Diocese Of Kerry To Mark ‘Season Of Creation’


THE Diocese of Kerry will join dioceses across Ireland and Christian churches globally in marking the ‘Season of Creation’  from September 1st to October 4th.

This is a time when Christian churches around the world focus on prayer and action to protect the natural world or creation.

It closes on the 4th October, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Ecology. The 53 parishes across the diocese of Kerry are being encouraged to mark the Season in some way.

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This year parishes have received copies of a leaflet which explains the theme and gives practical suggestions of actions that can be taken in the areas of caring for the gifts of soil and water.

Parishes have also received the necessary resources to include the theme in Sunday masses during the 5-week Season.

The Radio Kerry programme ‘Horizons’, the daily ‘Just A Thought’ and the diocesan Facebook page will all highlight the theme across the Season.

The leaflet is also available on the diocesan website www.dioceseofkerry.ie  and Facebook page.

Then on September 22nd the organising committee, the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee(JPIC) of the diocese, will host a free webinar focusing on the  vital role of soil and water with speakers: Thomas O Connor, organic farmer and Talamh Beo and Catherine Seale-Duggan, Local Authorities Water.

The registration link is available on the Diocesan website, www.dioceseofkerry.ie

“We need to use the season of creation to appreciate creation, appreciate what creation gives us and to renew our responsibility to take care of it. …this is an opportunity for us to get involved,” said Bishop Ray Browne.