PHOTOS: Presentation Students’ Achievements Honoured At Annual Awards

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Anna Chute (Junior Sportsperson/Wellbeing/Attendance) and Jamie Lee O’Connor (Nano Nagle/Wellbeing) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

THE end of the academic year is nigh and that means it’s time for schools around town to hold their annual awards.

The Presentation Secondary School Tralee Awards were held on Wednesday and it was a vibrant celebration of the remarkable academic achievements and commendable attributes of the students.

“The ceremony featured a diverse array of award categories, each designed to recognise the unique strengths and contributions of our students,” said Principal Mairead Finucane.

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Among these were awards for Diligence, showcasing the persistent effort and dedication of the students ; Student Leadership, highlighting those who have taken initiative and guided their peers with integrity; the Nano Nagle Award, named after the school’s foundress, honouring a spirit of service and compassion; and the Ceist Award, celebrating their ethos and commitment to holistic education.

Deputy Principal Chrissie Kelly and Principal Mairead Finucane with winners Olivia Dillon (Ceist), Niamh Hennessy (Senior Achievement), Maiya Rivas McHugh (Leadership) and Niamh Lynch (Nano Nagle) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

“The atmosphere was electric as students from various year groups were honoured for their hard work, participation, and the endless efforts they have put into not only their studies but also their growth as individuals within our community,” said Principal Finucane.

“The joy and pride on the faces of teachers, and fellow students were a testament to the supportive environment that Presentation fosters.”

Grainne Bradley (STEM), Keelin Hickey (Diligence) and Ailisha Daughton (STEM) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

“As we continue to nurture and develop the potential of every student, days like today remind us of the bright future that lies ahead. Our students are not just learners but leaders, innovators, and compassionate citizens of the modern world. We look forward to seeing all that they will achieve in the years to come,” concluded Principal Finucane.

Special mention was made for sponsor Lee Strand who once again provided a brand new laptop to one 6th year student (Saoirse Doyle) who won the Lee Strand Award. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOS AND FULL LIST OF AWARD WINNERS…

Attendance award winners, In front; Zara Kirby, Maggie Scanlon and Narisara Janthong. At back; Saoirse Mehigan, Danielle Shanahan, Jane Cheng and Jane Lynch at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean


Favour Owoeye (Enterprise), Kate Fitzsimons (Wellbeing) and Claire McMahon (Wellbeing) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

Shauna Harris (Sports Volunteer), Emma Quirke (Senior Sportsperson), Nicole Walker (Senior Athletics), Jennifer Olanrewagu (Senior Basketball) and Lauren O’Driscoll (Senior Badminton) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean


Exchange students who received awards at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean

Olivia Crean (Arts winner) at the Presentation Secondary School awards on Wednesday. Photo by Dermot Crean






















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