Sponsored: Advanced Hair Transplant Treatments At CHRC


Celebrity endorsements, improved technology and constant Zooms over lockdown have led to rising demand for hair restoration procedures says Mary O’Donnell of the Cosmetic Hair and Restoration Clinic…

At Bon Secours CHRC, we are the only healthcare provider in Ireland with the state-of-the-art ARTAS iX robotic hair restoration device, an advanced minimally invasive hair transplant system that uses artificial intelligence technology to deliver precise, natural looking results.

If hair loss is affecting you and you want to do something about it, the first step is a one to one confidential consultation with our doctor to discuss your hair loss concerns.

Our surgeon will ask about your father’s and grandfather’s hair to give you the most natural hair line and develop a hair restoration treatment plan for you using the latest technology, to help customise and plan your personalised hairline design.

Our highly skilled team in our custom designed clinic use a minimally invasive hair transplant method called follicular unit extraction so returning to work the next day is a strong possibility; no hospital stay is required.

The minimally invasive process protects your existing healthy hair in both the donor and implanted area.

And hair restoration doesn’t need to cost the earth; payment plans are available with Cara Credit Union and AIB for as little as €25/week.  For more information contact CHRC www.bonsecourschrc.ie