Cllr Calls For Clarification On Ballymullen Barracks Asylum Seekers Issue

Cllr Cathal Foley.

A SINN Féin Councillor for the Tralee area has called for clarification regarding the story published in the media on Thursday, regarding Ballymullen Barracks being used by International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) to accommodate asylum seekers.

Cllr Cathal Foley said the lack of communication with local representatives has been disgraceful. He said that Minister Norma Foley, as a Kerry based member of the cabinet, has a duty to clarify the situation.

Clir Foley said: “It is disgraceful that 36 hours after this story first broke there has been zero communication with local representatives or the local community on plans for Ballymullen Barracks.”

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“The first I heard of this was when I saw the story appear in a national newspaper, which was published in the early hours of Thursday morning. We’ve had no communication from the Council and my party colleague Deputy Pa Daly has been trying to get answers from the Department, but to no avail.”

“I am calling on Minister Norma Foley to clarify exactly what is happening with Ballymullen Barracks. The local community and those of us that represent them should not be kept in the dark. As a Tralee based Minister, Norma Foley has a duty to tell people exactly what is going on,” he said.


New Principal Settles In At Listellick NS As They Prepare For Open Evening Next Week

The new Principal of Listellick National School, Rosemarie Lawlor. Photo by Dermot Crean

AS the school year begins to wind down at Listellick NS over the next month, the new Principal is settling in nicely at the school on the hill.

Ballyheigue native Rosemarie Lawlor has received a wonderful welcome from all since she arrived on May 13 and she is looking forward to welcoming parents of prospective children wishing to enrol in September, to their Open Evening on Thursday, June 6, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Rosemarie, who spent 19 years in Kilmoyley NS before coming to Listellick, described how welcoming the community has been since her arrival.

“I am so fortunate to have left a lovely school and entered another,” she said. “The school community of Listellick National School have been very welcoming and inclusive. The enthusiasm and warmth of the staff and children have made the transition very pleasant.”

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“I received great support from Annette Dineen, the previous Principal, which was a valuable induction into the role and the community. Each school is unique and getting this insight into life in Listellick  school was invaluable,” added Rosemarie.

“I am so grateful to Annette for her time. I am also very grateful to Ms Karen O’Driscoll who  led the school so competently while I was still in Kilmoyley NS.”

Pupils at the sports field just behind the school. Photo by Dermot Crean

“As is the case with all principals, I have hit the ground running. This is  a very busy time of the year, but I am thoroughly enjoying working here. The culture of the school is so inclusive, that it was a pleasure to join the team here.

“I am delighted and honoured to lead the school on behalf of the great volunteers on the Board of Management of the school. I am looking forward to working with all of the stakeholders of Listellick National School in ensuring that we continue the great work that keeps the teaching of our children at its core.”

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“I would like to thank the school community of Scoil Naomh Eirc Kilmoyley for all the support and kindness during my time there,” said Rosemarie.

Junior infants playtime in the school hall. Photo by Dermot Crean

The new, bright and vibrant school, which was officially opened in February 2023, is situated on the edge of Tralee on the Abbeydorney Road.

The welcoming staff  of Listellick National School respect and nurture each child as an individual and strive at all times to ensure that each child is learning  in a safe secure environment.

Along with covering all of the curricular subjects , the school offers ample opportunities for all the students and are invested in developing the talents of each individual child.

The school facilities such as a hall, soft outdoor playing area, a pitch and a basketball court  ensure that the teaching and learning can be delivered at an optimum level with all the resources onsite.

Pupils in the all-weather, multipurpose play area at Listellick.

This welcoming school community offers an Afterschool service“Club Spraoi” at the end of the infant and the full school day.

A bus service is available. Children are welcome on the school grounds from 8.30am each morning for an 8.45am start.  Please visit the school website at for more information.



Celebration Of Irish Traveller Identity Exhibition Opens At Museum

The ‘Kerry Travellers United’ flag being raised outside Kerry County Museum for the opening of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition on Thursday. Photo by Dermot

THERE was a good crowd at the launch of an exhibition entitled “Embracing Our Heritage: A celebration of Irish Traveller Identity” at Kerry County Museum, Ashe Memorial Hall on Thursday.

A partnership between Kerry Traveller Health Community Development Project and
Kerry County Museum, the exhibition provides an opportunity for families, both Traveller and Settled, to learn more about the traditions, values and culture of the Traveller community in Kerry.

It aims to foster mutual understanding and appreciation of Traveller culture and heritage. It was launched by the renowned author and Traveller Rights’ activist Oein DeBhairduin, who works with the National Museum of Ireland as Curator of Traveller Culture.

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On display is a collection of photographs of Travellers at Puck Fair from the Kennelly Archives, artisan tinsmith products and other traditional crafts, two scale model traditional wagons, and a scale model of a Traveller camp set at Puck Fair alongside an assortment of other items traditionally used as part of the nomadic life of a Traveller family.

The exhibition is open with free entry to the public and run until the end of June 2024. A smaller permanent exhibit will remain within the museum on an ongoing basis.

Brigid Quilligan speaking at the opening of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition at Kerry County Museum.
Part of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition at Kerry County Museum.
Part of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition at Kerry County Museum.
Part of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition at Kerry County Museum.
Part of the ‘Embracing Our Heritage: A Celebration of Irish Traveller Identity’ exhibition at Kerry County Museum.


Profits And Passenger Numbers Increase At Kerry Airport In 2023


KERRY Airport has released the Annual Report & Accounts for the 12-month period ended 31st December 2023 reporting an Operating Profit after Taxation for the period of €1,198,347 as compared to an after Taxation Operating Profit of €1,061,416 in the previous year.

Passenger numbers for 2023 finished at 419,281 which represents a 17.7% year on year increase on 2022.

Commenting on the financials and the on-going operations of the Airport for the year, John Mulhern, CEO of Kerry Airport, said:“We are ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’; those that believed that Kerry could have a successful airport and empowered that belief to reality.”


“They will rejoice at the news that our airport has exceeded 400,000 annual passengers for the second time in its history. Success our predecessors believed possible and with the support of our shareholders, who contributed selflessly, helped come to pass.

“Gross Revenue in 2023 reflects the excellent passenger numbers from a low in 2020 of 82,959 to our second highest ever total of 419,281 in 2023 and a growing general/private aviation sector. That’s a 17.7% year on year increase. New routes to Brittany proved very successful and will continue this year with the addition of Caen in Normandy and a no change onward flight down to the Pyrenees from Brest.”

Kerry Airport operated satisfactorily throughout 2023, meeting and exceeding Safety and Security Protocols.

Later this year, work will commence on the construction of a new Arrivals Hall and an extension of the Departure Area to include a third Departure Gate, significantly more seating, plus another option for dining and refreshments.

The commitment to transition to a greener operation at Kerry Airport is proceeding with fervour with gratitude to the Government for supporting the long-term strategy. The Airport is becoming a more resilient and sustainable hub for connectivity in Kerry.

John Mulhern thanked the Chairperson, Mr. Denis Cregan, and the Board of Directors, for their continued selfless support and direction, and the elected representatives in Kerry and the Department of Transport for their unwavering support throughout the year.

He also conveyed huge praise and thanks to the management and staff of Kerry Airport who continue to exemplify a culture of safety and excellent customer service.



Sponsored: Local Firm Beam Revolutionising Legal Industry With Digital Innovation


A groundbreaking local business is redefining the legal landscape. Beam, a trailblazer in digital conveyancing, is riding the wave of the digital revolution sweeping through the legal industry.

By investing heavily in technology and customer service, Beam has streamlined the traditionally cumbersome process of property transfer, making it faster and more efficient for clients nationwide.

Founded less than a year ago, Beam has already made impressive strides. The firm’s digital-first approach allows it to serve clients from all corners of Ireland with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

This innovative model has not only attracted a growing clientele but also enabled the company to rapidly expand its team. From a humble start, Beam has grown to a robust team of 16 professionals, each bringing unique expertise to the table.

“It’s a very exciting place to work,” says Claire Bulman, who heads up the Case Management department. “It feels more like a tech start-up than a legal service because the team is made up of technology professionals and marketing professionals as well as legal professionals.”

This dynamic mix of talent is what sets Beam apart, fostering a culture of innovation and agility that is rare in the legal field.

The driving force behind Beam’s success is its commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance the customer experience.

By automating many of the routine tasks associated with conveyancing, Beam has significantly reduced the time involved, providing clients with a seamless and stress-free experience.

Looking ahead, Beam shows no signs of slowing down. Brian Stephenson, Managing Director at Beam, is enthusiastic about the company’s future.

“At our current rate of growth, we’ll probably double our headcount in the next 12 months,” he says.

“We’re always on the lookout for ambitious people who want to be part of a high-growth work environment where there is no ceiling on their career progression. The right candidates might currently be working in retail or hospitality, or they could be bored or frustrated in an office or legal role.”

Beam’s innovative approach and rapid growth make it a standout player in the legal industry. As it continues to break new ground, Beam is not only transforming conveyancing but also setting a new standard for what a modern legal service can achieve.

Candidates interested in a new challenge can email their CV and cover letter to or check out the careers section of



Banna Rescue Receives New €130,000 Inshore Lifeboat

Roger Craddock (Banna Rescue), Charlie Chan (Ribcraft), Thomas Ward (Banna Rescue), Diyana Dimitrova (Banna Rescue) with the new inshore lifeboat.

BANNA Rescue has welcomed their new state of the art €130,000 inshore lifeboat. This will be the fifth lifeboat to be stationed with the team since its founding in 1983.

“The team have been looking forward to this day for a long, long time”, said Banna Rescue Secretary Eileen Davis.

“Independent Marine Search and Rescue teams nationwide are facing some significant challenges with a number changes on the horizon. This lifeboat is a meaningful expansion in terms of equipment; a modern, faster, and more capable vessel.”

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“We believe this vessel will significantly enhance Banna Rescue’s ability to carry out their critical mission.” said Jack Clempson, Director of Operations at Ribcraft.

“The Ribcraft 4.8 PRO is a versatile RIB, designed to adapt to a variety of applications, incorporating safety, strength, reliability, and comfort for use on the water. Our Ribcraft PRO 4.8, design and cutting-edge technology, is a testament to our commitment to supporting the brave men and women who risk their lives to rescue others.”

The majority of the project funding came through the Department of Rural and Community Development’s, CLÁR programme and the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle.

Cathal Walshe, P.R.O. Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle said; “The Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle Committee are delighted that the new lifeboat has been delivered after much fundraising. We are thrilled it went some way in helping with the purchase of lifesaving equipment. It has been a pleasure to meet and work with Banna Rescue who provides such a valuable service.”

Pat Lawlor (Banna Rescue P.R.O.) believes the community should be incredibly proud of new arrival. “We are immensely grateful to all those involved with our station down through the years. It is their sacrifice and the support from a far-reaching community that have made this possible. Banna is entirely led and run by volunteers and supporters who give up their time to help others. This lifeboat is one the best of its kind and the crew who will use it, deserve nothing less.”



Tralee Chamber Holds May Networking Event At MTU

Tralee Chamber Steering Group members John Reen, Colette O’Connor, Anne Looney, Kasia Lyko, Stephen Stack and Emily Reen during the May Networking event at MTU on Thursday.

TRALEE Chamber Alliance hosted its May Networking event at the IT & Business building in Munster Technological University (MTU) on Thursday.

This event, facilitated through the Chamber’s SME Partnership with AIB, provided an opportunity for members to engage in direct and meaningful conversations, highlighting their businesses and forging new connections.

Anne Looney, External Services Manager at MTU and head of the Chamber Steering Education group delivered a comprehensive presentation on the ongoing developments at the Tralee MTU site, showcasing the wide array of courses available at the Kerry campus.

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Following the presentation, attendees were divided into groups and given  tours of the Kerry Sports Academy and ACE – Ireland’s premier Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Suite.

CEO of Tralee Chamber Alliance Colette O’Connor expressed her gratitude to AIB for their continued support as the SME Partner of Tralee Chamber.

Honor Hurley and Kasia Lyko at the May Networking Event.

“We are very thankful to AIB, now in their third year as SME Partner of Tralee Chamber. Through their partnership, we can deliver important events like this, which are crucial for our Chamber members and open to the entire Kerry Chamber Network.

“We were especially delighted to have representatives from Castleisland Chamber Alliance with us today. The facilities at MTU are world-class, making it a vital part of Kerry’s identity as a university county and Tralee as a university town,” said Ms O’Connor.



Crotta Overcome Kilmoyley To Win Kerry Senior County Hurling League Title

The Crotta panel.

Mike O’Halloran reports on the Kerry Senior County Hurling League Final held yesterday evening…

Crotta 1-12

Kilmoyley 0-14

Crotta are the Kerry Senior County hurling league champions after defeating Kilmoyley.

