FOR the sixth consecutive year, credit unions have claimed pole position for the best customer experience in Ireland at the official CXi awards announced today.
Credit unions have strengthened their reputation as Ireland’s undisputed CX champions by not just taking the top spot again this year, but by also extending their lead at the top of the table.
The CXi Report is published annually by the CX Company based on a survey carried out on their behalf by Amárach Research. Amárach surveyed 2,500 Irish consumers who rated their customer experiences of 151 brands across ten sectors.
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Credit unions were deemed the overall winners with the highest scores across the six pillars of Customer Experience – Personalisation, Integrity, Expectations, Time & Effort, Empathy and Resolution.
Credit unions also topped the poll for best financial brand and the best brand for loyalty.
Pa Laide, CEO Cara Credit Union said; “In what has been an unprecedented year, we are extremely proud of this unparalleled achievement. To achieve the overall award for the sixth consecutive year is testament to the amazing staff we have, not only in Cara Credit Union but right across the Credit Union movement. We put our members at the heart of everything we do, and never has this been more relevant as we navigate our way through 2020.”
Pa continued, “Credit unions are an essential service and have stayed open during this pandemic and will continue to do so under the new Level 5 restrictions. We have adapted our services to ensure our members and staff stay safe. You can now apply for a loan online, sign online and transfer funds online. You can also become a member online. In recent months we have opened a Members Services Centre, where members can carry out many of their transactions over the phone. We will continue to lend, so if you need a loan, please talk to us. We are here to help.”