Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí Students Win Awards At National Schools Drama Competition

Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí students who won awards at the Briery Gap Theatre Competition last week.

By Daithí Ó Loingsigh (student at Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí)

Ghlac daltaí misniúla Idirbhliana Ghaelcholáiste Chiarraí páirt i bhFéile Drámaíochta “The Briery Gap” in Ionad Óige Mhainistir Fhear Muí  Déardaoin seo caite.

Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí TY students were delighted to participate in the national Briery Gap Theatre Competition in Fermoy last week.

Ba é “Tar Éis 1913” an chéad sársaothar léirithe ar stáitse  ag aisteoirí GCC, scríofa agus stiúrtha ag Bean D’Altuin. Rinne an gearrdhráma seo cur síos ar na droch-choinníollacha faoinar fhulaing na mílte clainne fud fad na tíre  i mBaile Átha Cliath tar éis stailce agus frithdhúnadh 1913.

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Léirigh cúpla radharcanna na hÉireannaigh a chláraigh l’airm  na Breataine le greim bidh a chur ar an mbord agus conas gur cuireadh iad thar sáile le troid sa chéad chogadh domhanda.

Ba léir gur chur taispeántaisí maoithneacha na n-aisteoirí na moltóirí faoi gheasa agus bronnadh Corn Mháire Mhic Suibhne orthu don Dráma Gaeilge is Fearr ar na haisteoirí. Maith sibh as ucht bhúr n-iarrachtaí.

“Shake It Up Shakespeare” was the next drama on the docket and was written and directed by Mary Quirke of Qwerkreation Productions.

It was a comic spin on the ever-famous Shakespeare plays. Romeo, Juliet, Othello, Puck, Lysander and more were brought to life once again with a fresh twist.

The actors completely dedicated themselves to portraying their often-foolish characters and this made the viewing experience a complete wonder.

This drama was presented with both the “Best Comedy” and “Runner’s Up” award at the tense final presentation ceremony.

The students celebrated accordingly with a music party and a photo blitz with the hard-won trophies.