Kerry Team Named For Senior Hurling League Clash Against Clare

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The Kerry team that lined out against Mallow against Cork last Sunday.
The Kerry team that lined out against Mallow against Cork last Sunday.

THE Kerry team to play Clare in the Munster Senior Hurling League tonight in Sixmilebridge at 7:30pm, has been named.

Kilmoyley’s Daniel Collins, will once again captain Kerry as they face Davy Fitzgerald’s, Clare, in the side’s third match of the competition.

Though Kerry have lost their opening two games against Limerick and Cork, they have performed well in both matches.

Ciaran Carey’s men will be looking to put it up to one of the big boys once. The Limerick legend has named the same forward line that helped hit 0-18 in Mallow last Sunday against Cork.

Team is as follows…

1 Aidan McCabe, Kilmoyley
2 Sean Weir, Crotta O’Neills
3 Bryan Murphy, Causeway
4 Dougie Fitzell, Kilmoyley
5 Daniel Collins (Capt), Kilmoyley
6 Thomas Casey, Causeway
7 Jason Diggins, Causeway
8 James O’Connor, Abbeydorney
9 Johnny Buckley, Lixnaw
10 Colm Harty, Causeway
11 Brendan O’Leary, Abbeydorney
12 Shane Nolan, Crotta O’Neills
13 Keith Carmody, Causeway
14 Micheal O’Leary, Abbeydorney
15 Jordan Conway, Crotta O’Neills


16 Martin Stackpoole, Lixnaw
17 Mickey Boyle, Ballyduff
18 Brendan Brosnan, Lixnaw
19 Paudie O’Connor, Kilmoyley
20 Jack Goulding, Ballyduff
21 David Goulding, Ballyduff
22 Tom Murnane, Kilmoyley
23 Sean Maunsell, Kilmoyley
24 Mike Milner, Dr Crokes
25 Darragh Shanahan, Lixnaw
26 Ger Stackpoole, Lixnaw

Bainisteoir: Ciaran Carey (Patrickswell)
Mark Foley (Adare)
Damien Ryall (Abbeydorney)
James McCarthy (Kilmoyley), Michael Conway (Lixnaw)

Mounthawk Students To Sleep Out To Raise Awareness Of Homeless Issue

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Mercy Mounthawk students who will take part in 'The Road Home Sleep Out' in aid of homeless were, from left: Evan O'Connor, Conor Higgins, Sean Costello, Ian Dillane, Tom Guerin, Joe O'Connor, Chloe Hogan Katie Ryan, Anna Morrison, Ali Feely, Thomas Healy. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
Mercy Mounthawk students who will take part in ‘The Road Home Sleep Out’ in aid of homeless were, from left: Evan O’Connor, Conor Higgins, Sean Costello, Ian Dillane, Tom Guerin, Joe O’Connor, Chloe Hogan, Katie Ryan, Anna Morrison, Ali Feely, Thomas Healy. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

MERCY Mounthawk students are set to spend a night sleeping outside the school gym next week to highlight the homelessness issue.

On Friday, January 21, the transition year students will take part in the event and the following morning – feeling suitably cold and unrested we imagine – they will be collecting in Manor West with all funds going to the homeless charity, Focus Ireland.

The students are part of the transition year Young Social Innovators Group.

“We, as a group, believe that the first step in understanding what homelessness feels like, we should experience it for ourselves,” said YSI Group member Katie Ryan.

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“We have been involved in other events such as our school open day, but this is only the beginning to the things we hope to do in order to raise awareness and hopefully make a change in our town,” she said.

The group have support from Tralee Chamber Alliance President John Drummey and  Minister Jimmy Deenihan but would hugely appreciate help from the general public.

You can follow their journey on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Council May Have To Remove Pearse Park Bins If Illegal Dumping Continues

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Pearse Park
Pearse Park.

ILLEGAL dumping by litter louts may result in the two bins located in Pearse Park being removed should the problem persist.

Fianna Fáil Cllr Norma Foley raised the issue at the Tralee Municipal District meeting of Kerry County Council on Monday where she asked that the matter of illegal dumping there be looked at a matter of urgency.

