‘TDs Pay Rise Is A Slap In The Face For Ordinary Workers’ Says Ferris

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Tralee CTC new Insert


Martin Ferris.

Deputy Martin Ferris.

SINN Féin TD for Kerry Martin Ferris has said yesterday’s vote on TDs pay is a slap in the face for ordinary workers.

Sinn Féin had proposed that TDs would not accept the €5,000 per year pay rise but this was rejected by a vote of 90 votes to 32.

“Once again low and middle class income earners are being told that their is no money for wage increases, our teachers, nurses and Gardaí have taken to the streets to try and get equal pay for equal work,” said Deputy Ferris.

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Ashe Street Festival insert


“TDs like myself are handsomely rewarded already and to top up TDs pay by €5000 a year is a slap in the face for hard working families who have to remain at the bottom of the list once again.”

“How TDs who voted for the increase can turn around and tell union members that they must wait their turn is beyond laughable and is inexcusable. Irish parliamentarians are amongst the highest paid politicians in Europe, and to have any understanding of how ordinary people have to manage day to day living, TDs wages should in fact be cut. We were promised a new politics but this is the same old politics at work once again where Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have once again joined hands to ensure their interests are looked after,” said Deputy Ferris.

TDs are due to receive a pay hike of around €300 a month from April, and again from January.

One Comment

  1. So people in Ireland are concerned about politics in America when the politicians in Eire are a Disgrace!!
