Mary Lucey: Advice On Supporting Leaving Cert Students Before And During Exams

Mary Lucey.

Mary Lucey of Career Ahead has some advice for parents/ guardians on how to support students as the State exams loom…

It is without doubt that every parent/guardian wants the best for their child on the run up to and during the Leaving Certificate examinations.

I am always amused by the feedback I get from parents around this time, especially if it is the first child in the family undertaking the exams.

As one father told me; “Not only is my daughter doing the leaving cert, but the entire household is doing it with her!”

Below are some tips for parents/guardians – based on my own personal experience working with thousands of students and their parents.  These should help leading up to and during the Leaving Certificate exams.

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Encourage students to Self-Manage

Allow the Leaving Certificate students to take control and drive their own study and revision sessions rather than hounding them and monitoring all they are doing.

It is important to remember too if they progress to college or further studies; they will be entirely responsible for their own work.

Not self-managing their work is one of the reasons that first year college students fail their exams.

While some parents offer incentives to encourage studying and for attaining certain grades in the Leaving Certificate; the student will get far more value if they realise that they personally will reap the rewards of hard work.

The drive should come from within to do well and not from an external factor such as the promise of money.

The significance of the Leaving Certificate

It is important for all involved to realise that, while the Leaving Certificate is currently significant in your and your child’s life, it will not make or break a person.

While at this present time, it may seem the most important thing in the world, it is equally important to remember that it is not.  It is a means to an end.

A means that, in a lot of cases, does not reflect the full potential or abilities of a student.   Having a great future and leading a full and rewarding life is not solely dependent on the outcome of the Leaving Certificate.

Have realistic expectations

As parents or guardians, you need to be aware and accept your student’s historical pattern of results and how these relate to potential CAO points.  Every parent/guardian wants their child to do their very best and to be happy with their results.

Students should not be pressurised to aim for a 600 points course if parents/guardians know that with hard work and effort, the scope of their ability is 400 points.

When Leaving Certificate results are released, I always believe that it is most disheartening to see images of 600-point students with School Principals in the media; when a student who achieves half those results ie 300 points, may have worked equally as hard and put in the same effort; but not get the same recognition.

Be aware of different abilities within families

Don’t compare siblings, each person is an individual, in their aptitudes and abilities, and how they will perform in exam settings.  One may be very well suited to rote learning and then regurgitating material for the Leaving Certificate formal examination scenario.

A sibling may struggle to perform with this type of learning style and examination scenario, this needs to be taken into consideration. It does not mean one is better than the other.

Encourage rather than nag (if possible!)

It is tempting to constantly tell the Leaving Certificate student that they should be in their room studying when you see them ‘hanging around’. When this nagging approach is used; it just causes friction and upset, negatively impacting the entire family.

Provide Practical Support

Good nutritious food is important leading up to and during the Leaving Certificate exams.  The odd treat is also nice for a student, who is working hard.  It is important that students eat well and drink plenty of water to ensure they are well set up physically to perform to the best of their ability.

Continue with Hobbies/Pastimes

Do not stop a Leaving Certificate student from keeping up their hobby/interest/sport when studying for the exams.  It is reasonable, however, to discourage such activities to take place for hours on end, every night of the week.

From a mental and physical health perspective, at regular intervals over the week, such activities and breaks from study are hugely beneficial to the student and will keep a balanced perspective on the looming exams.

Students and parents/guardians need to be aware of the various options after the Leaving Certificate outside of CAO and third-level colleges. 

Apprenticeships (leading to the same qualification as a college degree in some cases) and Further Education and Training (PLC Courses & Traineeships) provide great alternatives and thus remove the pressure of the Leaving Certificate alone determining careers.  It is well worth researching these very cost-effective options.

Try and keep things as normal as possible leading up to and during the exams.

The students will hear nothing but talk about the Leaving Certificate in schools, in the media, on social media, contributing to increased levels of stress and anxiety.

It is normal for them to be somewhat nervous as that shows they care about the outcome, so their feelings should not be dismissed.

Ensure to keep some time for regular fun family activities together. Ensure normal sleeping patterns are followed, discourage very late or all-night study sessions; this will impact on their ability to work/perform the next day.

The more normal everybody behaves, and the more relaxed the atmosphere in the house at this time, the better the student will function and perform.

• Contact Mary Lucey Career Ahead on at or at 0879338941