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Council management said they would continue to closely monitor the area to catch the culprits, but if the problem persisted, they would have to remove the bins. They said this method was used previously in another part of town and proved successful in eliminating the dumping problem in that area.

“I’d be slow to take them away. Maybe we could have bins with a smaller access point to prevent domestic rubbish being dumped there,” said Cllr Foley, who welcomed closer monitoring of the area.

“Pearse Park is a hugely significant part of our town, it always does well in Tidy Towns and it is such a shame and a poor reflection on our town that it is being abused in this manner,” she said.


Courts Service Say No Funds Available To Make Tralee Courthouse Wheelchair Accessible

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Kerry Circuit Court.
Tralee Courthouse.

THE issue of access and remedial works to Tralee Courthouse was brought up again at the meeting of the Tralee Municipal District meeting, where a frustrated Cllr Terry O’Brien joked that he was tempted to commit a crime just to see the inside of the building.

The Municipal District wrote to the Courts Service in September calling on them to make the Courthouse in Tralee a more accessible environment for all. At the moment there is no access for wheelchair users.

On Monday, councillors received a copy of a letter of reply, received by the Council from the Courts Service on November 5, which stated it would “not be possible to provide all the necessary space and facilities within the current site.”

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The Courts Service said they were aware of the issues, but said account must be taken of the limited funding available to the Courts Service and the cost of any remedial works to improve accessibility and facilities in Tralee.

The letter stated that it is proposed to build a new Courthouse in Tralee, subject to securing a suitable site and “this will enable the Courts Service to provide improved facilities for all users and also allow the issue of accessibility to be addressed comprehensively.”

Labour Cllr, Terry O’Brien, was very disappointed with the response.

“For me personally, the Courthouse is a fabulous building. Access to  the building is something we should be shouting about. Elderly people and people with prams don’t have proper access. I signed the papers to go for the 2007 general election in the jail cells – maybe it would have been better if I’d stayed there – but I signed them there because I couldn’t get access to the Courthouse. I’m tempted to commit a crime  just to get in there!” he ended, on a light note.

Cllr Pa Daly said that many court sittings in villages around the county had ended and questioned where the money saved there has gone. He said Tralee is one of the only Courthouses of its size in the country which has not seen refurbishment in recent years.

Renua’s Kerry Candidate Says New Party Will Be Tough On Crime

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Donal Corcoran
Donal Corcoran

A NEW candidate and a new party was added to the general election ticket in Kerry this week.

Caherslee man, Donal Corcoran, will run for Renua in the party’s first ever general election.

Once a member of Fianna Fail, the stone mason instructor at Kerry ETB joined Renua because he was disillusioned with politics in Ireland.

He is originally from Laois, but has been living in Tralee since 1990.

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Last week it was reported that Fianna Fail Councillor, Norma Foley, was approached by Renua to run for the party in Kerry, but she declined that offer opting to stay within Fianna Fail.

After being put to a vote of Renua party members, Donal Corcoran, was approved to run for the party on Monday.


“Our local policies are centered around mainly jobs, tourism and also crime. Those are the Renua policies, that are going to be implemented at a local level,” told

Mr Corcoran is interested in selling Kerry as place to do business with an emphasis on renewable energy providing jobs so the county can be self sufficient.

He describes Renua as being harsh on crime; “The way we see it is, jail not bail.”

“In the party manifesto we have ‘three strikes rule’ that will result in a mandatory life sentence for serious crime. We want a far less soft approach to crime. We want to come down on it hard.”

One of the major talking points around the party is its open vote on a proposed referendum to repeal the 8th amendment of the constitution, which gives equal right to the life of the mother and the unborn.

“I will be looking forward to the holding of a referendum and I will be voting yes.”

“I have discussed this with Eddie Hobbs and Lucinda Creighton, one of the core principals of the part is freedom of thought. Matters of conscience are left to individual party members.”

Mr Corcoran is the 15th candidate to be added to the ticket in Kerry, a daunting prospect for a new party in the county.

“We know it’s a mammoth task to get elected, but it won’t deter us to get a Renua candidate elected in Kerry.”

He is unsure of how many went for the Kerry candidacy and how many Renua members there are in Kerry.

“I don’t know how many members or supporters there are in Kerry, but I carried out a street collection in Dingle back in August and it went well,” he said.

