Meeting In Tralee About Rising Insurance Costs Threatening Future Of Small Businesses

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A MEETING will take place next week about rising insurance costs threatening the future of small businesses in Tralee.

Tralee Chamber Alliance in association with Bank of Ireland are hosting an event entitled ‘Business Insurance – where to from here?’ on Monday, October 21 next from 6pm in the Bank Of Ireland on Castle Street in Tralee.

The event will hear from representatives across all sectors who will advise the audience on key measures being implemented from a legal, insurance reform and political perspective in Ireland.

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The audience will also hear from Kieran Ruttledge of the Aquadome, Tralee on measures they have had to implement to maintain insurance cover.

The event will include a panel made up of John Brassil TD; Mike Stack Solicitor; Gerry O’Shea Insurance Broker and Kieran Ruttledge of the Aquadome outlining key measures that businesses can put in place now to reduce their insurance costs.

There will also be an opportunity from business owners to field their questions to the panel on concerns relating to claims and insurance issues affecting their businesses.

Free Tickets for businesses owners to the event are available on EventBrite on the following link:

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