Shoppers To Tell Retailers What They Want In Town At Special Meeting

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CEO of Tralee Chamber Alliance Kieran Ruttledge is hoping members of the public will come to the event in the Ashe Hotel.

A MAJOR initiative has been launched to encourage shoppers to tell retailers why they do or don’t shop in Tralee and to find out what the retailers need to do to bring more shoppers to town.

Members of the public are invited to a meeting for consumers and shoppers at the new Ashe Hotel, Maine Street,  next Monday, April 20 from 7.30pm to say why they shop in Tralee Town Centre, Manor West Retail Park or anywhere else.

The event, led by retail members of Tralee Chamber Alliance and the Institute of Technology Tralee will focus on identifying the needs and wants of shoppers with a view to positioning Tralee as the Retail Capital of the Southwest.

The CEO of Tralee Chamber Alliance, Kieran Ruttledge, said: “Tralee has so much to offer in the town centre and Manor but we are not reaching our full potential as a shopping centre. We need to find out why that is the case. Retailers in the town are prepared to listen to what shoppers have to say and this event offers them a platform to tell us how they wish to be served in terms of opening hours, infrastructure and product offerings.”

The event will be chaired by Breda O’Dwyer, Manager at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (CEED) at the Institute of Technology Tralee.

Retailers will analyse the feedback at a number of meetings and a retail strategy will be published in the coming months incorporating a range of proposals to showcase Tralee as a major shopping town.

Everyone who takes part will be entered into a free draw to win a Michael Kors Watch from Hilsers Jewellers and a €300 shopping spree in the town centre compliments of Dan Fitzgerald & Son, CH Chemist, Walsh Brothers Shoes, O’Sullivan’s Delicatessan, Hugh Culloty Electrical and Weardrobe. Complimentary refreshments will be served on the evening.

Anyone who wishes to take part in the Consumers Forum at the Ashe Hotel from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Monday, April 20 needs to register their place by emailing or contacting Tralee Chamber Alliance on 066-7121472 before 5pm on Friday April 17.