Mikey Sheehy Elected New Mayor Of Tralee

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Mayor of Tralee Cllr Mikey Sheehy pictured in June 2022 when he was elected Mayor for the first time.

THE new Mayor of Tralee has made the progression of the new chemotherapy unit at UHK one of his priorities during his tenure as first citizen of the town for the next year.

Fianna Fáil Cllr Mikey Sheehy was elected Mayor at a meeting of Tralee Municipal District councillors on Friday morning at Council Buildings.

Mayor Sheehy — who couldn’t attend the meeting in person — was proposed by his newly elected party colleague Cllr Anne O’Sullivan and seconded by Outgoing Mayor Cllr Terry O’Brien.

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This is Cllr Sheehy’s second time in the position having previously been elected as Mayor in June of 2022. Outgoing Mayor Cllr Terry O’Brien will be the Deputy Mayor, having been proposed by Fine Gael Cllr Angie Baily and seconded by Mayor Sheehy.

Speaking to fellow councillors via audio link, Mayor Sheehy said he was very proud to be elected Mayor. He said his foremost priority was helping to progress the new chemotherapy unit at UHK, which is scheduled to be completed in two years.

Mayor Sheehy said the delivery of more housing for the town was another priority. He said much had been done in that respect over the past number of years by the Council, but more was needed.

He said Tralee was more than just a beautiful town, it was a hub of opportunity, education and culture. Mayor Sheehy said that as a university town, Tralee is in a position to attract students, professionals and visitors from Ireland and abroad. He said we can showcase the town as a great place to live, work and visit.



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