“We seem to have good support. When the party was first launched there was a lot of interest. Now there’s a candidate to focus on in Kerry there should be a greater understanding of what the party has to offer.”

Son’s Upset At Missing Wreath From Mother’s Grave In Rath

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Jon O'Sullivan with his Mother Ena Spring O'Sullivan.
Jon O’Sullivan with his Mother Ena Spring O’Sullivan.

A BEREAVED son believes he had a wreath he laid on his mother’s grave at Rath Cemetery deliberately moved by someone onto another burial plot and later went missing altogether.

In December, Jon O’Sullivan, who now lives and works in Northampton, England, returned home to place a wreath on his mother, Ena Spring O’Sullivan’s, grave on what would have been her birthday. Ena, from Kevin Barry Villas, passed away last April.

A few weeks later, after Jon had turned to England, the wreath – with personalised card attached – was spotted by a family member on another grave and it was promptly returned to Ena’s resting place.

However, the wreath was missing once more, but on this occasion it was gone for good.

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“I put wreath on her grave when I was over in December for her birthday,” said Jon O’Sullivan. “A few days after I went back to England, the wreath was gone.”

“It was found on someone else’s grave on the opposite side of the graveyard, but still with my card on it and it was then put back. The wreath was gone again last week and it couldn’t be found it all,” he said.

Jon feels because there was personalised card from him to his mother on the card, this was not a mistake. “To me it doesn’t make sense because it is marked and identified that the wreath doesn’t belong to anyone else,” he said.

A possible explanation could be the adverse weather conditions over the past month, blowing wreaths around, but Jon said he has heard of other incidents of wreaths being taken from graves in Rath in the past.

“Other people have said to me that they have had wreaths taken from the grave of loved ones and that it’s a common thing. I think it’s fairly low to steal from somebody’s grave.”

The wreath that Jon O'Sullivan, laid on his mother Ena's, grave.
The wreath that Jon O’Sullivan, laid on his mother Ena’s grave.

However, Rath cemetery committee member and local Tralee Municipal District councillor, Sam Locke, said incidents of people taking wreaths from graves are not common.

“I wouldn’t imagine that’s happening on a regular basis in the cemetery. I’ve been on the committee, for the past 25 years and we’ve had very few incidents of people deliberately going over and trying to upset other people’s graves by trying to enhance their own,” Cllr Locke told

“If there has been interference to a grave of a loved one and they know something is happening, they need to report it to the gardaí or the caretaker in Rath. He might be able to observe it and take it further if evidence is needed in a case of law,” he said.

Counting The Cost Of Storm Damage Around The County

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Flooding in Ballymullen during Storm Desmond in early December. Photo by Dermot Crean

KERRY County Council has applied for funding, after storms over the past month caused damage to a number of piers, harbours and approach roads, including the Tralee-Fenit road.

In a report to the Tralee Municipal District on Monday it was revealed that it will cost over €4m to repair damage caused by the storms which hit the county on three occasions over December.

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Part of that damage was caused to piers, harbours and approach roads and it was outlined that the Council has applied to the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine for funding for the following locations:

• Tralee/Fenit Regional Road: Coastal Protection Works – €250,000

• Cliff Road, Ballyheigue / adjacent to the fishery slipway – Coastal Protection Works required, approx 280m of rock armour revetment – €500,000

• Cliff Road, Rossbeigh: further damage to coastal embankment – €500,000.

• Provision of a new road to replace existing road, Lower Road, Rossbeigh, €1.1m.

• Ballinskelligs Pier: further structural damage/undermining of pier – €160,000.

• Scraggane Pier – further damage/undermining of pier €80,000

The report from Senior Engineer, David Doyle, revealed that 250 council staff were involved in helping the public during the storm events in December.

There were 100 outdoor staff, 30 retained fire services staff, 100 Civil Defence volunteers and 20 senior staff involved.  Approximately 18,000 sandbags were filled and deployed during the storm events.

During Storm Desmond on December 4/5, the River Lee recorded levels of between 77mm and 114mm over a 36 hour period, the highest since the level since the installation of the gauge in 1975, exceeding the previous high in 1986.

With regards to properties affected during the storm events, the total number of evacuated dwellings since December 3 is 17 with the residents returning to 15 of those dwellings since.

