville, the 6th year students, the supervising teachers and the Board of Management for contributing to such a worthwhile and successful event,” she added.

Huge thanks to all who helped organise this memorable event, to the students who participated and to those who didn’t sleepover but who donated, to those who sponsored refreshments and to the teachers who kindly offered to supervise on the night.