PHOTO: Some Horsing Around On Rock Street Today


IN what was probably a familiar sight long ago on Rock Street, a punter parked his horse on the famous street this morning next to Paddy Power.

The photo (see below) was sent in by Bernie Hart who just happened to be heading up the Rock today and decided to capture something you don’t see too often in town these days.

We’re wondering what’s the protocol when parking up a horse and trap – where do you put the ticket?

One thing anyway, this parking job would put many drivers around town to shame – and all done with one horse power! Credit where it’s due.

Looks like there’s a few lads keeping an eye on the situation as well, should things get out of hand.

Horse and cart pulled in outside Paddy Powers on Rock Street. Photo Bernie Hart
Horse and cart pulled in outside Paddy Powers on Rock Street. Photo Bernie Hart

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