Tag Archives: Kerry Women’s Centre

PHOTOS: Coffee Morning At Kerry Women’s Centre In Shanakill

Adedola Akinbote and Elizabeth Martins at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean

THE Kerry Women’s Centre hosted a coffee morning at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre (FRC) on Friday to celebrate the fact they have secured their base at the facility.

There was a great turnout throughout the event, with the only problem being a shortage of space for all those who attended!

There were cakes and goodies galore and the chat was flowing among the ladies. Vice Chairperson of the Kerry Women’s Centre, Rita O’Sullivan Crean, said they were delighted with the get-together and their new base.

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“This is where the Centre will be going forward, which is great news for us. This morning is about connecting with all the groups we have worked with over the past year — our walking group, our personal development groups, our arts groups — facilitators, volunteers and people who fund us. Lisa Murphy from Kerry ETB, who helps us with fetch.ie courses, is also here,” said Rita.

The Kerry Women’s Centre will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Shanakill FRC, with art group on Friday night.

“We hope to expand when we get more volunteers. We’re entirely volunteer-led so if there are any women who would like to volunteer their skills they are very welcome,” added Rita. To find out more, see their Facebook page by clicking here. Scroll down for photos…

Ladies at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean
Ladies at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean
Jules O’Sullivan and Margaret Carey at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean
Margaret Breen, Ellen and Rosemary Bailey at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean
Lisa Murphy from Kerry ETB with Rita O’Sullivan Crean (Vice-Chairperson) and Siobhan Ryan of the Kerry Women’s Centre at the Kerry Women’s Centre Coffee Morning on Friday at the Shanakill Family Resource Centre. Photo by Dermot Crean
