While starting secondary is an exciting new adventure, many students (and parents!) are terrified at the prospective. Mary Lucey of Career Ahead has some tips which she believes will ease the transition…
1. Normalise the transition setting over the summer — Discuss concerns openly and honestly, but do not overemphasise the impending change as this will only cause stress. Encourage the students to be involved andresponsible for as much as possible in relation to the changeand the preparations.
2. Parents, be discreet on the first day – avoid emotional public displays – take any pics at home prior to leaving the house!
3. Sort out practicalities – the location of classrooms, the canteen, the gym, the toilets – the lockers, the location of the bus home, if getting a lift home, the location of the car outside, etc. These facts can play on a student’s mind, but can all be well-established in advance of the first day/week. Parents can link in with the school directly if need be.
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4. Be organised – have the correct uniform, sports gear, books, etc
5. Meeting new classmates – aim to befriend just one or two people initially. Reassure students that expanding their circle of friends is a gradual process.
6. Establish what out-of-school activities are organised and sign up for these – a great way to expand a circle of friends with similar interests.
7. Develop a regular routine around homework, eating and sleeping.
8. Adopt efficient and effective study routines. Students often complete homework but the concept of “study” in addition to homework is completely new.
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9. Be informed – go over the school documentation/website/social media together, these will outline rules, regulations, expectations, and ethos of the school.
10. Ask questions – remember school is for learning and nobody expects students to know everything.
Finally, remind students that every one of them will feel nervous initially and are all in the same position irrespective of how confident they may manage to appear on the outside!
• For more about Career Ahead go to www.careerahead.ie or contact marylucey@careerahead.ie 087 9338941