PRESENTATION Secondary School Tralee explored different cultures with the 2017 Language week.
A huge range of activities were organised from bingo, quizzes, poster competitions to Treasure hunts.
Transition Year students hosted language cafés on Tuesday for Second and Fourth Year students. Chocolate chaud, crépes and other baked goods wafted throughout the school, bringing plenty of customers to taste the delicious French and German foods on offer.
On Wednesday, a French play performed by native-speaking French actors was held for second, fourth and fifth year students.
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They are from the French Theatre for Schools and have been coming to the school for a number of years. This year’s productions included ‘Le Secret Noir’ for seniors and ‘Le Porte-Bonheur’ for juniors.
As well as all of these activities, posters featuring vocabulary and information on French and German culture have been displayed throughout the school.
This emphasis on the importance of language, and learning about other cultures, will undoubtedly encourage students to be more open and will be a huge benefit to them in the future. Scroll down for photos…