Tralee Corporate Road Race To Help Kerry Hospice Foundation

Michelle Greaney with Maura Sullivan and staff from the Bon Secours launching the Tralee Corporate 5k/10k Road Race.

THE Kerry Hospice Corporate 5k and 10k Road Race takes place on Saturday, November 9 at 10:30am from the Tralee Bay Wetlands.

Every runner is welcome to take part in the event — which has the Bon Secours Hospital Tralee as the primary sponsor — but organiser Michelle Greaney is also inviting companies to put on their running shoes and join in some healthy competition with work colleagues, friends and other businesses.

“I want to extend out to the business community that feel good factor and sense of camaraderie that running brings,” said Michelle.

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“I would love you to take this opportunity to get out and get physically active to allow your team to thrive at work both physically and mentally. The Health benefits of taking part in a regular exercise programme are incalculable.”

“The Bon Secours Hospital Tralee recognises the importance of daily exercise in the workplace and this event will be a celebration of well being and community,” she added.

There are already team entries from hospitals, accountancy firms, medical practice and schools. Entry fee per team is €80 for the 5k and €100 per team for the 10k.

Individual entry is €20 for the 5k and €25 for the 10k. Register by clicking here.

There will be prizes on offer for the top three teams in the male, female and mixed categories. There are trophies for top three individuals and customised medals for all participants. All proceeds from the event will go to The Kerry Hospice.

