Chain Gang To Get On Their Bikes For Kerry Hospice

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Launching the Chain Gang Cycling Club’s ‘Spin Into Spring’ fundraiser were Jennifer Crowley, Pat Keohane, Dave Elton, John Murray and Avril Hewitt.

THE Chain Gang Cycling Club has decided to organise a fundraiser for Kerry Hospice over Valentine’s weekend.

With the present level 5 lockdown in place until at least March 5, they have decided on an event similar to the ‘Thumbs Up Cycle’ they ran last year for the Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital Kerry where they raised €4,000.

This year’s event is called ‘Spin into Spring’. The dates for this event are Saturday/Sunday February 13/14 between 8am and 5pm . This involves members getting out to do an hour or so on their bikes within their 5km zone or at home using their indoor trainers.

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A €10 donation per person will be collected using a gofundme page, with all monies going to the local hospice.

The aim of this fundraiser will be to give members a bit of a lift by getting them out and cycling for some kind of purpose and then getting a few photos up onto social media  and doing something positive for a worthy cause.

They’ve set up a web page as well as a gofundme page (linked on the website) where you can find all the relevant information here

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