Cllr Ferris Want Action From Irish Water On Issues In Tralee Housing Estate

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Cllr Deirdre Ferris.

A LOCAL councillor expressed her frustration at Irish Water’s lack of response to issues in a Tralee housing estate.

Sinn Féin Cllr. Deirdre Ferris was speaking at Tuesday’s meeting of the Tralee Municipal District of Kerry County Council where she asked could Council Management give an update on Irish Water’s plans for sewer and wastewater upgrades in the Marian Park estate in Tralee.

In reply, management said the request was forwarded to Irish Water, no reply was received to date and that they have pursued Irish Water for a response.

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Cllr Ferris said the situation was a disgrace and the people affected in Marian Park are enduring an appalling situation.

She said there are constant blocked pipes with waste coming back up the toilets and Irish Water needs to act now on the matter. Cllr Ferris asked that the Council push Irish Water for a response as soon as possible.

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