Local Company Plants 400 Trees To Improve Tralee’s Biodiversity

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Members of the ViClarity team planting trees.

LAST week, members of ViClarity participated in the planting of indigenous Hawthorn trees in Tralee, as part of their corporate social responsibility initiative.

The company, based at Kerry Technology Park, contributed to the planting of more than 400 trees at Holy Family Primary School, which will enhance the biodiversity of the area in time to come.

These trees will serve as vital habitats for local wildlife, offering shelter, food, and breeding grounds for various species.

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Tralee Tidy Towns Chairperson, Brendan O’Brien, said “we are delighted to have the support of ViClarity today on this important project, helping the school community to take climate and biodiversity action simultaneously with the planting of a native Hawthorn hedge. We were delighted to collaborate with Holy Family Primary School, ViClarity, Trees on the Land who donated the trees and Green and Growing landscaping who provided the mulch for the trees”.

ViClarity’s CEO, Ogie Sheehy said “I am delighted that the ViClarity team was able to give back to the local community this morning by helping plant Hawthorn trees in Tralee. This greatly helps with the biodiversity of the local area and the sustainability of our environment, underpinning our commitment to our CSR values at ViClarity.”

Through initiatives like this, we strive to leave a lasting, positive impact on both the natural world and the communities we serve.

The ViClarity team planting trees.


The ViClarity team planting trees.

The ViClarity team planting trees.

The ViClarity team planting trees.

The ViClarity team planting trees.


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