Crotta were 1-02 ahead after six minutes with all the scores coming from Shane Nolan. His goal came after some hard ball carrying by Tomas O’Connor.

Dan Collins had Kilmoyley’s first score from a free. Crotta added five more points before Kilmoyley scored again — the Crotta points coming from the sticks of Jordan Conway and Sean McElligott with one each and Shane Nolan with two.

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Liam Flaherty pointed for Kilmoyley, while Darragh O’Donoghue replied for Crotta. Donal Corridon put over a point and Dan Collins added two before halftime.

Shane Nolan had one to leave the halftime score Crotta 1-09 Kilmoyley 0-05. Ronan Walsh and Daire Nolan had points for Kilmoyley and Shane and Cillian Trant had points for Crotta.

The next four points were in favour of Kilmoyley with Dan Collins, Jordan Brick, Ronan Walsh and Bobby O’Connor on target.

Kilmoyley were wide with two frees while Shane Nolan made it 1-12 to 0-11. Then came the Kilmoyley barnstorm finish with three unanswered points from Paudie O’Connor and two from Daire Nolan, but the clock ran out on them and Crotta win their first county league since 2010.



Olympic Medallist To Take Part In Ring Of Kerry Charity Cycle For Focus Ireland

Annalise Murphy is taking part in the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle in aid of Focus Ireland.

OLYMPIC silver medallist Annalise Murphy has announced her participation in the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle this July, in aid of homeless and housing charity Focus Ireland, and wants others to join her.

The 2016 Rio Olympics silver medal winning sailor, who recently transitioned national level track and road race cycling, is calling on 1,000 cyclists and fitness enthusiasts around Ireland and beyond to join her on the 170 km charity cycle this July, and to choose Focus Ireland when registering, in order to raise funds for the homeless and housing charity.

The 34 year old Dubliner who has been making waves in the competitive cycling world since retiring from full time sailing following the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, says she signed up for the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle and selected Focus Ireland as her charity of choice because she wanted to do something to help address the rising homelessness crisis now affecting thousands of people in Ireland.

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Annalise said that taking part in the iconic Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle was her way of getting involved and doing something to help address the crisis, by raising funds for Focus Ireland’s vital homeless services.

“The homelessness crisis is an issue that just can’t be ignored and taking part in the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle provides an opportunity for me to help end homelessness, by supporting Focus Ireland in their efforts to prevent homelessness and provide homes for people experiencing homelessness.”

“Cycling the Ring of Kerry is a challenge for anyone and it’s a route I’ve never cycled in full before. Focus Ireland is challenging homelessness and changing lives every day so I’m looking forward to rising to that challenge and would encourage as many cyclists as possible to join me on the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle on Saturday July 6, and to choose Focus Ireland when registering. We can all play our part in ending homelessness,” she said.

To find out more or to sign up for the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle or On The Move for Focus Ireland, go to:



President Higgins Presented With Lifetime Achievement Award At Listowel Writers Week

President Michael D. Higgins and Catherine Keogh, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Kerry Group.

LISTOWEL Writers Week 2024 opened to much anticipation last evening, when the guest of honour, President Michael D. Higgins was presented with John B. Keane Lifetime Achievement Award, with a citation in recognition of ‘Service to the Arts in Ireland’, and in celebration of the connections between the President’s literary and political careers.

President Higgins was in Listowel to accept the award in person. The award was presented to him by Conor Keane, son of John B. Keane.

Martin Dyar, Festival Curator at Listowel Writers’ Week, said: “President Higgins coming to Listowel this week to receive the John B. Keane Writers’ Week Lifetime Achievement Award is historic, and a truly great moment, one that will no doubt endure as a cherished memory and inspiration in the years ahead.”

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Dyar continued: “The President’s literary and political achievements are abundant. In so many remarkable ways they are also intertwined. We are proud to recognise that abundance, together with the ways that President Higgins has united poetry and politics, and indeed poetry and the presidential office itself.”

Darragh McKeon, winner of the Kerry Group Novel of the Year 2024 and Catherine Keogh, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Kerry Group.

The evening featured two of the most prestigious and lucrative Irish literary awards, firstly, the Kerry Group Novel of the Year Award for 2024 winner was Darragh McKeon for his novel ‘Remembrance Sunday’.

This much acclaimed award is in its 30th year, with Kerry Group being a stalwart supporter of the arts throughout this time.

It has been through their continued financial commitment that Listowel Writers Week has grown to be a festival that attracts esteemed writers from throughout the world, with the winner receiving a €20,000 prize fund.

The second much anticipated award of the night was the Piggot Poetry Prize Award 2024, with this year’s winner announced as Paula Meehan, “The Solace of Artemis”.

Now in its eleventh year, this award of a €12,000 prize fund to the winner, is Ireland’s largest monetary fund for a poetry collection.

Now in its fifty-third year, the literary festival continues until June 2nd. This year’s programme includes a host of big names, together with newer and diverse literary voices, a broad and family friendly appeal, and an environmentally themed schedule of events combining literature, music, and film.

On June 1st, marking the thirtieth anniversary of Riverdance, Grammy award winning composer Bill Whelan will be in conversation with presenter of RTE’s The South Wind Blows, Philip King, in the Listowel Arms.

On Friday May 31st, in The Plaza, there will be screening of the IFTA award winning film That They May Face the Rising Sun, followed by an exclusive live interview between the film’s director Pat Collins and the Shakespeare scholar Andy Murphy.

On May 30th, the legendary American novelist Alice McDermott will be reading from and discussing her new New York Times bestselling novel, Absolution.

There is broad interest from Leaving Cert students and secondary schools, as the poetry legend Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin will read in the Listowel Arms Hotel on the night of May 31st, just a few days before the first Leaving Cert English exam.

The American writer, Lily Kingsolver, who with has co-written the acclaimed children’s book Coyote’s Wild Home with her mother, the Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Barbara Kingsolver, will be in conversation with writer and broadcaster Anja Murray on June 1st.

Former CMO Tony Holohan, discussing his highly regarded memoir We Need to Talk, with poet and curator of the 2024 Writer’s Week programme Martin Dyar, will be the festival closing headline event on June 2nd in the Listowel Arms Hotel. See for more.



Kerry FC Hope To Capitalise On Finn Harps Win At Visit To Cobh


By Ivan Hurley

So we reach the halfway point of the SSE Airtricity Men’s First Division for 2024 as Kerry FC make the short journey along the N22 to St Colman’s Park for the latest instalment of the league on a newly laid astroturf surface in the seaside town.

Reflecting on the opening half of the season, the progress Kerry has shown in their second term in the League of Ireland is evident to see.

A total of 12 points to date has already eclipsed the points total from 2023 which is a testament to the resilience of the current bunch of players led by the youngest manager ever in the League of Ireland.

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That, topped with a fine defensive record, has totted up the points on the board for the Tralee-based side.

The inevitable first home win that was subject to multiple headlines in the early stages has now been and gone, in fact, the side now has more home wins than wins on the road as we hit a vital stage of the season.

The June Bank Holiday weekend marks the start of the summer for many, but there will be no time for 99’s in Mounthawk Park as two games this weekend in 72 hours is enough to keep the minds clear of summer’s sweet treats.

The first of back-to-back matches is a trip to sunny Cobh and to St Colman’s Park for the first time this season.

A new surface changing from grass to astro is bound to take time to get used to but Kerry might see this as an advantage. Kerry jumped to a high of 9th following last Friday’s convincing 2-0 win over Finn Harps of Ballybofey in sunny Tralee.

In a game where everything clicked, goals from Ryan Kelliher and Daniel Okwute, along with multiple other clear cut chances meant a 2 goal win was flattering to the Donegal outfit.

So Kerry travel to our neighbouring county with a result to build on now. Ramblers are winless in four games, but three back to back draws against Longford, Wexford and Longford over the last 3 games means they are getting some consistent points on the board.

Losses to Wexford, Athlone, UCD and Treaty will give Kerry some confidence going into the fixture for a team looking to build form ahead of the summer break.

Excluding the trip to UCD next week, Kerry have games against teams around us in the league – Cobh, Treaty United and bottom-of-the-table Longford Town before the summer break to explore the possibility of getting further points on the board and sit in a nice position before the trips to Banna beach can be planned.

A new record for a points total in our League of Ireland history was set by Kerry FC last Friday night. Victory for the kingdom sent us to 12 points in the league, two more than the 10 we received in our inaugural season.

Speaking to the assembled media on Monday afternoon, First Team Coach James Sugrue shared some positive injury news ahead of the game on Friday night.

Sean O’Connell, who left proceedings after the hour mark on Friday night was just precautionary and will be available.

Jack Kavanagh has returned to training after a knock kept him out of the matchday 20 on Friday night. Ronan Teahan returns to the fold following his suspension last Friday night.

“Like every game in the league, they are all tough. Cobh likewise, might suit us a small bit up there being an astroturf surface, it’s new up there and we are used to playing on ours now,” said James Sugrue.

“But look, what we have started in the last few months is worrying about ourselves more than the opponent. Ya, we look at them, we study the video, but this time now we are really looking at ourselves and concentrating on how we can hurt teams rather than getting too bogged down on the opposition. We work hard on the basics from defence to attack. We expect a tough battle but we are looking forward to going there.”



Local Businesses Support Tralee Parnells As They Prepare For Senior Championship

Pictured at the jersey presentation are Tadhg Brick, Tralee Parnells captain, Andrew Morrissey, Tralee Parnells, Fiona Cotter, Kirby’s Brogue Inn, and Rory Kerins, Pro-Plan Auctioneers. Photo by Dermot Crean

TRALEE Parnells will make a return to Kerry Senior Hurling Championship after more than 100 years next month and they’ve received support from local businesses to set them on the way.

Having won the County Intermediate Championship in 2023, the club is making the step up to Senior grade for the first time in the current club’s history with the opening game on the weekend of June 14-16.

However it won’t be the first time that Parnells have played in the Senior Championship – the original Tralee Parnells team, who included players like All-Ireland winner John Joe Sheehy and Jerry ‘Unke’ O’Connor, won the County title on 2 occasions in 1918 & 1919 before the club was disbanded during the Civil War.

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To mark the occasion, Parnells commissioned two new sets of jerseys -a ‘Home’ set and an ‘Away’ set. The ‘Away’ set was designed by Paul Galvin and has the names of the players that played in 1918 and 1919 embedded in the design.

On Thursday, the two sets of jerseys were presented to the club by the new senior team sponsors Kevin and Fiona Cotter from Kirbys Brogue Inn and Rory Kerins of Pro-Plan Auctioneers.

Speaking at the presentation, Club Chairman Stephen Buttimer said; “We are delighted to have The Brogue Inn and Pro-Plan Auctioneers on board as Senior Team sponsors and the club is very grateful to Fiona, Kevin and Rory for their support as we embark on our County Senior Championship journey for the first time.”



Here’s Where Residential Property Was Sold Around Tralee In April


THE most up to date statistics from the Residential Property Price Register shows that there were 27 property sales in the Tralee area in April with transactions fetching a total of €4,988,260.

The property that sold for the most money in one transaction in the Tralee environs in April was for a house in Knockanish West, The Spa for €550,000.

The properties which fetched the highest price in the county in April was for 3 Derrynane Holiday Homes in Caherdaniel for €2,205,000.

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In all, the latest figures show there were 11 residential properties sold in Kerry in April. Here’s where and for how much the properties in the Tralee area were sold (highest price first)…





• €260,000 THE SPA, TRALEE




• €222,000 69 COIS ABHAINN, TRALEE









• €175,000** 105 COIS ABHAINN, TRALEE


• €150,000 45 KERINS PARK, TRALEE

• €140,000 18 KERINS PARK, TRALEE


• €110,000 8 CHAPEL ST, TRALEE





• €44,660** CURRAHEEN, TRALEE,

** Denotes not full market price

For a full list of properties sold in Kerry in April, click here



Austin Stacks GAA Club News


Mens County League Div 2

Match report by Tim Slattery

Darragh O’Brien had Stacks opening point from a free after a foul on Greg Horan in the first minute and the home side were level within four minutes with a point from Darragh lynch.

Shane O’Callaghan had Stacks back in front with a point after good work from Paul O’Sullivan only for Eddie Healy with a point to level the match on seven minutes.

Listowel were back in front with two points in a row from Jack McElligott and Darragh Lynch after twelve minutes of play.

Cormac Mullvihill with a point and a goal from the boot of Eddie Healy had the home side in front by 1-5 to 0-2 after eighteen minutes.

Donagh McKivergan and Sam Tarrant traded points from frees only for Stacks to finish the half with two points in a row from Daniel Kirby and Darragh O’Brien.

Half Time Score Listowel Emmets 1-6 Austin Stacks 0-5

Stacks introduced Paddy Lane and Cian Purcell at the start of the second half and after six minutes both scored points from play to make it a two point game.