The number of dwellings damaged by flooding was 48 with 506 residential properties inaccessible due to road flooding.

The number of dwellings currently under threat of flooding is 27 and 24 business premises were affected by the flooding.

2015 Was A Record Year For Patients Waiting On Trolleys At KGH


KGH BiggerFIGURES from the INMO have revealed that 2015 was a record year from patients waiting on trolleys at Kerry General Hospital.

The Trolley Watch figures supplied by the organisation revealed the numbers were up 38% on 2014 and the highest since records began in 2006. This is way above the national average of 21%.

There were 1,389 patients waiting on trolleys in the Emergency Department and wards in 2015 compared to 1,005 in 2014. The previous high was in 2006 with a figure of 1,144.

Nationally, from January to December 2015, almost 93,000 patients waited on a trolley for an in-patient bed compared to 77,000 in 2014. This was the highest figure since INMO records began.

However, December saw a decrease in the numbers waiting in KGH with 67 on trolleys compared to 119 for the same month in 2014.

Speaking in the light of the national figures revealed, INMO General Secretary Liam Doran said: “While we welcome the reduction of 13% in the December 2015 figures, the 21% overall increase in 2015 figures compared to 2014 is very disappointing.  Also, the first days of January this year show no sign of the crisis abating.

It is now absolutely vital that the HSE, at national level, and at senior level within all Hospital Groups, immediately commits to fully operating the revised policy. Their priority must be to reduce overcrowding and ensure that nurses can practice safely within a manageable working environment so that we never see these figures again.”

PHOTO: There Was A Lovely David Bowie Tribute On Ballybunion Beach Yesterday

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David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust days with the Ziggy logo in the background.

THE death of David Bowie cast a veil of sadness all over the world for music fans yesterday.

His mesmeric talent touched us all and in Kerry there was no shortage of people paying tribute to the Thin White Duke on social media.

One man in Ballybunion went further though and went down to the Ladies beach to carve out his own tribute  in the sand. This image  below appeared on the Ballybunion TidyTowns Facebook page yesterday.

Mario Perez made a circle with the famous lightning bolt Ziggy Stardust emblem from Bowie’s early 70s pomp.

Nice one Mario, great tribute.

Mario Perez’s tribute to David Bowie on Ballybunion Beach yesterday. Photo via Ballybunion TidyTowns Facebook Page

Listellick Man Takes Top Coaching Job With U18 Irish Women’s Basketball Team

Liam Culloty
Liam Culloty

TRALEE Imperials basketball coach, Liam Culloty, made took another step up the ladder in his coaching career, when over the weekend he was appointed head coach for the Ireland U18 Women’s team.

The Mercy Mounthawk teacher, had been serving as assistant coach of the side since November 2014 and now has made the natural progression to coach.

“I’m delighted to get the job, it’s going to be a great challenge,” said Liam.

He is a son of Michael Culloty, who enjoyed success as a basketball coach with Moyderwell school and others in the past.

This year, Liam can look forward to leading an Ireland side to a European Championships which will be held in Bosnia.

Over the next couple of months the Listellick native will be busy picking his team that will go to Bosnia, which he informs us unfortunately has no Tralee or Kerry players involved.

There will be a quite a lot of travelling in the role with training taking place all over the country. One of Liam’s highlights last year was bringing the team to Tralee.

“We were really well looked after by the locality. We were given a great reception and people really looked after us. So, we’ll be looking at doing something like that again, hopefully in June or July before the European Championships,” he said.

Liam is currently coaching the Tralee Imperials U18 girls team and St Brendan’s U16 boys team.

Dolores Picks Up A New Car In Tralee Credit Union Draw

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Dolores O’Reilly, Tralee Credit Union Member Car Draw winner from Castleisland, collecting the keys to her brand new Toyota Auris 161 from Derry Fleming Tralee Credit Union. Also in the picture is her partner, Dan O’Sullivan, Jerry O’Sullivan, Kellihers Toyota and Suzanne Ennis, Tralee Credit Union.
Dolores O’Reilly, Tralee Credit Union Member Car Draw winner from Castleisland, collecting the keys to her brand new Toyota Auris 161 from Derry Fleming Tralee Credit Union. Also in the picture is her partner, Dan O’Sullivan, Jerry O’Sullivan, Kellihers Toyota and Suzanne Ennis, Tralee Credit Union.

