Tralee Bay Sailing Club Prepares To Host ‘Women At The Helm’

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Commodore Cormac Murphy with some of the female sailors who will be helming and crewing for the event at Tralee Sailing Club later this month.

TRALEE Bay Sailing Club in Fenit is preparing to host a special event on Saturday week.

‘Women at the Helm’ is an annual sailing regatta for dinghy and keelboat racing, where all boats are helmed by women.

This year the event will take place on July 20 with prize giving after the event. The event creates the space for which women are encouraged into positions of leadership, to take the helm, try a different role on their boat, first time entry into a national event, or even to move from a role ashore onto a boat.

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The aim is to create an inclusive and balanced sailing community in Ireland. The racing will begin at 12 noon on and the last race will finish around 5pm with the finish line off of the pier.

People are invited to come along and watch the action from the shore. They club will also be having their midsummer party that evening from 6pm with tickets at €10 per person. This also gives free entry into one raffle round and also food.



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