Aaron Carey and Jack Enright from a 45 had points to push the home side four ahead.
Back came Stacks Stacks with point from Greg Horan and a well taken goal from Daniel Kirby to level the match 1-8 each after seventeen minutes.

Paddy Lane had Stacks back in front with two points after good work from Cian Purcell.
Sam Tarrant from play left one point between the sides and with time up Sam Tarrant with a free from a difficult angle levelled the match.

Full Time Score Listowel Emmets 1-10 Austin Stacks 1-10

Austin Stacks Team: Michael Tansley,Colin Griffin,Colm Browne,Jack O’Shea,Luke Casey,Adam Curran,Paul O’Sullivan,Barry Shanahan,Daniel Kirby (1-1),Donagh McKivergan (0-1f),Greg Horan Capt (0-1),Fiachna Mangan,Darragh O’Brien (0-2,1f),Shane O’Callaghan (0-1),Ferdia O’Brien.

Subs Paddy Lane (0-3) for Shane O’Callaghan, Cian Purcell (0-1) for Ferdia O’Brien, David Fitzmaurice for Darragh O’Brien.
Daniel Kirby and Paddy Lane were both making their League debut for Austin Stacks Senior Team. Referee Peter Curtin Brosna.

Our next fixture will see us host Castleisland Desmond’s on Saturday June 1st at 7-30pm.

Mens County League DIV 5 Cup
Having secured their place in the Division 5 Cup our B team hosted Dr Crokes on Sunday. Going in at half time ahead on a score line of 0-07 to 0-04 after an excellent first half thier was great belief that we could start this phase of the league with a win.

However a huge second half performance from the visitors saw them out score us 1-05 to 0-02 to claim the win. Full time score, Austin Stacks 0-09 , Dr Crokes 1-09.
Our next fixture is against Scartaglen on Saturday 1st June in Currow at 6.30pm.

Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin

U21 Football Championship;
Match Report From Tim Tiger Slattery
Played in Connolly Park on Wednesday evening Stacks had their opening point from Noah Townsend and Rathmore drew level with a Fionn Murphy point followed by another point from a Ciaran Collins free.

Stacks had four points in a row from Daniel Kirby,two Paddy Lane frees and another Daniel Kirby point to make it a three point game after thirteen minutes.

Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin

Padraig Moynihan and a Ciaran Collins free for Rathmore made it a one point game.
Damien Hogan and Michael Dennehy traded points and Paddy Lane from play made it a two point game.

Sean McAuliffe with a goal and Ciaran Collins with two points had Rathmore ahead by three points 1-7 to 0-7 in the 25th minute.

Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin

Daniel Kirby with a point and within a minute Fionn Murphy replied for Rathmore,and deep in injury time Paddy Lane replied with a point for Stacks

Half time score Austin Stacks 0-9 Rathmore 1-8.

Donnacha Sayers from a free had Stacks opening point of the second half only for Ciaran Collins to goal for Rathmore to make it a four point game.

Stacks had four unanswered points from Conor Horan,Damien Hogan and two from Paddy Lane to level the match 2-8 to 0-14 in the 11th minute.

John Hughes and Daniel Kirby had points and within five minutes Rathmore had their third goal from the boot of Fionn Murphy to make it a three point game.

Stacks had three in row points from Paddy Lane,Shane Bastible and a Paddy Lane 45 to force extra time.

Full Time Score Austin Stacks 0-18 Rathmore 3-9.

Colm Browne and Conor Horan with points from play had Stacks ahead by two points at Half Time in Extra Time 0-20 to 3-9.

Paddy Lane had Stacks opening goal in the second half followed by points from Donnacha Sayers and Damien Hogan to make it a seven point game.

Michael Tansley pointed a 45 and a Conor Horan goal had the final score of the game.
Full Time Extra Time Austin Stacks 2-23 Rathmore 3-9

Austin Stacks Team: Michael Tansley (0-1/45,Sean Heaslip,Ruairi O’Connell,James Fisher,Cian Dillane,Luke Casey,Sean Og Brosnan,Cillian Litchfield,Colm Browne (0-1),Noah Townsend (0-1),Conor Horan Capt (1-2),Daniel Kirby (0-4),Paddy Lane (1-8,3f,1/45),Shane Bastible (0-1),Damien Hogan (0-3).

subs; Donnacha Sayers (0-2,1f) for Colm Browne,Padraig O’Halloran for Noah Townsend,Thomas Deregee for Shane Bastible,Colm Browne foe Cian Dillane,Evan Foley for Cillian Litchfield,Sean Moynihan for James Fisher.
Referee Denis Kennelly Moyvane.

We now travel to Kenmare on Wednesday May 29th for a quarter final tie against Kenmare Shamrocks. The game will be streamed live on ClubberTv and will be shown in the Austin Stacks GAA Club Bar.

2024 Intermediate Club Championship:
Austin Stacks have been drawn in Group A alongside Glenbeigh-Glencar, An Ghaeltacht & John Mitchels for the 2024 Intermediate Club Championship. The top two teams in each group will advance to the quarter Final stage.
Our opening fixture will be against John Mitchels at a neutral venue.
All Dates, Times & Venues to be confirmed.

This week’s (27th May) Jackpot worth €3500 was not won. ‘
The numbers drawn were 04-21-25-28. The five €20 winners were, Brendan Swords c/o The Club, Sarah Barry c/o The Club, Brendan Shalvey c/o The Club, Joe Everett c/o Carmel, Lisa Conway c/o The Club. Next Week’s Jackpot will be worth €3550.
Continued thanks to the following businesses for selling our Lotto tickets on a weekly basis – Kevin Barry’s Shop, Commanes Bookshop (PC Books), O’Flynns Interiors, Hussey’s, Princes St., The Burger Shack, Monavalley and Kirby’s Brogue Inn. And continued thanks to everyone who purchase tickets week-in, week-out.
Kerry Senior Mens V Meath:
Best of luck to Joe, Dylan, Armin, Joey and the Kerry Seniors as they take on Meath in Navan in Round 2 of the All Ireland Series on Sunday at 2pm. The game will be shown live in the Austin Stacks GAA Club Bar.

Kerry Senior Ladies v Donegal :
Best of luck Aoife, Darragh and the Kerry Senior Ladies team who will face Donegal in their first group game in the All Ireland series. The game is fixed for Sunday June 9th at 1-05pm in Ballybofey.

Kerry Minors v Roscommon:
Best of Luck to our Kerry Minors Captain Ben, Fionnan, Ronan, Gavin, Ryan, team manager Wayne, Jonathan(goalkeeping coach), Fionnann(physio) and the Kerry team when they take on Roscommon in the All Ireland Quarter Final which is to be played the weekend 8th/9th June.

Club Cards
Our card sessions continue in the Clubhouse on Mondays and Thursdays with the starting time of 9 pm sharp.

Club Bar:
We have plenty of live sport this week to keep you entertained. The main Sporting highlights this week will see the Quarter Final of the U21 County Championship streamed live on Wednesday night and then on Saturday our Senior Men host Castleisland Desmonds. Keep up to date with all the live sport we have to offer on our social media pages. Opening times this week for the Club Bar are as follows, Wednesday 6-45pm, Thursday 7-00pm, Friday 7-00pm, Saturday  6-00pm, Sunday 12-00pm, Monday 7-00pm.

Sincere Sympathy is offered to the families of the following who died recently,
Patrick Walsh Countess Road, Killarney, Kerry / Farranfore, father of Fr. Padraig a club member and great friend of our club for many years.
Nicholas Barry of Banna East and formerly Lisloose, Arthur Fitzgerald of Kerins Park Tralee, Gabrielle Harte of Castleview Fenit, Philomena Brosnan of Churchill, Heather Fletcher of Killeen Woods, Theresa Ann O’Sullivan (nee Griffin) of Shanakill and formerly Marian Park.



Free Concert, Fabulous Fashion And Great Racing In Listowel This Weekend

Serious Fun. Serious Style…Elaine Kinsella and Nicola O’Sullivan at a photo call to announce details of the forthcoming 3-day Listowel Races Whit Bank Holiday Meeting from Saturday 1st to Monday 3rd of June. Photo: John Kelliher

WITH the weather expected to be fine this weekend, Listowel is set to be buzzing for the three-day Listowel Races Whit Bank Holiday meeting from Saturday to Monday.

Coinciding with Listowel Writers Week, the highlights include a free concert by ABBA tribute band Waterloo on course on Saturday and the Best Dressed Lady Competition on Style Stakes Sunday with a cash prize fund of €1,000 judged by top TV and Radio Presenter, Elaine Kinsella.

Listowel Race Company are hosting a free concert during racing on a dedicated stage on the opening day of the festival Saturday 1st of June.

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Featuring top ABBA tribute band Waterloo, prepare to be a Dancing Queen and embrace the Listowel Races Summer festive vibe as Waterloo play all the hits from the Swedish Supergroup that are as popular today as their heyday in the early 80’s.

ABBA Waterloo are on at 4.30pm and afterwards, top DJ Ray Stack will keep the party in full swing playing all your favourite hits from the 70’s and 80’s. Bars will remain open on course until 8pm.

Top Radio and TV presenter, Elaine Kinsella who is the judge of the Best Dressed Lady at Style Stakes Sunday (2nd of June) at Listowel Races. Photo John Kelliher.

On Sunday 2nd of June, the prestigious Style Stakes Sunday returns with an all-cash prize fund for the Best Dressed Lady judged by the always glamorous top TV and Radio Presenter Elaine Kinsella.

The winning lady will receive €500 cash and the first two runners-up each receive €250. Judging will commence on course at 2.00pm, finalists will be interviewed on the main stage and the overall winners will be announced in the parade ring after the 5th race.

The festival features two days of National Hunt action on Saturday and Monday and one day of Flat on Sunday.

Racing highlights include The Anglo Printers Remembering John H. Kierans Mares Hurdle of €18,000 on Saturday 1st; the Irish EBF Median Sires Series Maiden of €25,000 on Sunday 2nd and the Join Racing TV Now Handicap Hurdle of €22,000 on Monday 3rd of June.

The Listowel Races Summer Meeting is the first of two meetings at the scenic Listowel Race Course, with the second 7-day Harvest Racing Festival meeting from Sunday 22nd to Saturday 28th of September 2024.

Admission is only €15 each day / OAP / Students: €12 and children under 12 have free admission to the race course when accompanied by an adult.

Generous group discounts are also available. For more information on tickets, and events visit or call (068) 21144. To book corporate hospitality and 021 4319398.



Spa/Fenit Branch Of Kerry Hospice To Host Summer Barbecue At The Tankard


FANCY a night of music, dancing and some barbecued delights?

Well the good people at the Spa/Fenit Branch of the Kerry Hospice Foundation are hosting an event to satisfy those appetites in mid-June.

For the first time in 12 years, they are hosting a Summer Barbecue at The Tankard Restaurant in Kilfenora on Friday, June 14.

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The event is sure to be a sell out event so the advice is to book your tickets early from any of the committee members or pop in to The Tankard where tickets will be available.

Tickets are €30, which includes a complimentary drink, so I’m sure you’ll agree it’s good value for an entertaining night out for a great cause. All we need now is the rain to stay away!



Minister Announces 108 New Beds At University Hospital Kerry


THE Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly TD has announced an additional 580 beds for the South West healthcare region under the new Acute Hospital Inpatient Bed Capacity Expansion Plan.

This includes 108 new beds in University Hospital Kerry. The plan has been introduced in response to the ongoing Health Service Capacity Review and aims to bring the number of beds in HSE South West from 2.1 per 100,000 people to 2.6.

The plan includes:

• 342 new beds in Cork University Hospital
• 108 new beds in University Hospital Kerry
• 82 new beds in Mercy University Hospital
• 24 new beds in Mallow General Hospital
• 24 new beds in Bantry General Hospital

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]Minister Donnelly said: “I am delighted to be announcing this significant expansion of hospital beds across four hospitals in the South West region.

“This investment recognises that our growing and ageing population are placing more demands on our healthcare services and I am determined to drive forward with expansion that ensures people have access to the right care in the right place at the right time.”



MTU Tralee Campus To Host Symposium On Rare Diseases Next Month


MUNSTER Technological University (MTU) Tralee is set to host the All-Ireland Rare Disease Interdisciplinary Research Network (RAiN) symposium on Monday, June 10 from 11am-4:30pm. This symposium is open to anyone living with or interested in rare diseases.

Rare diseases, while individually uncommon, collectively pose a significant challenge to the global population, affecting approximately 350 million people worldwide.

In Ireland, the situation is particularly stark, with an estimated 410,000 individuals grappling with rare diseases, a staggering 70% of whom are children and young people.

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RAIN directly responds to this pressing research gap, providing a platform for the voices of individuals and families to be heard and actively contribute to research that directly impacts them.

RAiN is funded by the Department of the Taoiseach’s office through the Shared Island New Foundations Awards and UCD Strategy funding.

