KERRY County Council is inviting members of the public to join an online information session this week which marks the beginning of public consultation on a new Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) for Kerry.
The Kerry Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) has begun the preparation of the Local Economic and Community Plan (LCEP) for the period 2023 to 2029.
An online information webinar will be taking place on Wednesday, February 7 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. The webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams and members of the public can now register for the webinar on
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The Local Economic and Community Plan is a six-year plan which guides the development of County Kerry from economic, community, cultural, recreation and other perspectives.
It helps to guide and direct local government, state agencies, community sector, local development groups and other bodies that are involved in the development of County Kerry.
Kerry County Council have opened a public consultation process for members of the public to have their say on the plan. The support and participation of the public is essential to ensure the success of the plan in reflecting the views and ambitions of the people in the county.
The feedback received from the webinar along with public consultations completed during 2023 will be vital for the development of the new LECP.