THE Public consultation process on the construction of an underpass at Ballygarran as part of the Tralee-Fenit Greenway project has begun
A pedestrian / cycling underpass is required to cross under the local road L-2006 at Ballygarran (Cotters Bend) and submissions are sought on the proposal which will provide a coherent route for the TraleeFenit Greenway with users separated from road traffic.
The works will consist of the:
Continued below…
• Installation of a precast concrete (box) underpass, 20.0m in length, with a 4.0m internal width and a headroom of 2.7m
• Installation of headwalls, wing walls and retaining walls
• Diversion of services to accommodate the construction of the underpass
• Construction of a 3m wide paved surface
• Installation of fencing / vehicle restraint systems, where required
• Associated site works
To see the full details of the proposal, click here. Kerry County Council has concluded that the proposed project, individually, and in combination with other plans and projects, is not one which requires an Appropriate Assessment (AA) or an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and is not likely to have a significant effect on the environment.
A member of the public, may at any time before the expiration of four weeks beginning on the date of the publication of this notice, seek an EIA screening determination from An Bord Pleanála as to whether the proposed development would have significant effects on the environment.
Plans and Particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection or purchase, on payment of a specified fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making such a copy, during normal office hours from Thursday 6th May 2021 until 4th June 2021 at the following locations;
• Kerry County Council, Tralee Municipal District Office, Princes Quay, Tralee, Co. Kerry
• Kerry County Council, Áras an Chontae, Rathass, Tralee, County Kerry.
• Kerry County Council Website
An Adviser is available to explain the plans and particulars by appointment only at 066 719 1362.
Submissions and Observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with proper planning and sustainable development in which the development would be situated, may be made in writing and clearly marked; Tralee-Fenit Greenway Underpass Ch4865” to Administrative Officer, Capital Infrastructure Uni, Kerry County Council, Tralee Municipal District Offices; Princes Quay, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Or Email to: Submissions must be received by 5pm on Friday 18th June 2021.