RAIN represents a collaborative effort to address the unique needs of families affected by rare diseases, amplifying their voices and driving meaningful change.

The network involves University College Dublin (UCD), Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and 33 partner organisations across the Republic and Northern Ireland, including Munster Technological University. RAiN is co-led by Associate Professor Suja Somanadhan (UCD) and Prof. AJ McKnight (QUB).

Speaking ahead of the symposium, Dr. Somanadhan said, “Rare diseases affect hundreds of thousands of people across the island of Ireland. It is imperative that we continue to make progress in our research of these conditions to better assist those living with them. Events like the symposium at MTU Tralee provide essential learning and networking opportunities for people living with rare diseases and early career researchers. These events help to develop a community of practice and encourage those investigating rare diseases to further progress their research.”

For more information on attending the symposium, call RAiN Coordinator Melissa Kinch at

For more information on RAiN, see the network’s website –



New Strategy To Support Roma Families Launched In Tralee

Pictured are Sean Lyons Chair TIRC , Mary Carroll TIRC , Vanessa Covaci Roma Researcher , Priscilla Lynch Head of Primary Care HSE , Dr Patricia Kennedy Lead Researcher and Isac Ianko Roma Researcher at the launch of a HSE-funded health strategy supporting Roma families in Kerry and Cork in the Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC). Photo By : Domnick Walsh © Eye Focus LTD.

A NEW HSE-funded health strategy supporting Roma families in Kerry and Cork – ‘Te Rodel Nevo Drom’ (We are looking for A New Way) – was launched on Tuesday morning in the Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC).

Commissioned by TIRC in December 2022, with support from HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, Dr Patricia Kennedy took on the role as lead researcher for the project to develop a strategy for Roma Families in Cork and Kerry, in collaboration with Roma peer researchers (‘experts by experience’) and with the guidance of a research advisory group.

There are 375 members of the Roma community in Kerry, the vast majority in Tralee (240). A consultation process, which involved talking with over 60 representatives from the Roma community, NGOs and statutory agencies, was completed between January and April 2023.

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Co-ordinator of Tralee International Resource Centre, Mary Carroll, welcomed the strategy: “We have been working with the Roma community for many years and this research is the voice of the Roma in Kerry and Cork themselves, which is the key to the way forward and effecting real change for this community – who have experienced significant levels of adversity.

“The findings cover the health and social needs of the Roma and the key is that they have been translated into actions – some of which can be progressed immediately, while others will require longer term planning and resources.

“Actions include the need to improve awareness of policy makers and providers, to celebrate Roma culture, increase access to translation and interpretation, develop a Roma Info-line and work specifically with Roma women. The complexity of the issues identified indicate there is a need for the establishment of a multi-agency response and the recruitment of Roma Peer workers to improve links between the Roma community and health and social services.”

Head of Primary Care for HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Priscilla Lynch said: “I am delighted to see this Roma Community health strategy come together after input from so many committed researchers and stakeholders. I am particularly pleased to acknowledge the role of Tralee International Resource Centre in this area, as they support the Roma in Kerry.”

A summary of the strategy details is available in leaflet format, and in several languages for the Roma community to access.

It is available from TIRC on 066 712 7918 or by emailing The strategy document is available on .



Killarney National Park Tops In Ireland In Natura 2000 ‘BioBlitz’ Celebration

Sean O’Brien, NPWS, left and Adam Mulvhill, exploring Killarney National Park. Photo: Valerie O’Sullivan

Killarney National Park topped the poll in Ireland in a competition with fellow European nature sites and reserves to help identify and record as many species in one day.

Killarney National Park managed the most in Ireland, with a massive 513 species identified, 899 observations, with 11 observers, in the Natura 2000 ‘BioBlitz’ celebration 2024, the highlight of Biodiversity week in Killarney National Park.

The National Park came 9th overall in Europe, while Veluwe National Park in the Netherlands came first – with 1472 species, having a  huge advantage of 1515 observers at the weekend.

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It was a great result for Killarney National Parks, Conservation Rangers, General Operatives, Education Staff, and many volunteers who came together at the weekend to take part in the event.

A record number of species were confirmed by Chris Barron and the education team, who were also on hand to help identify and record the Killarney National Park results.



Joe Says Farewell To Kerry College After Nearly 50 Years In Teaching

Joe Kelly at his retirement in the Clash Campus on Tuesday. Seated in front is Joe (centre) with Deputy Principal Denny Street John Skinner, Deputy Principal Clash Campus Carmel Kelly, CEO of Kerry ETB Colm McEvoy and Principal of Kerry College Stephen Goulding. Photo by Dermot Crean

THE teaching faculty at Kerry College stood and applauded Joe Kelly as he entered the canteen on Tuesday morning to acknowledge a man who has given nearly 50 years of service in education.

The teacher and coordinator of the Construction Technology course at the Clash Campus was a little overwhelmed at the impromptu gathering and show of affection from his colleagues as he prepared to say farewell.

CEO of Kerry ETB, Colm McEvoy, described Joe as a “legend” in the teaching world and said he had never attended a retirement for someone who had given such length of service in teaching.

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On behalf of all at Kerry ETB, he wanted to thank Joe from the bottom of their hearts for a job well done, for serving generations of students and for being a great colleague to all. Mr McEvoy wished him well in his retirement.

An emotional Joe composed himself to thank everyone for the surprise gathering. He thanked Principal Stephen Goulding for giving him tremendous support over the years and the staff for being wonderful colleagues.

Principal of Kerry College Stephen Goulding speaking at Joe Kelly’s retirement.

Joe said he would miss his colleagues and would call in “now and again” to see them.

“You do wonderful work and you don’t get praised enough. I want say a very special thanks for being good comrades to me and supporting me at all times. I wish you all the best in your careers and remember, the student has to be the focus of your attention at all times,” he said.

“I had a great career and I’m happy going, but I’m unhappy in another way because I wish I could go on forever. But when Father Time taps you on the shoulder, it’s time to move aside,” said Joe.

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Joe began his teaching career in St. Davids CBS, Artane, Dublin, in January 1976, where he taught woodwork, graphics, and construction studies to Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle students.

It was a good time for Joe to be in Dublin because back then Kerry football enjoyed the ‘Golden Years’ team which meant Kerry were well able for The Dubs.

In 1980, Joe joined the staff of Moyderwell Vocational School under the auspices of The Town of Tralee V.E.C.

Joe’s C.E.O. at the time was Mr. John Falvey and the VEC chairman was Mr. Michael O’Regan. Joe’s principal was Mr. PJ Breen and deputy principal was Mr. Richard Chute, RIP.

CEO of Kerry ETB Colm McEvoy with Joe Kelly.

Joe had a half day on Wednesdays for sport, and the fields around the sport complex were full with participating students, where Joe had five teams of 15 for hurling.

In the school year 1986-87, TCC won a Munster Senior “B” hurling title, beating Scoil Stiofán Naofa from Cork City, in Austin Stacks Park, where the referee was none other than the all-time great from Kilkenny, Christy Heffernan.

TCC joint captains were Anthony Gleeson from John Mitchels and Brendan O’Mahony from Crotta O’Neills.

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As the school developed, the Senior Cycle and Transition Year students moved to Clash where they joined in with the RTC students, with the Junior Cycle students remaining in Moyderwell.

Joe Kelly with his wife Carmel at Kerry College Clash Campus on Tuesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

Then came the amalgamation of The Town of Tralee VEC with County Kerry VEC under the guidance of Dr. Barney O’Reilly CEO. During this period of time, teachers were often timetabled in both Moyderwell and Clash which meant teachers had to travel between centres.

In 1982, Joe heard from a colleague in St. Davids that a number of his former students lost their lives in the Stardust Fire Disaster, the only sad point in a career spanning 48 and a half years’ service.

In the early 1990s, Tralee Community College won a second Senior “B” hurling title, coached by Joe and Mr. Thomas Fitzmaurice and captained jointly by Pat Driscoll and Eamonn Ferris from Ardfert.

Around this time Joe turned his attention to developing a Post Leaving Certificate course in Construction Technology. The course was highly successful and it prepared learners for the world of work with many learners progressing on to apprenticeships, self-employment, and third level.

In Tralee Community College with Mr. Billy Curtin as Principal, Joe was Year Head for all students and served on the College Board of Management for two terms.

He also served as TUI staff representative on the Kerry Education Service Board for one term with Dr. Barney O’Reilly as CEO, attending a number of TUI Congresses as a Branch delegate and another term with Mr Colm McEvoy as CEO.

Over a long number of years, there was an increase in interest within the Community College staff towards dividing the college into two separate entities, 2nd Level Post- Primary and Further Education and Training in the form of PLC.

This long-term objective came to fruition when visionary CEO of the newly formed ETB Mr. Colm McEvoy took the decision to separate the then TCC into Coláiste Gleann Lí and Kerry College of Further Education.

Joe’s role then moved to teacher and coordinator of the Construction Technology course within Kerry College, Clash Campus.

The final years of nearly half a century of teaching has been spent under the Leadership of Principal Mr. Stephen Goulding who has been tasked with progressing the new Kerry College.

Joe wished to express his sincere thanks to Stephen and to all the other seven Principals, Deputy Principals, four CEOs, all the staff in Kerry ETB Head Office and all his teaching colleagues that have supported him throughout his teaching years and for the many years of friendship and comradery he has enjoyed.

As a classroom teacher with the Town of Tralee VEC, Kerry Education Services and Kerry ETB, Joe said it was a pleasure to work in a scheme where the Student/Learner educational and support services were second to none and easily accessible to all.

Joe is married to Carmel who is Deputy Principal at the Clash Campus and they live in Listowel. They have four children with three going into the teaching profession and one in secondary school with designs on the same path.

Best of luck to Joe on his well-deserved retirement.



A Wonder-ful Weekend Ahead At The Ashe And Roundy’s Bar



THE Ashe Hotel and Roundy’s Bar have a fantastic line-up of entertainment to kick start the summer this June Bank Holiday Weekend.

With ‘WONDER’ at Roundy’s Bar this Saturday you can experience a night of funk, soul and disco celebrating Motown Records artists and the music catalogue of the legendary Stevie Wonder.


DJ Paudi Cronin and Rob Condon are on the turntables with Mossie Shea on Sax, as they journey through Stevie Wonder’s iconic catalogue, paying tribute to his profound influence on the world of music.

It’s an event not to be missed, setting the stage for an unforgettable summer night.


This special evening promises to deliver the perfect soundtrack to a summer’s night, with groovy beats and soulful melodies that will have everyone dancing. Doors open from 6pm and WONDER starts at 9pm and admission is FREE.

Roundy’s is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the June Bank Holiday from 6pm.

Across at The Ashe Hotel, join local musician Daithi O’Regan Saturday evening the 1st of June from 8pm for an evening of live music in Alfie’s Bar. Sit back and relax with a cocktail while enjoying a mix of contemporary and classic songs.

To make a reservation for Alfie’s Restaurant please call 0667106300.



Mary Lucey: Advice On Supporting Leaving Cert Students Before And During Exams

Mary Lucey.

Mary Lucey of Career Ahead has some advice for parents/ guardians on how to support students as the State exams loom…

It is without doubt that every parent/guardian wants the best for their child on the run up to and during the Leaving Certificate examinations.

I am always amused by the feedback I get from parents around this time, especially if it is the first child in the family undertaking the exams.

As one father told me; “Not only is my daughter doing the leaving cert, but the entire household is doing it with her!”

Below are some tips for parents/guardians – based on my own personal experience working with thousands of students and their parents.  These should help leading up to and during the Leaving Certificate exams.

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Encourage students to Self-Manage

Allow the Leaving Certificate students to take control and drive their own study and revision sessions rather than hounding them and monitoring all they are doing.

It is important to remember too if they progress to college or further studies; they will be entirely responsible for their own work.

Not self-managing their work is one of the reasons that first year college students fail their exams.

While some parents offer incentives to encourage studying and for attaining certain grades in the Leaving Certificate; the student will get far more value if they realise that they personally will reap the rewards of hard work.

The drive should come from within to do well and not from an external factor such as the promise of money.

The significance of the Leaving Certificate

It is important for all involved to realise that, while the Leaving Certificate is currently significant in your and your child’s life, it will not make or break a person.

While at this present time, it may seem the most important thing in the world, it is equally important to remember that it is not.  It is a means to an end.

A means that, in a lot of cases, does not reflect the full potential or abilities of a student.   Having a great future and leading a full and rewarding life is not solely dependent on the outcome of the Leaving Certificate.

Have realistic expectations

As parents or guardians, you need to be aware and accept your student’s historical pattern of results and how these relate to potential CAO points.  Every parent/guardian wants their child to do their very best and to be happy with their results.

Students should not be pressurised to aim for a 600 points course if parents/guardians know that with hard work and effort, the scope of their ability is 400 points.