A CASTLEISLAND woman picked her new Toyota Auris thanks to Tralee Credit Union.

Dolores O’Reilly from Castleisland is the latest winner in Tralee Credit Union’s Members Car Draw.

Dolores won the Car Draw in December winning a brand new 161 Toyota Auris.

Collecting the car this week Dolores said; “I’ve never won anything before, I didn’t believe it when Derry Fleming from Tralee Credit Union phoned me Christmas week telling me that Santa had arrived early with a brand new car. I’m absolutely delighted, it’s a great start to the year.”

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Dolores wasn’t the only member who won in December’s car draw – 32 members also won cash prizes totalling €13,000, six members won €1,000, another six members won €500 and the remaining 20 members €200 each.

Suzanne Ennis, Marketing & Business Development Manager said: “Our Members Car Draw is a great draw for our members with 4 car draws a year. You’ve a great chance of winning, as its only open to our members and to those members who are in the draw so if you don’t win, you can be sure you’ll know the person who does.

The cost of each draw is €6 per draw and any surplus left over at the end of the year is raffled out to our car draw members in the form of cash prize at Christmas time.

Our Car Draw is open to Tralee Credit Union members over 18 years of age, for further information visit our website or call in to our offices in Tralee, Castleisland and Killorglin.”

Liam Dowling To Be Honoured With Reception In Council Chambers

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Liam Dowling.

THE greyhound trainer of the Irish Derby winner will be honoured with a reception in Council chambers in March.

Ballymac-based Liam Dowling had a great 2015 where he was named the Greyhound Personality of the Year back in November following the brilliant performances of his Ballymac greyhounds throughout the year.

The highlight was the BoyleSports Irish Derby success for Ballymac Matt, who also won the Gain 600 at Shelbourne.

Mayor of Tralee, Tom McEllistrim, requested the reception – at the Tralee Municipal District (TMD) meeting on Monday – as Mr Dowling has done so much for the sport in the county.

Mayor McEllistrim said the derby win was great for Ballymac, Tralee, Ardfert and Kerry and that the greyhound industry is very important in the county for tourism also. The reception will be held after the March meeting of the TMD.

Kerry GAA To Hold Fundraising Gala Dinner In Dublin On Eve Of League Encounter

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Kerry GAA Centre of Excellence.
Kerry GAA Centre of Excellence.

THE inaugural Kerry GAA Gala Fundraising Dinner will be held at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Dublin, on Friday, January 29.

This black-tie event, with a table for ten costing €2,000, will take place on the eve of the opening game in the Allianz Football League in which Dublin and Kerry will meet again in Croke Park.

All funds raised on the night will be invested in the development of training and coaching facilities at the Kerry Centre of Excellence Projects in IT Tralee and Currans.

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The enduring rivalry between Kerry and Dublin counties will be a central theme of the Gala Dinner which will be attended by many of the stars of the legendary Kerry-Dublin clashes over the decades.

On the night attendees can look forward to…

  • Dinner and entertainment, compared by RTÉ’s Darragh Moloney.
  • Interviews with current and past Kerry and Dublin legends and a current International Rugby star with strong Kerry roots.
  • Music, led by the great Liam O’Connor.
  • The chance to participate in an auction of Kerry and Dublin GAA and other collector’s sporting memorabilia.
  • Networking opportunity amongst the Kerry Diaspora Business Community in Dublin.
  • Tickets to the Kerry v. Dublin National League opening match on 30 January 2016.
  • Tickets for a legends Tour of Croke Park to take place on the afternoon of 30 January 2016.

To book your table please visit or contact Carley Donegan on

This Kerry T-Shirt Might Upset A Few Cork People

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A T-SHIRT has popped up online that might get blood boiling Leeside and could be the perfect item to adorn yourself with on the walk up to Fitzgerald Stadium on Munster Final Day.

The amusing shirt proclaims that “On the 8th day God created Kerry people because even Cork people need heroes” (see below).

