Billy Ryle: Congrats To Students On Outstanding Results But Keep And Eye On Timeline


Billy Ryle says Minister Norma Foley is as good as her word as Kerry’s Leaving Cert cohort deliver outstanding results…

The 2024 Leaving Cert cohort achieved a great success today when the exam results were issued at 10am by the State Examinations Commission (SEC) directly to candidates through the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP). Results are also available in schools from 10am.

Leaving Cert results in Kerry are superb again this year so congratulations to all concerned.

When it comes to achievement in the Leaving Cert and securing places in Further, Tertiary and Higher Education, Kerry students win the gold medal.

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While success should be celebrated, it’s important to consider your options during the next few days and to keep a close eye on the fast-moving timeline.

CAO offers will flood into Kerry when Round One is released at 2pm on Wednesday, 28th August and important decisions will have to be made about your next step.

Leaving Cert results were issued early again this year as the timeline gets back to normal after the disruptive Covid years.

60,839 candidates took the Leaving Cert this year – 56,791 sat for the established Leaving Cert and 4,048 opted for the Leaving Cert Applied (LCA). 1,840 candidates from Kerry took the 2024 Leaving Cert exam – 1,713 sat for the established Leaving Cert and 127 opted for the LCA.

Once again, there was no return to 2019 pre-pandemic grade levels in the 2024 Leaving Certificate results. Minister Norma Foley gave a commitment that the 2024 Leaving Cert exam results would, on aggregate, be no lower than the 2023 results and she was as good as her word.

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The post-marking adjustment applied by the SEC following the marking process made sure that would be the case. Of the 405,171 Leaving Cert individual results, 68% were increased in the marking adjustment, compared to 71% in 2023.

The remainder were unchanged. No marks were adjusted downwards. So, the overall results in 2024 have been adjusted up by an average of 7.5%, compared to 7.9%. last year.

The range of marking adjustment was from 12.1%, added to those at the bottom of the scale, to 4.8%, added to those at the top of the scale. Good news, indeed for Kerry candidates, whose overall results are every bit as strong as last year.

Candidates can see their marks, including marks for each component and the post marking adjustment, on the CSSP from 12.00 on Tuesday, 27th August.

Candidates can apply on the CSSP to view their scripts online between 17.00 on Tuesday, 27th August and 20.00 on Wednesday, 28th August.

LCA application to view scripts is done online during the same timeline. It’s well worth viewing your marked scripts before deciding to appeal any subject(s) results. The facility to view marked scripts is provided free of charge.

Both scripts marked manually and scripts marked online will be available to candidates for viewing. In the case of the former, each candidate will be assigned one of two three-hour sessions on Saturday, 31st August.

Session One is from 09.30 to 12.30, Session Two is from 14.00 to 17.00. Online access to view scripts that were marked online will also be available on the CSSP from 09.00 on Saturday, 31st August to 09.00 on Sunday, 1st September.

Any candidate who wishes to submit an appeal application against an awarded grade – commonly called ‘applying for a recheck’ – can do so on the CSSP between 10.00 on Sunday, 1st September and 17.00 on Monday, 2nd September.

The results of appeals will be available to view on a candidates CSSP from 11.00 on Friday, 27th September.

Appeal results will also be available on Schools Portals from 11.00 on Friday, 27th September. The appeal fee is €40 per Leaving Cert subject and €15.50 per LCA subject. The fee is refunded if the appeal is successful.

The timelines for candidates to apply to view scripts and to lodge their appeal applications are very short.

The SEC maintains that these timelines are essential to ensure that the remaining stages of the appeal process can be completed as quickly as possible.

The SEC will not accept late applications for viewing scripts or for submitting an appeal against an awarded grade.

Latest CAO data confirms a final application figure of 83,537 applicants, down 689 from 84,226 in 2023. CAO has received 2,362 applications from County Kerry. That’s a slight decrease on the 2023 figure of 2,394.

The blue riband courses are again in high demand and will require high points to secure a course offer.

However, with over 50,000 places on offer this year, applicants can be very hopeful of a college offer.

All will be revealed when CAO Round One of offers is released next Wednesday.  I sincerely hope that it will be a joyful day for Kerry’s CAO applicants.


• Fri., 23rd Aug: Leaving Cert results issued online at 10.00
• Tues., 27th Aug.: Candidates can see their marks on the CSSP from 12.00
• Tues., 27th Aug.: Online application to view exam scripts opens at 17.00
• Wed., 28th Aug.: Online application to view exam scripts closes at 20.00
• Wed., 28th Aug.: CAO Round One offers online from 14.00
• Thurs., 29th Aug: CAO available place facility opens at 12.00
• Sat., 31st Aug.: viewing of scripts marked manually from 09.30 to 12.30
• Sat., 31st Aug.: viewing of scripts marked manually from 14.00 to 17.00
• Sat., 31st Aug.: viewing of scripts marked online from 09.00
• Sun., 1st Sept: viewing of scripts marked online closes at 09.00
• Sun., 1st Sept: application to appeal opens at 10.00
• Mon. 2nd Sept: application to appeal closes at 17.00
• Tues., 3rd Sept: accept Round One offer by 15.00
• Mon., 9th Sept: CAO Round Two offers online at 14.00
• Wed., 11th Sept: accept Round Two offers by 15.00
• Tues., 17th Sept: CAO Round Three offers online at 10.00
• Thurs., 19th Sept: accept Round Three offers by 15.00
• Fri., 27th Sept.: results of Leaving Cert appeals released at 11.00
• Many Post-Leaving Cert (PLC) courses still have vacancies
• Tertiary Degree course applications accepted to late September
• Apply now to State Agencies for training courses
• Many schools cater for repeat Leaving Cert students
• Double check all important dates on official correspondence
• The confidential help line free phone number is 1800 265 165
• Good luck to all candidates getting Leaving Cert results today

• Billy Ryle is a Career Guidance Counsellor and Educational Commentator