When Leaving Certificate results are released, I always believe that it is most disheartening to see images of 600-point students with School Principals in the media; when a student who achieves half those results ie 300 points, may have worked equally as hard and put in the same effort; but not get the same recognition.

Be aware of different abilities within families

Don’t compare siblings, each person is an individual, in their aptitudes and abilities, and how they will perform in exam settings.  One may be very well suited to rote learning and then regurgitating material for the Leaving Certificate formal examination scenario.

A sibling may struggle to perform with this type of learning style and examination scenario, this needs to be taken into consideration. It does not mean one is better than the other.

Encourage rather than nag (if possible!)

It is tempting to constantly tell the Leaving Certificate student that they should be in their room studying when you see them ‘hanging around’. When this nagging approach is used; it just causes friction and upset, negatively impacting the entire family.

Provide Practical Support

Good nutritious food is important leading up to and during the Leaving Certificate exams.  The odd treat is also nice for a student, who is working hard.  It is important that students eat well and drink plenty of water to ensure they are well set up physically to perform to the best of their ability.

Continue with Hobbies/Pastimes

Do not stop a Leaving Certificate student from keeping up their hobby/interest/sport when studying for the exams.  It is reasonable, however, to discourage such activities to take place for hours on end, every night of the week.

From a mental and physical health perspective, at regular intervals over the week, such activities and breaks from study are hugely beneficial to the student and will keep a balanced perspective on the looming exams.

Students and parents/guardians need to be aware of the various options after the Leaving Certificate outside of CAO and third-level colleges. 

Apprenticeships (leading to the same qualification as a college degree in some cases) and Further Education and Training (PLC Courses & Traineeships) provide great alternatives and thus remove the pressure of the Leaving Certificate alone determining careers.  It is well worth researching these very cost-effective options.

Try and keep things as normal as possible leading up to and during the exams.

The students will hear nothing but talk about the Leaving Certificate in schools, in the media, on social media, contributing to increased levels of stress and anxiety.

It is normal for them to be somewhat nervous as that shows they care about the outcome, so their feelings should not be dismissed.

Ensure to keep some time for regular fun family activities together. Ensure normal sleeping patterns are followed, discourage very late or all-night study sessions; this will impact on their ability to work/perform the next day.

The more normal everybody behaves, and the more relaxed the atmosphere in the house at this time, the better the student will function and perform.

• Contact Mary Lucey Career Ahead on at or at 0879338941



Tralee Golf Club News


Senior Ladies Results Monday 20th May. Champagne Scramble.

1st: Nuala Dawson (10), Joan Costello (11) & Pearl McGillicuddy (21) = 48 Points
2nd: Mary Savage ((7), Angela Deenihan (14) & Philomena Stack (15) = 46 Points (Countback)

Senior Men’s Results Wednesday 22nd May.

Result of 12 hole competitions played on Wednesday May 22nd

White tees

1st  Eamon Fitzgerald (13) 22 pts

2nd Conor Stack (16) 21 pts

Green tees

1st Tom Moore (17) 24 pts

2nd Eddie Enright (29) 23 pts

3rd Gerard Mc Namara (20) 22 pts last 9 holes

4th Noel Barrett (25) 22 pts

Wednesday 22nd May 18 Holes Singles Stableford & Stroke Competition
Sponsored by Seamus O’Sullivan Butchers:

Stroke Competition:

1st : Catherine McCarthy 88 gross – 16  = 72 nett

Stableford Competition:

1st: Anne Rafferty (38) 36 points (Countback)
2nd: Kay Fitzgerald (32) 36 points`

Ladies Slattery Cup Stroke 25&26th May (Kindly Sponsored by Dan Fitzgerald)

1st Veronique Lostal-Davern 95-25=70

Ladies Singles Stableford: 25&26th May (Kindly Sponsored by Dan Fitzgerald

1st: Mary Mullins 40pts (39)

2nd:   Ber Walsh 35pts  (17) Countback

Sunday 26th May

MC 5- Lady Presidents Prize to Men- Sponsor Meadowlands Hotel

1st Derek O’Brien (17)  38pts

2nd Tom Egan  (15)      37pts

3rd Danny Leen (08)     36pts

Best Gross- Eoghan O Donnell (+2) 37pts

Jason Daly  (7)    35 pts
Graham Spring (1)  35 pts

Michael Quirke (12)   35 pts
John P O Brien  (11)  33 pts

Div. 3
Michael G Sheehy (15)  35 pts
Padraig Teehan   (15)  34 pts

Div. 4
Des Fitzgerald (18)   34 pts
Moss O Connor  (20)   33 pts

Back 9 – David Bridges (15)  18 pts

Easiest holes- 9,13,7
Hardest holes- 12,5,10



Austin Stacks GAA Juvenile Club News


PEIL FAOI 7/8/9: Once again, great Under 7/8/9 football was played last Sunday morning. More football at 11am on Sunday next (2nd June). Bí linn! Fáilte roimh chách!

PEIL FAOI 11: (i) Our usual Sunday session will take place this coming weekend…..11am ar an Domhnach (2ú Meitheamh). (ii) Another brilliant U11 GoGames session took place on Thursday last. D’imir gach duine go han-mhaith! Well done, boys! We look forward to another good session on Thursday next at 6.30pm.

PEIL FAOI 13: (i) On Sunday last (May 26th) our U13B boys challenged Kilcummin in Phase 2 of the County League (Division 13A). Imríodh an cluiche i gCill Chuimín. ‘Well done’ to our boys who did well. (ii) Also, on Sunday last (May 26th) our U13A lads travelled to Kilcummin and played the East Kerry boys in Phase 2 of the County League (Division 1A). Well done, boys! (iii) Training will take place as usual on Tuesday night at the MTU.

PEIL FAOI 15: (i) U15 Division 2 County League champions: Conor O’Regan; Mark Riordan, Oran O’Donoghue, Fionn Cotter; Ryan O’Carroll, Eoin Mangan, Darragh Lyons; Jamie Casey, Ben Litchfield; Jack Delaney, David Hobbert, Michael Cotter; Danny Lane, Barry Laide, Denis Brassil; David Ahern, Ryan O’Flaherty, Joe de Barra, Noah Reidy, Harry Murphy, Jayden O’Dowd. Coaches: Tim McMahon, Pa Laide, Eoghan Ó Gealbháin, Ger Hobbert.

Our young warriors are now thinking about and planning for the Central League. Up The Rock U15s!!

(ii) The Central League is next on the agenda of our U15B footballers who were unlucky in the County League (Division 9) semi-final. They are now in preparation for the Central League…an tSraith Láir.

The Rock U15B stalwarts: Barry Laide; Conor Murphy, Oisín Cotter, Diarmuid Hennessy; Mark Riordan, Seán McCannon, Ryan O’Flaherty; Joe de Barra, Fionn Cotter; Tadhg Somers, David Ahern, Liam Swords; Noah Reidy, Kyle Yoxhall, Dean Courtney; Tom Dawson, Eliot Calleja, Ewan Canty, Nathan O’Connor, Ediart Topali, John Riordan, Mark Foley, Joe O’Halloran, Alex O’Flaherty, Séamus Keenan.

SCRÚDUITHE: Best wishes to all our players who are facing school examinations….especially those atá ag tabhairt aghaidh ar an Teastas Sóisearach agus ar an Ardteist.

FAOI 17: Our Minors: Olivier Lata; Leon Sweeney, Gabriel Maszorek, Max Maszorek; Rian Walsh, Adam Johnston, Alex Touhy; Cormac Bastible, Jack Ó Duigín; Rory Ó Loinsigh, Jack Shanahan, Tadhg Falvey; Brian Kavanagh, Jay O’Connor, Jayden Moriarty; Jake Carmody, David Mullins, Max Grzybowsky, Aodhán Horgan. Bainisteoir: Theo Ó Duigín. Roghnóirí: Liam Lynch, Frankie Murphy, David Courtney. An Charraig Abú!

FAOI 21: Having defeated Rathmore, our U21s challenged Kenmare Shamrocks and gave a good account of themselves in the Acorn Life U21 County Championship quarter final in Kenmare on Wednesday (29th).

The men of The Rock: Mícheál Tansley; Seán Heaslip, Ruairí Ó Conaill, Séamus Ó Bradáin; Cian Ó Duilleáin, Lúcás Ó Cathasaigh, Seán Óg Ó Brosnacháin; Cillian Litchfield, Colm de Brún, Noah Townsend; Conchúr Ó hÓráin (captaen), Dónal Ó Ciarba; Paidí Ó Laighin, Seán de Bastábla, Damien Ó hÓgáin; Donnacha Mac an tSaoir, Pádraig Ó hAllmharáin, Thomas Deregee, Eimhín Ó Foghlú, Seán Ó Muimhneacháin.

CLUB GEAR: Club merchandise from O’Neills. Log into

BUÍOCHAS: Thanks to all club lotto supporters and especially to (i) The Brogue, Sráid na Carraige, (ii) Siopa Chaoimhín de Barra, Ollmhargadh Grósaera na Carraige, (iii) PC Books, Sráid na Carraige, (iv) O’Flynn Interiors, Sráid na Carraige, (v) Hussey’s Deli and Newsagency, Cé an Phrionsa, (vi) The Burger Shack, Móin an Bhealaigh.

KERRY SENIORS: (i) Go n-éirí le Joe, Dylan, Armin, Joey and Kerry v An Mhí. (ii) Go n-éirí le Dara Ó Lúing, le hAoife Ní Dhuilleáin agus Mná na Ríochta ina gcéad chluiche mór eile.

CIARRAÍ FAOI 17: Good wishes to Wayne and his Kerry minors as they prepare for their next encounter. The Rock boys on the panel: Ben Ó Murchú (an captaen), Fionnán Ó Riain, Rónán Ó Cearúill, Gavin Ó Cathasaigh, Ryan Ó Drisceoil.

MARATÓN: Under 15 mentor, Eoghan Ó Gealbháin, is preparing to run in the Cork City marathon on Sunday June 2. Sponsorship welcome. All funds raised from this fundraising effort will go towards the St. Ita’s and St. Joseph’s School fund; the school is currently fundraising to buy a new bus.

He intends to wear a blue Kerins-O’Rahilly Club jersey as a friend has promised to give the fund €200 for doing so……unless, dar ndóigh, a member of ANOTHER club tempts him with a better offer! Anois do sheans! Would he run better in a Black‘n’Amber geansaí?

AIMSIR: And, hopefully agus le cúnamh Dé, the weather is improving. ‘Samhradh, samhradh, bainne na ngamhna; thugamar féin an samhradh linn! Samhradh buí na nóinín’ glégeal’; thugamar féin an samhradh linn. Summer, summer, milk of the calves; we have brought the summer in! Yellow summer of clear bright daisies; we have brought the summer in.



Kerins O’Rahillys GAA Club News



Dr Crokes maintained their 100% run in the county league with a comprehensive win in Strand Road on Sunday winning on a final scoreline of 1-15 to 1-08.

We made a number of changes following last week’s defeat to Dingle with the return of our U20 trio – Tomás Kennedy, making his senior county league debut, and Ben & Darragh slotting in at wing forward and corner forward respectively – Shane Foley returned in goal following his recovery from injury with Shane McElligott replacing the unfortunate Padraig Griffin who was injured in the warm up.

Dr Crokes opened the scoring through Tom Doyle in the 3rd minute but we replied in kind via Darragh O’Connor and took the lead when Shane McElligott raced through to raise the white flag on six minutes.

These were to be our only scores of the first half however as wind assisted, the Lewis Road side took over in the middle third and made life very difficult for our defensive sextet.

Tormentor in chief was former Kerry player Micheál Burns who was at the centre of their attacks and who had four points on the board by the halfway point – two from play and two from frees.

Burns was ably assisted by his fellow half forwards and midfield with the deep lying Daithi Casey orchestrating attacks at will – as a result we found ourselves behind at the short whistle by 0-09 points, 1-08 to 0-02 with Shane Foley having come to our aid on two occasions.

We fired the opening scores of the second half with a good point from Darragh O’Connor and when Barry John was found on the edge of the square by Conor Hayes he duly found the bottom corner of the net with a lovely left footed effort – the hoped for revival was short lived however as Micheál Burns again was on target with the next two points.

We introduced both David Moran and Tommy Walsh midway through the 2nd half and with both on the score sheet we continued to apply some pressure though the Killarney side saw out the game better with the final 3 points.

We make the journey to Gallarus next weekend for round 9 on Sat evening.

Team: Shane Foley, Darragh McElligott, Ross O’Callaghan, Stephen Nix, TJ Heaphy, Donagh Buckley, Daniel Bowler, Tom Hoare, Jake Foley, Ben Hanafin, BJ Keane, Shane McElligott, Darragh O’Connor, Tomás Kennedy, Conor Hayes.