The tongue and cheek garment has appeared on a custom t-shirt website and needs a certain amount of orders so it can go to print. It costs €21.43, for a regular, short sleeve t-shirt.

Perhaps this is Kerry’s answer to the ‘Peoples Republic of Cork’ t-shirts that have been on the scene for over a decade.

Kerry Shirt
Kerry T-Shirt

You can order from HERE

Hat tip – Sam 37

Orlagh Winters: Ten Under 40 To Look Out For In 2016 (Part 1)

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Orlagh new profile 12016 is a year that holds a lot of opportunities for each and every one of us be it in work, relationships or health.

I have compiled a list of ten businesspeople from whom we could get our inspiration to succeed from as these people are certainly achieving their goals and they are all under 40. Here’s five and we’ll have the other half next week…

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Nathan McDonnell

1. Nathan Mc Donnell – Ballyseedy Home & Garden Centre

Having experienced difficulties like so may others during the downturn in the economy, it is just wonderful to see the Phoenix rise from the flames in Ballyseedy.

At the helm is Nathan who has worked tirelessly to make Ballyseedy a destination stop for so many. They have just had a hugely successful Christmas period with their ‘Believe at Ballyseedy’ experience a resounding success. Upwards of 60% of the people who visited Santa were from outside of Tralee and thankfully the traders of Tralee benefited from the visitors.

Plans for 2016 include a new farm shop selling local produce and a gala banquet called ‘Under the Stars’ at Ballyseedy in aid of local charities, which takes place in February. Details will be announced on their Facebook page in the coming weeks.

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Pat O'Sullivan and Mary Lynch at the 'Splash of Pink' event in aid of the Irish Cancer Society, at Ballygarden Garden Centre on Saturday morning. Photo by Dermot Crean
Pat O’Sullivan and Mary Lynch of The Styling Irish. File Photo by Dermot Crean

2. Mary Lynch and Pat O’Sullivan – The Styling Irish

During a search for an unusual anniversary gift, Mary Lynch stumbled across a website that unbeknownst to her, her other half Pat O’Sullivan had also visited.

They had a chat about the viability of creating their own business and hence ‘The Styling Irish’ was born. The concept is a gift box that contains items to ensure that the Irish will always remain stylish. Bow ties, pocket squares, pocket watches and hip flasks are only some of the items that you will receive in your beautiful gift box.

Never a couple to shy away from hard work they immediately started the task of promoting and selling the idea and it wasn’t long before Ryan Tubridy had them on his radio show talking about their fledgling business, the company won the prestigious Hi Magazine Chairman’s Choice award and appeared on TV3’s Ireland AM.

Such was the traffic to their website that the website crashed. Due to the success of their Christmas business they were sold out by December 21st.

Check them out on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

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Elaine Kinsella.

3. Elaine Kinsella – Radio Kerry

The stunning poster girl of Radio Kerry is a very talented and respected lady on the airwaves. Along with her co-presenter Andrew Morrissey they have the morning show on Radio Kerry and it is the feel good part of the day for all Kerry people.

A mixture of wit and a great sense of humour is what makes Elaine stand out from the crowd. She has worked with Radio Kerry for almost 12 years and is presenter of Kerry’s Full Breakfast  and Seven Days.

Elaine is also the Head of Music for the station.  The highlight of her career was winning a prestigious PPI award for a radio play about the Jeanie Johnston.

Other strings to her bow include her work as MC for many events throughout the county including the Rose of Tralee parade. Her infectious laugh is always identifiable and she is much sought after for this line of work.

2016 is a year that this Listowel native hopes she will finally finish that book that she has been writing since the day she was born!

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Caroline McEnery
Caroline McEnery

4. Caroline McEnery – The HR Suite

Kerry is very lucky to have a lady of Caroline’s cailbre working and employing people here.

Her company The HR Suite is going from strength to strength and was set up six years ago. Caroline is member on the Low Pay Commission and she also is an adjudicator in the recently formed Work Place Relations Commission.

Basically this Causeway native knows every aspect of the HR world and has written numerous articles and given many speeches in the area of employment law, mediation and other relevant HR related topics.

Watch out for this lady in 2016 and see her grow from strength to strength.

