Sponsored: Give The Gift Of A House Plant From Ballyseedy This Christmas

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WITH just days to go until Christmas, why not give the gift of a house plant which is the on-trend gift this festive season.

You might have noticed the houseplant trend that has taken off this year. Houseplants are enjoying a massive boom in popularity all over the world, providing some therapy amid pandemic stress.

“A lot of people have realised that cultivating greenery in their homes is very therapeutic” said Nathan McDonnell, Managing Director of Ballyseedy Home & Gardens.


“Mental health is obviously a hot topic and more important than ever right now. Studies continuously show that plants actually make people happy. In times of stress and chaos, plants are known to have calming qualities and relieve stress. They also present the opportunity for distraction in these times of isolation, giving people purpose and hope.” added Nathan.

And the benefits don’t end there. NASA has stated that houseplants are the most effective way to naturally purify the air. With viruses and bacteria everywhere, live plants can eliminate toxins in the air.


Humans also have an innate need to nurture something. Many people have pets, but houseplants can also fulfill this need. Plants require care and attention (some much more than others!) and this is a relatively low maintenance way to scratch this itch for many people.

“There’s something magical about noticing that your plant is growing a new leaf and watching your plant grow before your eyes under your care. It’s very fulfilling and from an interior design perspective a plant can transform a room” added Nathan.

Ballyseedy Home & Garden have a massive range of houseplants in-store and online at www.ballyseedy.ie – gift green this Christmas or treat yourself.



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