Subs: David Moran, Tommy Walsh, Ryan Carroll, Jake Hoare.

Div 6 League Cup:

Beaufort proved too strong for our B team on Sunday winning on a scoreline of 1-10 to 0-08.

Juvenile Academy:

Dedicated is the word that pops to mind for all our juveniles as they turned up Sunday morning in huge numbers for the Academy.

It was heartwarming to see so many in attendance despite the inclement weather.

They were all so enthusiastic as they took to the pitches with their coaches and enjoyed their training session and games.

Well done to every child for their massive effort at the academy and thank you to their coaches for planning out their training sessions and to the parents who bring them every Sunday thank you also- with go games coming up in all age groups it is important that everyone turns up for training as much as they can.

U8 Girls:

Another fantastic display of football today by our U8 Girls despite the conditions as they travelled to play Castleisland Desmond’s.

Every girl showed great enthusiasm and team spirit throughout their games with Castleisland Desmond’s.

From our goalie to our forwards midfielders and backs everyone put in a huge effort and worked the ball up and down the pitch nicely.  Well done to all the girls and thank you to their parents for bringing them. Thank you also to Castleisland Desmond’s and we look forward to playing you again in Ballyrickard.


U9 Boys:

Sunday morning our U9 boys hosted Castleisland Desmonds in the next round of Go-Games at Pat Healy Park. The conditions didn’t dampen their enthusiasm, and they played some fantastic football.  Each week, these young Narries continue to improve and develop their skills. Well done to all the players! Thank you to Castleisland Desmond’s for coming in to play us.

U10 Girls

U10 Girls:

Even though the weather didn’t play ball, the U10 KOR girls had plenty of ball in their match against Castleisland Desmond’s. Our structure today was very good with most girls showing good awareness of the responsibilities of their role.

A lively midfield of Isabella, Grace and Roisin gave some lovely balls into the forwards. A very solid backline of Ella, Alice, Orla and Alison kept Castleisland at bay with Abbey making some great saves in goal.

Overall you’d be very happy with how the girls moved the ball, especially in the conditions. The forward line of Caoimhe, Georgia,Lauren and Kaela were at hand to finish off any of the moves by the midfielders. Well played girls!

Thank you to Castleisland Desmond’s and we look forward to having ye to visit us soon.

U11 Boys:

A Great performance Thursday night from our u11 boys in sunny Ardfert. It was brilliant to see the skills and teamwork to the fore. Some fantastic scores and plays throughout the game.  Keep up the good work everyone and the practice at home. Phase two will take place this week, fixtures to be confirmed.

U13 Boys:

Our U13 KOR A teams winning streak came to an end Sunday evening in Ballyrickard against a very well organised Laune Rangers team on a  score line of  1-06 to 1-09. Conor Ryan showed very well all game and Tiernan Brosnan was outstanding at centre back but the visitors left deserved winners on the day.

On a positive note the great run the boys were on still affords them top spot in Division 3 County League Phase 2 so we’ll be awaiting a home fixture Semifinal. We’re sure the boys will bounce back better and be looking forward to the games ahead.

The B team had no fixture this weekend as they had a bye so back to training Wednesday evening and await the next fixtures.


The registration officer will be in touch over the next few weeks with those who have not paid membership.  If you are having any difficulty paying your membership again we ask you to reach out and we will be more than happy to help you.

Do you have unwanted football boots, club jerseys/tops etc?

In a bid to reduce, reuse and recycle we are seeking donations! If you have some usable and clean unwanted gear that no longer fits your child and would like to donate, please bring it to Academy Sunday mornings. We will then have a stall setup over the coming weeks with all items received available to our members for a small donation.

Ladies Notes:

U12 Girls:

Our U12 Girls played at Home vs Abbeydorney in a challenge game Thursday night. The girls played out of their skin.

Excellent skills on show from our backs to midfield and some super scores from our forwards. Best performance of the season so far and the girls deserve all the credit with their work rate. Thanks to Abbeydorney for coming to us.

Under 14 girls.

U14 Girls: 

Our U14 Strand Rd team made the short journey to Connolly Park to play Austin Stacks Sunday evening.  Some great football was on display throughout the game from both sides.  Austin Stacks were still in it at half time, but an excellent second half display by our forwards, particularly Lily Hussey and Ava O’Donoghue, sealed the victory for our girls.

Special mention to our captain, birthday girl Rachel Ahern, who was again a powerhouse at midfield and sealed another great performance with a great goal; and our new goalie Erica Balode, who put in another solid display between the posts.  Well done to both teams.

Final score:

Strand Rd: 6 – 1

Austin Stacks: 1 – 4

Our U14 Kerins O’Rahillys team  play ISG in Dromore on Wednesday evening in the County League.

U16 Girls:

Two more good tough training sessions this week with our older girls representing us at minor level again, still some players on the resting list as our final is next our game.  We had a boost to our side with Lilly getting back to training and U14’s coming up to train with us.

Minor Ladies

Minor Ladies:

Our minor ladies, captained by Sadhbh, hosted Beaufort in a back game in Division 3 of the Co. League Tuesday evening.

Kerins O’ Rahillys took the win, making it three wins out of five in the league. Great heart shown by all of our players. Well done to both teams on an exciting game.

Final Score:

Kerins O’ Rahillys 4-13

Beaufort 3-11

Senior Ladies

Senior Ladies:

KOR  Senior Ladies played Listowel at home in Ballyrickard  Sunday morning in the Donal Curtin Cup. Fantastic football on display and  well done to everyone.

Final Score:

KOR 4 – 10

Listowel 2-9

KOR Mothers and Others

Mothers and Others: 

Many thanks to Mná Chiarraí Thiar who hosted a G4M&O blitz  on Saturday.  It was the first time our newly formed group of fantastic ladies played and they had a ball. Next Wednesday, May 29th we will welcome Abbeydorney to Pat Healy Park, Ballyrickard at 8p.m.  All are welcome.

Keep in touch:

If you have something newsworthy we would love to hear from you – you can contact us on the club phone on 085 2095001 or via Messenger on Facebook.



St Pats GAA Club News

Young members of St Pats GAA Club are joined by Club Chairman Sean Daly, PRO Sharon Williams, sponsors Michael Moriarty 3D Personnel, George and Liam Poff Poff Motors and John Vahey Divane’s Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and John Lenihan at the launch of the Dingle Way Challenge. Photo by Dermot Crean

Dingle Way Challenge

We are pleased to announce that our Dingle Way Challenge is back for another year. This event takes place on Sunday 2nd of June.

Please find details of the two routes below we have available this year for you to choose from.

Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a first timer, looking for a challenge this year’s Dingle Way Challenge promises an unforgettable journey through the rugged beauty of the West Kerry peninsula.

The allure of the 2024 Dingle Way Challenge lies in the diverse landscapes of the routes. For the Ultra route (42Km) starting at Coumeenole, through the lovely town of Dingle, onto Lispole and finishing in Annascaul.

The Standard Route (30Km) will start at beautiful Ventry beach, through the lovely town of Dingle, onto Lispole and finishing in Annascaul.

Register on-line through Eventbrite, Registration fee: €75 (transaction charge will be added)

Check in on the morning of 2nd June will be in St Pat’s GAA Club, Blennerville, Tralee and buses will be available to take you to the start points of the Routes. More detailed information on the eventbrite page  Dingle Way Challenge 2024 Tickets, Sun 2 Jun 2024 at 05:00 | Eventbrite.

Since our Eventbrite page went live, many have booked their place. There are limited numbers for this event so be quick you don’t want to miss this great day out!

Club Lotto

There was no winner of our club Lotto Jackpot of €2600 on Sunday night last the numbers drawn were 02,14,17 & 28. The five €30 euro consolation prizes went to:

1.      John Colivet Annagh
2.      Cillian Enright Derrymore East
3.      Pat Enright Online
4.      Kieran O’Dwyer Lohercannon
5.      Sheila & Mike Greaney Annagh

Next week’s Lotto will have a Jackpot of €2700 and the draw will take place on Sunday Night 03/06/2024 at 9pm in Keane’s of Curraheen club lotto can be played online through the club website online at from any club officer, or at the following outlets:
O’Shea Shop and Service Station Blennerville
Poff Motors Dingle Road
Seamus O’Sullivan Master Butchers Manor
Noyeks Mile Height
Skelper Quane
Keane’s Of Curraheen
Betty’s Bar The Rock Inn

Many Thanks to all who contribute to our weekly club Lotto. The club cannot emphasize enough the importance of our members promoting the club Lotto among family, friends, and work colleagues. The lotto is now a critical source of funds for the club. We are appealing to all club members to promote our Lotto at this time to ensure our club’s future viability. Please have your Lotto entries in by 7pm, every Sunday night.

Derryquay National School Fundraiser

All welcome to our Bakesale Friday 31st May from 10.30-2.30pm in the school carpark. Thank you for your continued support throughout the year.

Juvenile Academy

St Pats Football Academy will now take place every Sunday Morning in St Pats Blennerville V92 RH98 from 10.30am-11.30am. Open to all boys and girls from Under 5 to Under 13. Contact Michael for further information on 086-3855428. Come along any Sunday, All New Members welcome!


Our U5 and U9’s took a well-deserved break this week due to wet weather.


Our U7’s had an excellent session today, the weather held off and they had two very enjoyable games. Well, done to all, keep up the practice at home.

U8 Girls

We travelled back to Dingle for a go-game blitz which was very well organised huge thanks to all involved.

We played 3 games and despite the challenging conditions, our girls showed great skill mixed with serious grit and determination which argues very well for a bright future for this team and the club as a whole. There was some very proud coaches and parents which made the journey very worthwhile. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí

U10 Girls

Well, done to U10 girls on their 2nd day of games this morning away in Dingle. We had three tough games where all the girls showed a very impressive display of football skills in tough conditions, everyone played brilliantly, and you should be very proud of yourselves. You all showed great teamwork and showed all the practicing is really paying off. See you all for next Sunday for training and well done again girls from all the coaches.

U11 Boys

St Pats U-11’s had no game last week, so we were training last Sunday in preparation for the upcoming phase 2 of Lee Strand Co County Go Games. It’s important all our players continue to attend our training sessions and also keep practicing the skills at home during the week.

Matches will be starting soon so we will be in contact with parents when we know details of same… Naomh Pádraig Abú!!

U12 Girls

Our girls trained twice this week on Wednesday and Sunday. On Wednesday, we worked on kicking and then introduced it into a small, sided game. Then on Sunday, we did some work on speed and agility with ladders and hurdles followed by a few conditioned games.

The girls put in a great effort on both days. Training will continue on Wednesday this week with no training next Sunday due to the Dingle Way Challenge.

The U12 County League Go Games programme is due to start around the middle of June. Fixtures will be circulated in the coming days.


U13 County League Phase 2

St Pats 1-07
Knock/Brosna 2-12

Our u13s lost at home to Knock/Brosna in front of a large home crowd on Sunday evening. The scoreline doesn’t really reflect the performance as the boys were the better team in the first half. It was probably their best half of football this season. We had a three-point lead at half time, but it should have been more.

The away team upped their game massively in the second half to draw level and got two goals that put the game out of reach for us.  We had a good share of possession in the second half but played our way into trouble too often and only scored two points from play.

The performance was a huge improvement on our last match and the coaches were proud of the boys even though the result was disappointing. If we can keep up that level of effort, we’ll have better days ahead!


Our U15 Lee Strand Co. League campaign came to an end last Wednesday evening when we suffered a defeat in the B Division semi-final against Milltown/Castlemaine.

The semi-final was played in Milltown/Castlemaine and the local team got off to a great start scoring a goal within the first few minutes and another shortly afterwards which set the tone for the first half.

Having conceded goals so early in the game it took a while for our lads to settle into the game and create some scoring chances.

Having made some positional changes and introduce some substitutes at half time our second half performance was much better.

Our scoring rate didn’t reflect the amount of possession we enjoyed and again the local team struck for two more goals to put the game beyond our reach.

Previously we had contested the U15 A team division’s final against Northern Gaels played in St Senan’s pitch in Mountcoal.

This was a very keenly contested game with little between the teams all the way through. Both teams created and missed a lot of scoring opportunities, unfortunately for us Northern Gaels converted more of theirs to finish the game as Division winners.

Coming up shortly will be the Central League and training continues in preparation for this.

St Brendan’s Board

St Brendan’s board played their first game in U21 Football County Championship Round 1 against Mid Kerry, they came away with a win with scoreline of 3-17 to 0-09.

Ben Sharp of St Pat’s came on in the last ten minutes of the game, he played a great game. Quarter Final game takes place on Wednesday 29th of May at 7pm, they take on Glenflesk in Kilmoyley.


Our seniors were defeated by Sneem/Derrynane last weekend, scores coming from Gary Savage, Fergal O’Brien, David Moriarty, and Eoin Greaney.

