Labour Candidate Won’t Use Corriboard Posters In Local Elections Campaign

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Ben Slimm.

LABOUR Party Local Election candidate Ben Slimm has announced a commitment to sustainability and road safety by opting not to use corriboard posters in the upcoming election campaign.

Mr Slimm, who is running in the Tralee Electoral Area, cited three reasons for this decision. He said corriboard posters are traditionally used only once and are often discarded afterwards, adding to the mounting issue of plastic waste.

In the face of a global climate emergency, he believes every step toward reducing single-use plastics matters.

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He also said posters placed on lampposts and poles can obstruct visibility and create potential hazards for pedestrians, motorcyclists, cyclists, and other road users.

Also, with a cost of living crisis and rising campaign expenses, he said corriboard posters are an expensive option. He said his campaign will instead focus on direct voter engagement through meeting constituents and digital outreach.

“I believe it’s crucial that our actions align with our values,” says Ben. “By forgoing traditional corriboard posters, I’m taking a stand for a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable Tralee.”


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