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Gary O’Driscoll

5. Gary O’Driscoll – Gary O’Driscoll Auctioneers

Cork’s loss is Kerry’s gain and the field of auctioneering although haven gone through some difficult years is finally seeing a turnaround and Gary is prolific on the scene. He has operated his business since 2008 and opened his new premises located at Ivy Terrace in January 2014.

He currently sells in North Kerry, Tralee and surrounding areas.  His focus is largely on the sale of commercial and agricultural properties. Ambitions for the future include opening an office in North Kerry and to increase his number of staff to include another qualified auctioneer.

Gary’s company sold a mixture of over 80 properties last year and has already experienced a strong start to 2016. His advice to anyone who is thinking of making a purchase is “If you want value in the future, you buy now”

Next week there will be more success stories including people from the world of sport and music.

Until next week,

Keep positive!

Orlagh xx

Spillane Calling For An End To How The Kerry Captain Is Selected

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Pat Spillane.
Pat Spillane.

PAT SPILLANE, is calling for an end to how the Kerry senior captain is selected, but says he would start Bryan Sheehan on the team due to his skill and kicking ability.

Speaking on 2FM’s ‘Game On’ programme last night, the eight-time All-Ireland medal winner said giving the captaincy to someone not assured of their place on the team is not the best idea.

“I think the captain should be chosen by team management and should be a guy that is guaranteed his place and who shows leadership qualities,” he said on the show.

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On Sunday night, Bryan Sheehan was nominated by county champions South Kerry for the captaincy. The tradition in the county is for the county champions to nominate a player for the captaincy, not the management team.

“Giving the captaincy to somebody who is not certain of his place puts a lot of pressure on that person,” said Spillane.

Spillane would have the St Mary’s man as starter, top trumping his kicking abilities over players who have more physical qualities.

“I would love to see Bryan starting for Kerry. I don’t think there is a better kicker of a ball on the ground or off the hand in Gaelic football in Ireland than Bryan Sheehan,” he said.

“I think he is that good. When it comes to skill Bryan Sheehan is as good as anyone.”

“The problem sometimes in modern day Gaelic football is that teams are decided not on the basis of skill but on what the stats man says in relation to the tackle count and turners and what the strength and conditioning guys reveal after they’ve looked at the GPS readings.”

In other news, Eamonn Fitzmaurice has revealed he is looking to blood a few young players in this year’s league.

Dingle men, Tom O’Sullivan and Brian Ó Beaglaoich are expected to stay on with the Kerry panel until the opening rounds of the National League.

The focus from then on for young players will be the U21 Munster Championship which begins in March.

Tralee Golf Club News


Tralee-Golf-ClubMen’s Results

1st Richard P Barrett (22) 27pts

2nd Pat O’Donnell (8) 27 Pts

3rd Tom O’Mahoney (15) 26 Pts


Saturday 16th Jan Casual Golf

Sunday 17th Jan Club Fourball

Don’t forget our Captains Dorothy’s and Liam’s Drive is on Sunday 24th.
Timesheet opening Monday 11th at 8.00pm

Senior Results:

6th January, 2016

1st Pat Conneely H/c 16 16pts
2nd Sean O’Sullilvan H/c 17 16pts
3rd Mick O’Connell H/c 14 15 ½ pts
4th Conor Stack H/c 12 15pts
+24’s Padraig Corcoran H/c 28 13pts

Next Outing

Wed 13th January 2016

Ladies Results:

Sunday 10th Jan 2016-

Ist Round Hamper-
Ist Fionnuala Mann 13(9)27 points

2nd Maureen Tiplady 20(13)

Results of weekly 9 holes re entry comp 1st.

Mary Underwood 14 points

Austin Stacks GAA Club Juvenile News

Austin Stacks CrestINDOOR FOOTBALL: Mounthawk Gym on Sunday next, 17th January ’16…that’s the place to be for all and every Rock Under 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 footballer.

The stars of the future will be on show! Our indoor training will be in full swing…our 2016 season is taking off! We expect dozens and scores of future Black’n’Amber stars! Beginners/newcomers most welcome! Times as follows:

(i) Under 6 players (born in 2010/11) at 10am; (ii) Under 8 players (born 2008/09) at 11am; (iii) Under 10 players (born in 2006/07) at 12.00.

