PARTICIPANTS in the ‘Moving On’ programme and TIRC (Tralee International Resource Centre) Women’s group came together this week for a vibrant and inspiring morning to celebrate International Women’s Day 2020.
Over 60 women attended from all over the world. The group took photos making the equality/equal sign to join in the global movement for equality #equalforeqaul this International Women’s Day
The theme was ‘Connecting with our roots’. Lisa Fingleton, Co ordinator of the Moving On programme talked about the importance of standing in solidarity with each other. She stressed the need to challenge racism in all its forms and to make Tralee a welcoming place for asylum seekers and refugees.
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“We are all connected. We are all from the same root. We need to stand together”, said Lisa.
Shahidah Janjua, writer and poet talked about “Women, the planet, belonging and change”.
According to Shahidah; “Our ancestors were in and of the soil. They were here, where we stand now. It doesn’t matter one jot where on the planet we came from. We are rooted to the land. We may not acknowledge it but we are bonded with the earth and with all its creatures, from the smallest microbes to the largest trees, fish and mammals”.
There was a real concern expressed about climate change and biodiversity loss. As Shahidah said; “I go back to the time of my grandmother. All our grandmothers. The key to survival lies in the knowledge they had. The earth’s resources are finite. They will end. If we go back to the knowledge of our ancestors, we will know how to live in safety. We will learn how to survive and thrive, to have sanity, to have peace of mind. To slow down, breathe and live in harmony with our surroundings.
Following Shahidah, Teresa Elumelu TIRC Family Support Worker gave an impassioned talk about her experience as an International woman in Tralee. She talked about the importance of connecting with each other as well as with nature. She encouraged women to be brave and follow their dreams. She encouraged women to come to TIRC for support.
Moving On is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.