MTU And HSE Launch New Mental Health Initiative Aclú

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Pictured at the launch of Aclú in MTU in Tralee on Thursday were, from left: Mairéad Carolan Senior Clinical Psychologist HSE Cork; Dr Tara Coppinger lecturer Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health MTU; Professor Maggie Cusack, President of Munster Technological University; Catherine Carty MTU UNESCO Chair project manager. Photo: Don MacMonagle

MUNSTER Technological University (MTU) and the HSE joined forces to create Aclú,  a new mental health initiative which was launched at the MTU on Thursday last.

The initiative seeks to address enduring mental illness (EMI) recovery using physical activity, nutrition and digital technology.

People living with enduring mental illness often experience physical and social health consequences. MTUs Aclú initiative is developing and evaluating new treatment options to tackle this.

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Mairéad Carolan, Senior Clinical Psychologist, HSE, says this is about ensuring people can create a good life, make a home, engage in meaningful work or learning and build good relationships with family, friends and people in their community.

At the launch, MTU President Professor Maggie Cusack thanked the organisations that have come together to deliver change.

Aclú is a new multidisciplinary initiative involving partners from MTU, the HSE, the Mental Health Commission, Dartmouth University in the US, the University of Manchester, Southeast Technological University, Bielefeld University Germany, Kerry Recreation Sports Partnership and Enable Ireland.

Aclú lead researchers Dr Tara Coppinger and Catherine Carty, UNESCO Chair Manager, said the next two years would see programmes designed, delivered and evaluated in the southwest.

Aclú will provide solutions aligned with global priorities to improve health outcomes and empower recovery in enduring mental illness in the southwest and beyond.


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