Two Free Biodiversity And Sustainability Events In Tralee

fun ‘mermaids purse’ or shark, skate and ray egg case hunt at Cockleshell beach this Sunday.

TRALEE Tidy Towns will offer two free biodiversity and sustainability events on this Sunday and Monday respectively.

On Sunday, September 8 at 11am, they will be joined at Cockleshell beach (meeting point: the Lock Gates parking area) by Louise Overy of the Irish Elasmobranch Group and MTU who will lead a fun ‘mermaids purse’ or shark, skate and ray egg case hunt at Cockleshell beach.

Learn about the wonderful sharks and skates that depend on Tralee Bay and how to identify the species from their egg cases; see how many egg cases you can find,  guess the number of egg cases in the container.

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This is a always a fun family event and the weather looks promising so far. This event is funded by the Local Authority Waters Programme and is organised in support of Water Heritage Day.

On Monday, September 9, Tralee Tidy Towns will run a free ‘Doughnut Economics Workshop’ from 6 to 7pm at the Tralee Bay Wetlands Eco and Activity Park. This event is funded by the Tidy Towns Ireland Department of Rural and Community Development Grant.

Anne Marie Fuller of Tralee Tidy Towns said: “The way the current economy is run isn’t working for all people or the planet. There is increasing inequality and increasing climate change and biodiversity loss. We still have a long way to go to meeting the sustainable development goals.

“We need an economy that works for people and planet rather than the other way around. Doughnut Economics sets out new economic ideas and goals to help us move into just and equitable systems that are good for our communities and nature and enable us all to thrive and flourish.”

The ‘Step into the Doughnut’ workshop introduces the core idea of doughnut economics in a fun, interactive and thought provoking way.

Numbers at both events are limited so all those interested are advised to send an email expressing their interest to

