Ann Presents Over €5,600 To Cardiac Rehab Unit At UHK

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Breda Quirke and Ann Eager (third and fourth from left) present a cheque to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit at UHK. Also included, from left, are; Kay Hayes, Consultant Cardiologist Grace O’Connell, Donnacha Walsh and Cardiac Rehab Coordinator Kay Karim. Photo by Dermot Crean

THE Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit at University Hospital Kerry received a boost yesterday with the presentation of a cheque for €5,641.

It was all thanks to Ann Eager, who took on a charity cycle a couple of weeks ago from Donegal to Derrymore in aid of the ICU in Beaumont and the Cardiac Rehab Unit in UHK.

Ann, who took on the challenge in memory of  her late sister, Pauline Lynch, who sadly passed away unexpectedly in December 2019, finished the six day cycle of over 530 kilometres on Saturday, October 2.

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Half the total raised was presented yesterday at UHK while Ann will travel to the Beaumont at a future date to present the other cheque.

Cardiac Rehab Coordinator, Kay Karim,e expressed her gratitude for the fundraising efforts.

“We are overwhelmed by the amount raised, but even more impressed by the Ann’s endurance during the cycle in some torrential conditions. We’re so grateful and this money will be put to great use for improving the care of cardiac patients in the county,” said Kay.


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