EVERY now and again a town can boast about an über stylish lady and Tralee certainly has that in Claire Murphy.
Claire has graced every fashion page in the country thus allowing us all see her magnificent ensembles. She has won lots of best-dressed competitions at events and race meetings throughout the country.
Claire also acts as the local agent for the fashionable brand Friendtex, a wonderful Danish label. On Sunday next the latest trends will be shown at Expose Hair Studio in Mounthawk. Yours truly will be acting as MC and I am very excited to see the key pieces that Friendtex has to offer.
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What is wonderful about this stylish evening is, as always Claire runs a raffle for charity and this year her chosen charity is for the deserving BUMBLEance.
This is a unique ambulance that has been modified to make it child-friendly for transporting sick children. Hope to see many of you in Expose at 5pm this coming Sunday.
Next week as many of you might know is Listowel Races and on Friday 19th I will be there with the TraleeToday.ie camera crew to check out all the fashion on show. So if you see me, come up and say hello. This is always a popular day out and one that all us fashionistas look forward to.
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On Saturday I will be there again to judge a great competition, an alternative best dressed which involves Upstyled/Recycled and Vintage.
Along with my fellow judge Susan Vickers from An Taisce, we will be on the hunt for up-cycled, restyled authentic vintage.
We are looking for both men and women for this quirky competition and there are some great prizes. So get raiding your mammy’s, daddy’s, granny’s or grandad’s wardrobe and get your creations to Listowel on Saturday 20th.
I have given you all enough time to get your outfits together and plenty of time to beg, borrow or steal the required look.
Who says September is a boring month?
Until next time,
Stay stylish!
Orlagh xx