Martin Ferris Highlights Plight Of 10-Year-Old Kerry Boy Waiting For Operation

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Sinn Fein Deputy Martin Ferris.

Sinn Fein Deputy Martin Ferris.

KERRY Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris has critiscised the Minister for Health and the HSE over the delay a young Kerry boy is experiencing in waiting for an urgent operation at Crumlin Childrens Hospital.

He said the family of a 10 year old Listowel boy who had his surgery postponed last November contacted him over ongoing delays their son is experiencing in getting the operation.

“Despite a previous postponement and being put on the urgent list in Crumlin in May, the family are still no wiser as to when the operation will take place,” said Deputy Ferris.

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“I have contacted the office of the Minister for Health on a number of occasions to highlight the plight of this young boy and his family. It is not acceptable that this unfortunate child has to suffer due to the lack of resources facing the HSE and the Minister for Health needs to be held accountable.”

“This boy has just been released from University Hospital Kerry after spending nearly a week there again due to complications arising from a previous surgery. Our hospitals are being clogged up because of cases like this which unfortunately are not a priority for this government,” he added.

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