Sneem/Derrynane seemed to have more men on the field then what our seniors were able to mark. They did their best to close the gap which extended between the two sides coming from Patrick Dowling, Fergal O’Brien, and Eoin Greaney.

Unfortunately, Sneem/Derrynane were too strong this week, our seniors showed great determination and teamwork throughout the match.

St Pats Team:  Paudi Bailey, Tommy Lynch, Ben Sharp, Dylan Griffin, Darragh Moriarty, Luke Mulligan, Tommy Nicholson, Eoin Greaney, Liam Poff, Conor Enright, Brian Murphy, Niall McCarthy, Gary Savage, Fergal O’Brien, and David Moriarty.

Subs Used:  Patrick Dowling for Conor Enright, Conor Burke for Liam Poff, Jack Lynch for Brian Murphy, Adrian Greaney for Gary Savage, and Colin Doody for David Moriarty.

Our next game is against Laune Rangers B, please keep an eye on O’Shea’s Gala, the old Clubhouse window and Skelper Quanes for more information in relation to this fixture.

Best of Luck
To Kerry who play in the All-Ireland Senior Championship against Meath on Sunday 2nd of June at 2pm in Páirc Tailteann, Navan.

To all Leaving and Junior Certificate Students who will begin their State Examinations on Wednesday 5th of June.

The club would like to extend its sympathy to the families and friends of Margaret Moriarty Cloghane, Willie Leahy Abbeydorney, Patrick Walsh Killarney and Maurice J. Quirke Camp.



Na Gaeil GAA Club News


Lotto results: Lotto Tue 21st May 2024. Numbers drawn were 4, 17, 27, 28. No winner. Lucky dip winners of €20 were Christina Donovan, Mary Behan, Joe & Nora Clifford, Emer Uí hÓgáin, Myra Daly. Our next draw will be tomorrow night and the jackpot will be €1,950. Why not try your luck in our lotto. The links is as follows:

RIP: Our sincere sympathy to Fr. Pádraig Walsh on the passing of his father Patrick last week. May he rest in peace.

Bingo: Na Gaeil Bingo tonight at 8pm sharp. Our Mini Accumulater Jackpot House tonight is €290 in 49 calls. We also have a Raffle and Split the Bucket at half time. Bus available on (087) 2817577. Over 18s only. Hope to see you all there for an excellent night out.

Volunteers: The club are looking for people to help out at bingo on Monday nights. If you can spare 2 hours every 5 or 6 weeks then Niamh (087-9863667) would be delighted to have you on board.

Scór: Scór is very much a ’niche’ activity within Na Gaeil. Of course we’re first & foremost a football club, but Scór is the cultural arm of the GAA and is a really great thing to be involved in – especially for kids. It gives them confidence & is good fun!

If you’re reading this & think you might like your child to be involved, please contact Margaret at 086 0855008. Or better again, if you’re a parent with maybe something to offer to our small but enthusiastic Scór committee, please get in touch….

Fundraiser: Dearbhla Quirke, daughter of Mary & Jerome, is heading to Uganda volunteering for 3 weeks in July and must fundraise €2,650! She will be working as an Occupational Therapist over there in a paediatric rehabilitation centre. Any donations would be greatly appreciated! If you’d like to donate please click on this link:

Changes to Car Park: We would like to make patrons aware of the new disabled parking bays and the yellow box for ambulance parking which have been added to the club’s car parks recently. Please keep them free at all times for people who need them.

Tesco: Thanks to Tesco Ireland and our own Siobhán Lacey who organised with Tesco Manor to have Na Gaeil included in their great Tesco Community Fund. Also a huge thank you to everyone who voted for us. We’re delighted to have received our funding recently.

Senior Men: Round 8 of the Credit Union Co. League saw us at home to Ardfert yesterday afternoon. The opening quarter was evenly balanced with both teams scoring 5 points, all ours coming from play from Peter Doyle (2), Darragh Reen and Tomás Ó hAiniféin (2).

On 17 minutes Oisín Maunsell was on the end of a Na Gaeil attack and his precise pass across goal found Morgan Madden unmarked and he palmed the ball home. Ardfert replied with another free before an excellent score by Darragh Reen from 40 meters pushed Na Gaeil ahead by 3 again.

Two points from play by Ardfert cut the deficit to 1 before a fine Tomás Ó hAiniféin long range point at the death saw us lead at halftime by 1-7 to 0-8.

Unfortunately for our lads the second half was one to forget. Ardfert made better use of the wind and had notched up 1-4 before a Darragh Reen free stemmed the tide.

Moments later the same player picked up a black card and Ardfert used their numerical advantage to add 2-2 to their tally. With time almost up our lads got through for 2 goals, one each from Tomás Ó hAiniféin and Jamesie O’Connor but it was all too late and Ardfert were heading home with the 2 valuable Co. League points.

Final score: Na Gaeil 3-8, Ardfert 3-14. Team: John Kearney, Enda O’Connor, Ryan O’Neill, Seán Barrett, Peter Doyle, Andrew Barry, Jack Doyle, Tomás O’hAiniféin, Jamesie O’Connor, Morgan Madden, Kieran O’Donovan, Oisín Maunsell, Mark Lynch, Darragh Reen, Jack Sheehan. Subs: Jack Rodgers, Cian Devine, Kieran O’Connor, Oisín O’Brien, Aaron Dewey, Jack Costello, Kevin O’Donoghue, Oisín O’Sullivan, Seamus Looney, Dan O’Connor, Ruairí O’hAiniféin, Liam Óg Kingston, Shawn Duggan, Darragh Devine, Seán O’Connor.

Senior Ladies: Our senior ladies played out a 1-8 apiece draw with Dr. Crokes yesterday in the Donal Curtin Cup and will now play Scartaglen in the semi-final in June.

U21 Co. Championship (Men): Well done to the St. Brendans Board u21 team who beat Mid Kerry last Wednesday in Round 1 of the Co. Championship. They will play Glenflesk this Wednesday at 7pm in Kilmoyley in the next round.

All-Ireland Senior Championship (Men): Good luck to Diarmuid O’Connor and the Kerry team next Sunday in round 2 of the All-Ireland Series when they take on Meath in Navan at 2pm.

Kerry Hurling: Well done to Dan Goggin & Darragh Reen last Saturday as the Kerry senior hurlers beat Meath in Round 5 of the Joe McDonagh Cup.

Return of underage training 2024: Our juveniles are back in training for the 2024 season. Contact details for the various age groups are as follows: U5’s – Denis Sugrue (087) 2808719. U7’s – Shane Moriarty (086) 8380434. U9s – Bryan O’Mahony 087 9585331. New members are always welcome and can contact the relevant team coach above.

Club Summer Camp: Our annual club summer camp will be held this year from Aug 5th to 9th. Further details to follow.

U7s: Our U7’s group were busy practicing their hand passing, soloing, target kicks and kick outs yesterday morning. A big welcome to our new members. We ask all our U7’s players to introduce a friend to the club over the coming weeks. Training continues on Thursday at 6pm.

U11 Boys: Well done to our under 11 boys who played Rathmore yesterday in Killeen. Two tough games and a great experience for our lads. We now look forward to the second round of County League games due to start this coming Thursday.

U17 Boys: Despite being without 3 of our main players our u17 lads put in a great performance last Monday night against a strong Laune Rangers team in the Central Region Division 1 semi-final. The visitors eventually won by 2-13 to 3-5 but our lads can be very proud of the great run they had in the competition.

Girls Training: Na Gaeil Ladies juveniles (u8/u10/u12) are back training for the new season. New members are always welcome. For more information contact Eddie on 087-6791460.

Big Screen: All football championship games will be shown live on the big screen in the bar throughout the season.

Sponsorship Opportunity: If you have a business and would like to promote it with Na Gaeil we have various sponsorship packages available to suit all budgets. Enquiries to Donal (087-2577729) or Terry (086-8293261) or Colm (087-9080465) or Mike (086-2440158) or any member of the club Executive.

Club History: During the year Michael Golden spent many hours putting together a list of notable club results & other information about the club since its foundation in 1978. This can now be found on our website ( Click on “Club News” then “Weekly notes” and select ”Old results by Michael Golden”.

Hire the Hall: The hall in the clubhouse is available for parties or other events. Please email if you’d like to make a booking.

Na Gaeil cycle club: Cycle each Saturday at 9.30am and Wednesdays at 6.30pm from Na Gaeil club. Everyone is welcome to come for a nice friendly cycle.

Cards: The weekly 45 card game is held every Wednesday night starting at 9pm. Everyone is welcome.

Notes: If you’d like anything included in the club’s weekly notes please send it to me at before 9am on Monday and I’ll do my best to include it.



Ballymacelligott GAA Club News


The Credit Union SFL Div 1 Round 8 

Ballymac GAA 2-11 Glenflesk GAA 1-14

Venue: Ballymac GAA Pitch

Date: 26th May 2024

With both teams going into this encounter in close proximity in the Division 1 league table, this had all the ingredients to be a tight encounter between Ballymac & Glenflesk on a blustery/showery Sunday afternoon in the Ballymac GAA pitch for Round 8 of the Credit Union, County Senior Football League, Division 1.

Glenflesk made their intentions known within 90 seconds of the throw in when they breached the Ballymac back line with an early score & this was soon followed up 90 seconds later with a second score.

Darragh Broderick got us off the mark after 4 minutes to bring the early deficit back to 1. However, it was the visitors who struck the net first with a well worked goal to make it 1-02 to 0-1 to Glenflesk with less than 5 minutes played.

As the half progressed, it was Ballymac who worked to draw in the early deficit with points from Vinny Horan & Shane McGillycuddy and eventually it was Tadhg Brick who struck the net for the home side to go a point ahead. Two evenly matched sides couldn’t be seperated at the interval.

Half Time Score: Ballymac GAA 1-08 Glenflesk GAA 1-08

The second half began with both sides exchanging scores. Donal Daly opened the scoring from a free for the home side. Ballymac continued the positive start to the half when we again found the net 8 minutes into the second half with a fine goal from Donal Daly.

This put us 2 points up with over 20 minutes left to play in normal time. Glenflesk never threw in the towel and had some fine scores of their own as the half progressed. In the finish, there was nothing to separate the sides with both teams earning a well deserved point each.

Next week we travel to Kilcummin for round 9 of the County Senior Football League, Division 1.

Full-Time Score: Ballymac GAA 2-11 Glenflesk GAA 1-14

Vinny Horan (0-4) Donal Daly (1-1) Tadhg Brick (1-0) Shane McGillycuddy (0-2) Darragh Broderick (0-1) Michael Herlihy (0-1) Dan Shea (0-1) Brian Cassidy (0-1)

The Credit Union SFL Div 6 Shield   Round 4
Ballymacelligott 3-16 Castleisland Desmonds 0-4
Venue: Ballymacelligott  Date: May 24th 2024.

Neighbours Ballymacelligott and Castleisland Desmonds met in this Division 6 shield game. Seven players from the U21 team that played on Thursday night took part in this Senior B game on Friday, May 24th. It is a testament to their commitment and loyalty to the club that they again showed up and played their part.

This game was one-sided from the beginning, with Ballymac taking an early lead and controlling the game until the end.

Shane McGillicuddy and Michael Herlihy opened the scoring with two points, the latter being a free. Chris Devane and Tadhg Walsh scored one each for Desmonds. Michael Herlihy added another point for the home side, and with fifteen minutes on the clock, the score was Ballymac 0-3 to Desmonds 0-2.

From here on, Ballymac dominated. Michael Herlihy scored two points, followed by a goal from Brian Godley. Michael Herlihy, Jack Tobin and Brian Cassidy added points.
Half Time score: Ballymacelligott 1-08    Castleisland Desmonds 0-02

The second half opened with a point once again from Shane McGillicuddy. Desmonds added a point. The following six scores came from Ballymac:

Brian Cassidy scored a point.
Brian Godley said two.
Darragh Broderick scored a point.
Shane McGillicuddy saw his shot at goal saved, and Jack Tobin caught the rebound and hit the back of the net. It was now 2-13 to 0-3.

Brian Cassidy added a point, and Desmonds scored their last point of the game. Ballymac scored the last three of the game- a goal from Brian Cassidy and two points from Shane McGillicuddy.

Total Time: Ballymacelligott 3-16   Castleisland Desmonds 0-4

Team and Scorers: Padráig Laide, Ciarán Brosnan, Andy Rogers (U21), Jamie Burke(U21), Cathal White(U21), Brian Cassidy, Josh O’Keeffe, Darragh Broderick, Cathal Culloty(U21) Michael Herlihy, Shane McGillicuddy (-) Barry Lyons, James Kenny(U21) Jack Tobin and Brian Godley.
Subs Used: Sean Rice(U21),  Marc Brick, Shane Gilroy(U21), and Eoghan Leahy.

Watch out on Social Media for the next game in this competition, which will take place next weekend.

