Car Abandoned On Rock Street For Seven Months To Be Towed Away

Jasmine New Insert
The Volvo car that has been parked on Rock Street since July. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
The Volvo car that has been parked on Rock Street since July. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

A CAR left abandoned on Rock Street, for what locals say is seven months, will be towed away by the end of the week.

The car was brought to the attention of Radio Kerry’s, ‘Kerry Today’ programme who contacted Kerry County Council about it.

The marooned-coloured Volvo has been parked outside the old Galvin’s shop on Rock Street since July.

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Kerry ETB new insert

On the dash there is a note, that reads “broken down, waiting to tow”. Underneath that is a mobile phone number which appears to be one digit short.

The car was NCT’d and taxed until the end of July and insured to September 2015.

On the window of the car their remnants of old parking tickets that have begun to degrade and one of the rear tyres is flat.

A spokesman from the council informed Radio Kerry that the environmental department of the council are taking steps on the matter and it should be removed by the end of the week.

A flat rear tire on the abandoned car on Rock Street. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
A flat rear tyre on the abandoned car on Rock Street. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
The maroon coloured Volvo outside Galvin's old shop on Rock Street. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
The maroon coloured Volvo outside Galvin’s old shop on Rock Street. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.