Photos: Balloonagh Ladies Party Like It’s 1997

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Ann Riordan and Elaine Riordan at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O'Donnell's Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Ann Riordan and Elaine Riordan at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean

EAR-SPLITTING laughter was the order of the night at O’Donnell’s in Mounthawk  on Friday, as ladies recalled their 90s heyday.

The Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 got back together to reminisce about their schooldays with a ‘Dress To Impress’ theme and they certainly didn’t disappoint.

The glamorous bunch of about 25 ladies, out of the 60 who graduated, enjoyed finger food and some great 90s music as they recalled their halcyon days and fond memories of the now defunct school.

The night was organised by Edwina Hurley who took to social media to organise the night.

“Social media helped and once the girls heard about it they spread the word. We did a few letters and sent them out to a few addresses. We had about 25 who showed up and it was a fantastic night,” said Edwina.

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Part of the group who turned up at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O'Donnell's Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Front, from left; Caroline Poff, Tara Dillon, Caroline O'Donoghue, Yvonne Fitzgerald and Jackie Moriarty. Back from left; Tricia Moran, Tara Flynn, Caroline McKenna, Aileen Galvin, Andrea Quirke, Edwina Hurley,  Noelle O'Sullivan, Stacey Lawlor, Mary Power, Ann Riordan and Elaine Riordan. Photo by Dermot Crean
Part of the group who turned up at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Front, from left; Caroline Poff, Tara Dillon, Caroline O’Donoghue, Yvonne Fitzgerald and Jackie Moriarty. Back from left; Tricia Moran, Tara Flynn, Caroline McKenna, Aileen Galvin, Andrea Quirke, Edwina Hurley, Noelle O’Sullivan, Stacey Lawlor, Mary Power, Ann Riordan and Elaine Riordan. Photo by Dermot Crean

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Stacey Lawlor, Tara Flynn  Yvonne Fitzgerald, Noelle O'Sullivan and Tricia Moran at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O'Donnell's Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Stacey Lawlor, Tara Flynn Yvonne Fitzgerald, Noelle O’Sullivan and Tricia Moran at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Caroline O'Donoghue, Andrea Quirke, Edwina Hurley, Jackie Moriarty and Tara Dillon at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O'Donnell's Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Caroline O’Donoghue, Andrea Quirke, Edwina Hurley, Jackie Moriarty and Tara Dillon at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Caroline Walsh, Aileen Galvin and Caroline McKenna at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O'Donnell's Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean
Caroline Walsh, Aileen Galvin and Caroline McKenna at the Balloonagh Secondary School Class of 1997 reunion in O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk on Friday night. Photo by Dermot Crean