AN Bord Pleanála has given outline planning permission to Listellick NS to proceed with the building of a new school on the proposed site.
The appeal lodged by the Commissioners of Public Works, on behalf of the Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan to appeal Kerry County Council’s refusal to grant outline planning permission on December 16, 2014, has founded in favour of Listellick NS.
Along with providing a modern learning environment, the decision will also provide employment during the construction stage.
The proposed development will provide an eight classroom primary school of aproximately 2,100 sq. metres, a sewage treatment system, ball courts, a play area and a lay-by for vehicles.
The move has been welcomed by Kerry North/West Limerick Labour Deputy Arthur Spring.
“This decision will allow Listellick NS to build a modern school which will lead to a better learning environment for the students. I would like to compliment the Principal Annette Dineen and the Board of Management who pursued the project with persistent effort up to today’s favourable decision,” said Deputy Spring.