Tag Archives: Mater Hospital

Take The 31 Miles In May Challenge To Support Dementia Care At Mater Hospital

Walk, jog or run a mile a day this May with the Mater Hospital Foundation by signing up to their new ’31 Miles in May’ challenge.

THE Mater Hospital Foundation is calling on people across Kerry to lace up, head out and take on its new 31 Miles in May challenge, supporting dementia care in the Mater Hospital.

This challenge is an opportunity for family members, friends, carers and anyone wanting to make a difference to get active for an important cause.

Taking time out to walk just one mile a day is beneficial for physical and mental well-being, and can be of real benefit to carers of people with dementia.

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31 Miles in May is also a great way for companies to get their teams active and working together to raise vital funds in support of dementia care.

To get involved visit www.materfoundation.ie to register for your free challenge t-shirt (while stocks last!), miles tracker and set up your fundraising page on either Facebook, Instagram or JustGiving.

Join the exclusive 31 Miles in May private Facebook group to connect with other challenge participants from across Ireland, to get inspired and stay motivated for your challenge.

Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a special Mater Hospital Foundation certificate to celebrate their achievement.

Mater Hospital Foundation supporters have already supported a number of initiatives to support dementia patients in the Mater Hospital, like refurbishing St. Anne’s Dementia Friendly Ward and funding the unique ‘RITA’ (Reminiscence / Rehabilitation and Interactive Therapy Activities) technology that helps patients remember and share events from their past. Funds raised by the 31 Miles in May challenge will be put to work where they are needed most to continue to make a real difference in the hospital.

