On The Run: My Five Great Miles Around Fantastic Scenery

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TraleeToday.ie’s Fergus Dennehy writes about his favourite running route around town… 


Born To Run Member Fergus Dennehy describes his favourite running route around town.

AS only a recent convert to the running phenomenon, this writer never thought that he’d be writing about his favourite route to run.

My current favourite  is an approximate five-miler that starts from the Aqua Dome car park and features everything that a runner could ask for – hills, hills, and two nice nice long stretches of road where you can really gather up speed.

Upon leaving the safety of your car, turn left out of the car park, past the Tralee Bay Wetlands and you’re slowly getting your legs into gear for what you know will be the long-haul.

Ballyard hill slowly (yet at the same time, all too quickly!) looms into sight and before you know it, you’re on the uphill drag that no-matter how fit you think you are, quickly saps the energy straight from your legs.

It’s easiest to take this section nice and slowly with short strides and controlled breathing making the long climb much more manageable, and you’ll you find yourself at the top before you know it.

You’re soon on the downhill stretch approaching the Tralee Rugby Club, a lovely section that offers you some fantastic views of the surrounding scenery, along with a welcome chance to catch back that lost breath as you approach the T-junction at the end of this road.

Taking the right turn here brings you onto the approximate two-mile straight stretch where you can really push yourself knowing that the major hill climbs are out of the way with the road eventually bringing you to a crossroads where you can continue straight on for Tonevane or take the right turn to bring you back in towards Blennerville.

After taking the right turn you’re on the Blennerville stretch of road, where there is a great sense of calm and tranquility about the route just before the GAA pitch comes in to view.

You’re soon on the home stretch, leaving the village and crossing the bridge to head down the canal, you can see the Aqua Dome way off in the distance and this gives you a great second wind as you steadily make your way down the final mile towards home to the car-park.

Finally, you find yourself easing off as you make the last turn into the car park and slow to a walk as you cool off after an excellent five-miler.

• If you have a favourite running route that you would like to write, share or talk about, please feel free to get in touch with us at fergusdennehy@gmail.com and we’ll let others know about it…

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