Churchill GAA Club News 15/12/14

rsz_1churchill_gaa_2At the AGM of the club on 9th December, the following officers were elected:

President: JP Daly

Vice-President: Paul Dowling

Chairman: Mikey Moriarty

Vice-Chairman: Shaun Parker

Vice-Chairman: Peter O’Brien (Outgoing Juvenile Chairman)

Secretary: Vacant

Treasurer: David Rolls

Assistant Treasurer: Liam Harty

Co. Board Delegate: Ger Carmody

Registrar: Derek Nolan / Eugie Sullivan

PRO: Stephen Buttimer

Scor Officer: Dave Buckley


The following members were elected to the Executive also:

Aidan Harty

John O’Carroll

Peter Rolls

Joe Rogers

Further names will be added after the Juvenile AGM.


The following motion was adopted and passed at the AGM:

That only members of the club that are fully paid up by 31st March each year will be entitled to have their names included in a draw for All-Ireland Championship tickets.

The Chairman, Mikey Moriarty, thanked the outgoing Secretary, Tracy O’Sullivan and outgoing Treasurer, Liam Harty for their contributions to the club over the last number of years. Neither sought re-election.  While David Rolls was selected as incoming Treasurer, there is a Vacancy for Secretary. If there is anyone interested in taking up this position, please contact the Chairman or any member of the new Executive.

It is great to see some new faces on the committee and it is important that further new volunteers come on board for 2015, the centenary year of the club.
The new field should be ready for play by late Spring but there is still a lot of work to do to prepare for Phase II of the project, which is the building of dressing rooms.
On the administration side, it costs over €30,000 for the day to day running of the club. As was outlined by Liam in his report, without a vibrant lotto, it is extremely difficult to run the club.

The club will probably end the year in a break-even position, thanks in no small part to a successful Race Night. It is imperative that a new impetus is given to the Lotto in 2015 and we would ask members to join the lotto via Direct Debit or via a once off subscription at the beginning of the year. We are looking to grow our membership beyond the current 118 members, as we prepare to celebrate our centenary and move into the next significant phase of Churchill GAA.

The local branch of Saint Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank every body that supported their collection at all masses last weekend.Monies collected will go to local families who might be struggling coming up the Christmas.The total amount collected was £1,080.51

Teachers and students of Spa N.S. participated in the recent 'National Hour of Code'. The aim of the programme was to promote an interest in coding amongst the students
Teachers and students of Spa N.S. participated in the recent ‘National Hour of Code’. The aim of the programme was to promote an interest in coding amongst the students
Junior Infants from Spa N.S. were delighted last week when Santa Claus paid a special visit to the school.
Junior Infants from Spa N.S. were delighted last week when Santa Claus paid a special visit to the school.

The cards continued in the Oyster on Sunday night with a huge crowd of 84 playing.The winners were 1st Jane Colfer and Jack Murphy,2nd Oliver Mawe and Brian Moran and 3th Mary Maunsell and Joe Lyons.A big thanks to Jim McGrath who sponsored,Mark,Larry Magerat who helped out on the night and all the card players who showed.The last night will be on Sunday night@ 9.30p.m.

The Lotto of jackpot of £1050 was held in the West End on Friday night.They was no winner of the jackpot the lucky dip winners were £50 Juillanne o Sullivan c/oThe Tankard and £25 were Michael Crean Fenit,Kenneth Lawler,and Allie Parker.Next draw of jackpot £1100 will take place in the Oyster on Sat the 10/01/15 when Naomh Fionnbarra of Cabra will be visiting for the 20th year.