We thank the supporters of The Ballymac and Castleisland Desmond clubs who contributed to our lotto on Friday evening. We appreciate your support.

Under 21

Acorn Life County U21 Football Championship Round 1:
Ballymac 2-11  Laune Rangers 4-11

Date: 23rd May 2024
Venue: Ballymacelligott

It was a historic night for Ballymacelligott GAA Club when it fielded a team in the County U21 Championship for the first time. It was a proud night to have a club team with so many young players continuing to play football, having commenced their football in the academy at U6 or after 2009.

The opposition was Laune Rangers, a club with a long history in Club Championship, and won The All Ireland Senior Club Championship in 1996.

Laune Rangers opened the scoring with two points, followed by a point for the home side from Donal Daly. Ryan Diggins scored a goal for Laune Rangers. Donal Daly and Ryan Hassett swapped points. Niall Collins got a great ball, ran the field length with it, and passed it to Martin McGivergan, who scored a fine point. The scoreline was 0-3 to 1-03.

The next seven minutes were crucial for Laune Rangers, who swept through the Ballymac defence and scored two goals and a point. Three points from Donal Daly in that period (one from a free) had Laune Rangers winning 3-4 to 0-06 with eight minutes left in the half. John Burke added a point from Laune Rangers. Donal Daly scored a massive point from a 45, and Eoghan Hassett scored the last point of the half.

Half-Time: Ballymac 0-7 Laune Rangers 3-06.

It was a tough hill to climb for Ballymac going into the second half. The Ballymac team deserves credit for never giving up, and they kept playing and fighting for every ball until the final whistle blew.

Donal Daly had scored a goal and a point for Ballymac within four minutes of the restart. Laune Rangers scored two points, and Donal Daly scored another in between for Ballymac. The next ten minutes saw Laune Rangers score a goal and two points, bringing the score with 15 minutes to play Ballymac 1-09 to 4-11

This goal from Rangers was a killer blow, and the Ballymac lads kept fighting and playing some great football. Donal Daly scored two points, had a ball hit the crossbar, and Ballymac kept up the pressure, leading to a penalty following a foul on Captain Adam Sheehy.

Donal Daly made no mistake when he took the shot, and the ball hit the back of the net. This was the final score of the game.
Full-Time: Ballymac 2-11 Laune Rangers 4-11.

Team and Scorers:
Conor Martin, Cathal White, Eoin Creedon, Andy Rogers, Cathal Culloty, Sean Rice, Shane Gilroy, Adam Sheehy (Capt) James Kenny, Conor Brick, Niall Collins, Skye Lynch, Conal Savage, Donal Daly (2-10), Martín McGivergan (0-1)
Subs used: Jamie Burke, Micheál O’Connor, and Luke Griffin.

Ballymacelligott GAA Club took part in our first-ever U21 County Championship. On the night, our players demonstrated this pride with a powerful and passionate performance with Captain Adam Sheehy leading by example from the throw-in until the final whistle.

By now, the older lads on this squad are integral to our Senior setup. The young players from the minor team proved equally competent and played exceptionally well.

Our Club has a bright future with all of these fine young players. Fielding a Club U21 County Championship team is a testament to the commitment of players and coaches from U6s. Long may it continue. Ballymac Abú!

Senior Ladies 

Ballymacelligott LGFA v Rathmore LGFA

On Sunday 26th May we played our back game in the Credit Union Donal Curtin Cup. With just 17 very committed players having to play our hone game away against top of the table Rathmore, our ladies put up a tremendous performance, losing out in an entertaining game by 1-3 to 3-6.

Congratulations to Tina Quinn, top scorer with 1-1. Great improvement seen over this competition as we look to build towards the Junior A Championship later this year, with increased accuracy on our shots at goal, we will be very hard to beat.

Squad as follows,

Kerry Hennessy, Robyn White, Clare Kenny, Niamh Rahilly, Anna Collins, Jamie Lee O’Connor, Una Morrissey, Emma Daly, Aishling O’Connell (captain), Emily O’Brien, Ellie McElligott (0-1 free), Eve Creedon (0-1), Kate Collins, Tina Quinn (1-1), Ella Quirke, Caoimhe Carroll.

‘Bubbly Brunch’

Calling all our stylish men and women to come together for a ‘Bubbly Brunch’ on Sat June 22nd! Our Ascot Race Day kicks off with mimosa or prosecco on arrival, free buffet and charcuterie board, races live on the Big screen and much more!

Best dressed male and female prizes on the day. Supporting Ballymac LGFA, this over 18 event starts at 2pm. Tickets are €20 and will be on sale from Tuesday morning.

– Booking call 087 9534159, 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri

– Tickets also available at The Halfway Shop or contact Oonagh 087-7532949.

Minor team

Minor Boys

*Ballymac GAA v Na Fianna – Minor – Central Region Div 2 Final*

Ballymac GAA 1-17 (20)

Na Fianna 2-05 (11)

Our Minor team played Na Fianna on a glorious Monday Evening in beautiful Cromane in the Div 2, Central Region final.

In the first half, both sides went at it and it was the South Kerry side who found the back of the net early on to really focus the minds of both the Ballymac team, mentors and supporters.

However, Ballymac showed great composure to settle into the game with no panic shown. We began to dominate the middle of the field with both Eoin Moriarty and Conal Savage in the ascendancy.

Scores from Mairtin McKivergan, Eoin Moriarty, Gearoid Healy & the ever-creative Gearoid Coughlan who also found the back of the net in the opening period. Ballymac had an 8-point lead at the break.

Ballymac 1-10 Na Fianna 1-02

In the second period our lads really pushed home our advantage with further scores from the impressive Gearoid Coughlan, a couple of points by the industrious Gearoid Healy and scores from Jack Collins & Sean Martin. In the finish, Ballymac ran out deserved winners by 9 points.

Micheal O’Connor accepted the trophy on behalf of the team and management. This is two finals this group of players have made so far this year with the club championship to follow. Well done to all the players for the commitment they showed throughout the competition.

Under 13 Boys

U13 boys had 2 good wins this week.

On Friday 24th the Blue team played Laune Rangers in Killorglin, winning 2-8 to  0-3.

Then, on Sunday 26th we played Kenmare at home, winning 2-9 to 1-8.

Under 9 Boys

Well done to our U9 Boys who played Na Gaeil in Ballymac Tuesday evening . All 23 boys played brilliant football with all getting equal playing time. Thanks to na Gaeil for travelling and we look forward to playing you again later in the summer.

Under 12 girls 

The under 12 girls played a great game away to Knock/Brosna Tuesday evening. After a tough start where Ballymac spent a lot of time defending, they got to grips with their opponents and went toe to toe with them until the end.

It is great to see this large panel of 27 girls showcasing the skills that they have learned over the last few months. Best on the night where our hard-working captain Aisling O’ Keeffe, Aobha Bolger with her well taken goals, the industrious Saoirse Brosnan, Sadie Lynch & Katie Anna O’ Connor backed up by Charlotte Collins who played all over the park.

Ballymac abú


What a difference two months of Academy makes! Our U5’s are showing massive progression across the board, showcased today in their first attempt at small-sided games. Some lovely examples of defensive and attacking play, teamwork, self-awareness and confidence every week. But above all the enjoyment is obvious from the beaming smiles on their faces! New players always welcome to join us on Sunday mornings.

Mothers and Others

Mothers and Others continues every Tuesday at 7pm at our Training Pitch. New faces always welcome! Give it a go if you’re over 25 and interested in getting fit in a fun environment!

Contact Oonagh 087-7532949 or Liz 087-9981834.


On Monday 20th May, the Lotto draw took place live from the clubrooms with Senior Ladies captain Aisling O’Connell and manager Stephen O’Brien. Sean Hennessy was on camera. Playball Quick Pick envelopes will be available to purchase at Glenduff House from this Wednesday 22nd May. The closing time for purchase of envelopes at Glenduff will be midnight on Sundays. This is to facilitate collection of tickets and entry for lotto draw on Monday.

The Numbers drawn were : 8,9,12,15

There was no winner of this week’s Jackpot of €7800. Congratulations to the lucky dip winners this week:

€30.00 – Eileen Shanahan, Tralee (Q.P)

€20.00 – Caroline O’Connell, Kielduff

€20.00 – Roland Rogers, (Annual Ticket)

Next Jackpot is €7,900 and the draw will take place on Monday 27th May 2024. Play Ball Lotto Ticket sales close at 6 pm sharp online.

Tickets can be purchased by clicking here

or from our regular sellers Paula Silles and Maureen O Shea . Quick Pick Envelopes are available at The Half Way Shop , O’Riadas Bar and Restaurant and Glenduff Manor  The closing time for Quick Pick (paper) entries will be 4 pm on Mondays to facilitate the draw (Halfway and O’Riadas) and midnight Sunday from Glenduff. Your continued support is very much appreciated for the day to day running costs of our club. Thanks to our local businesses for facilitating the sale of our Lotto.

Check out all the latest news from Ballymac GAA Club by clicking here



John Mitchels GAA Club News


Senior Men – Our Division 2 team played away to Gneeveguilla on Sunday and despite a spirited and committed performance by the Mitchel’s team, the home team won on the tightest of margins of one point on a scoreline of 1 goal and 8 points to 1 goal and 7 points.

We play at home to Na Gaeil on Saturday at 7.30pm. Please see social media for upcoming Division 6 fixtures.

Senior Ladies – Training continues on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

Minor Team – Training continues on Monday at 7pm.

Academy – Well done to all the boys and girls who had a great training session. We are taking a break next weekend due to the long weekend.

Under 9 Boys – John Mitchels U9 Boys welcomed @fossagaa to Ballyseedy on Sunday Morning last for some noncompetitive Go Games. Despite the bad weather both sides had good numbers ensuring everyone gets plenty of football.

Thankfully the rain stopped for most of the games and both sides showed some fantastic skills in defending and scoring. Both teams are a great credit to their coaches and clubs so well done to all involved and we hope to travel out to Fossa in the near future for a return game.

Under 8s and 10s Girls – We take a break from training next Sunday due to the long weekend. New players always welcome.

Under 14 Girls – Training and fixture details will be issued by the manager to the team.


Under 12 Girls – We had a great Sunday morning where we played host to Austin Stacks, Na Gaeil and John MItchels in a well organized blitz by Thomas Kearns. Some excellent football by all involved. Thanks to our four Go Game refs for officiating.

Under 11 Boys –  We trained again on Sunday where unfortunately weather conditions were not the best but our juveniles made the most of the conditions.

We are due to play our first game of phase 2 this Thursday. Parents will receive a WhatsApp message closer to the time. Until then keep practising.


Under 13 Boys – In tough conditions and a strong cross wind in Ballyduff Mitchels played against a very strong physical team.

Some smart football and a total team performance we went in at half time 1 G 4pts to 4 pts. Ballyduff came out strong at the start of the 2nd half but brilliant defending by all the backs led by Fionan O Callaghan stopped the powerful Ballyduff men.

Liam and Eddie supplied great ball to the forwards and birthday man Ryan Buckley got the vital 2nd goal to keep Mitchels ahead by 3 points going into injury time.

Tom Óg in goal made a fantastic save in injury time to keep out Ballyduff and after 5 mins of injury time the ref blew the final whistle. The supporters gave the team a standing ovation after producing one of the best performances  of the year.

Well done to the players and mentors and we now await the draw for our semi final opponents. Well done all.

Under 15 Boys – Congratulations to out Under 15 Gold Team who won the Div 11  County League Final against Ardfert last Tuesday evening on a scoreline of 4 goals and 7 points to 3 goals and 5 points.

Thanks to Ardfert for a brilliant game and congratulations to the John Mitchels players and management on their win. Training continues on Monday at 7pm.

Under 14 Girls – We have a break from training on Tuesday as the team has exams. We will train again on Thursday. Wishing all the girls the best in their exams.

Under 16 Girls and Minors – Our Under 16 girls are in a plate final v Annauscal/Castlegregory with the date for the game to be confirmed. We have a number of back games to be played the first week in June. Best of luck to all the girls doing exams. Details of training for Under 16s and Minors to be issued by WhatsApp.

Bingo – Continues Wednesday and Friday at 8.30PM at the John Joe Sheehy Road. Over 18s only. ID must be provided on request.

Lotto – There was no winner of our lotto jackpot which this week was €3,400. This week’s numbers 9, 13, 17 and 29.  Congratulations to our lucky dip winners – Kayleigh Muntzer, Stephen Brosnan and Martin Downey. Next week’s jackpot is €3,450 and we would ask you to please support this important fundraiser for the club.

Sympathies – We express our sincere sympathies to those who have recently experienced bereavement. We especially remember the families of Theresa Ann O’Sullivan. Gabrielle Harte, Nicholas Barry, Arthur Fitzgerald and Philomen


a Brosnan.