PEIL FAOI 14: Players will be notified of training in the coming days as we begin our preparation for our first assignment of ’16. We’ll travel to the Nemo Rangers Club, Cork, on Saturday January 30th. Time to polish the brógs and iron the togs!

PEIL FAOI 16: We’ll begin our season’s training this week and the first assignment on the horizon is a trip to Dublin for the Kerry/Dublin game on January 30th, a game that will have a few black’n’Amber faces in the Green’n’Gold!

We’ll also play a challenge match against our friends from Cuala (Cuala Kickhams) in South Dublin. That’s an outing not to be missed! We expect to have a mighty panel travelling!

SCÓR 2016: Dates for Senior Scór (17 years of age or older on 1-1-’16): (i) Greater Tralee Area Senior Scór will take place on this Friday 15th Januar y in the St Brendan Hall (near handball alley),Ballymac; (ii) Kerry Senior Scór Quiz: 4pm 6th February (Satharn) in Oileán Ciarraí;

(iii) Kerry Senior Scór final: 6pm 6th February (Satharn) in Oileán Ciarraí; (iv) Munster semi-final: 6pm 20thFebruary ’16 i gCeann Toirc, Co. Chorcaí; (v) Munster final: 6pm 5th March in Ovens, Co. Cork; (vi) All-Ireland final: 2nd April (Satharn) in the INEC, Cill Airne…a home final! Who wants to sing, dance, play music or act for the club or be part of a table quiz team?

SCÓR NA bPÁISTÍ: We need 4 primary school youngsters for a table quiz team. Scór na bPáistí will take place in about 6 weeks. It would be ideal if parents got involved with the participants. Éinne ar fáil agus toilteanach?

RIALACHA SCÓR: For information on all aspects of Scór go to the Kerry GAA website [under CULTÚR].

Na Gaeil GAA Club News

Na Gaeil

SENIORS: Senior team had 2 excellent sessions over the weekend. Training this week is Tuesday 7.30 pm at the KDL astro pitch, Friday at 8.00pm at the I.T.T. and Sunday at 12 00noon at Banna.
Also gym sessions continue on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 6.45am.

MINOR: There will be a minor meeting in the clubhouse this Wednesday at 9pm. All current and past players are asked to attend. New members welcome.

IMPORTANT MEETING: There will be a parents/players meeting in Na Gaeil clubhouse on Sunday January 17th at 8pm. All are asked to attend this important meeting to discuss the year ahead.

This is a special year for the team as Feile is in Kerry and the club are committed for the team to absorb as much of this experience as possible. Any questions will be addressed also at this meeting. Any queries call Mark 0872117422.

SCÓR :The first round of Scor Sínsear 2016 will take place  in Ballymac this Friday night at 8pm and we are well  represented in the following categories:  Solo Singing:  Mary Ellen O Connor;:    Recitation:  Sorocha O Suilleabháin,   Bailead Ghrupa:  Therese Keating, Tracey Hurley, Rachel Moynihan, Pat Sheehy and Tim Lynch , and Leiriu:  “A Day in the Bog” , penned once again by our very talented Writer/Director extraordinaire, Mary Quirke:  :  :   Mike Lynch, Jim Adams, Margaret Doody, Jennie Sheehy, Eoin Nolan and Colm O Suilleabhain.We would like to wish everyone competing the very best of Na Gaeil luck.

Commiserations to our very talented Scor Na Nog group who represented us with pride today at the Munster Final in Cappoquin ….although a place in the All Ireland final eluded them they can be very proud of their performance.

THANK YOU: A big thank you, also to mentors Mary Quirke , Margaret Doody and Sorcha O Suilleabhain and to all the parents and supporters who travelled and especially to Na Gaeil for providing transport on the day .

KUBE: The Green CBS is hosting a fundraising event for the cost of their outdoor astro-turf on Wed 16th March at 7 30pm in the Brandon Conference Centre. The event is called the “Kube” based on the concept of the popular ITV Gameshow.
See website for further details :

They are looking for 36 contestants for the event – 6 celebrities, 6 sports stars, 6 politicians, 6 local club members, 6 teachers and 6 students. Each contestant will sign up to enter the “Kube” while fundraising for their chosen club/charity/organisation. Each contestant will have to raise €350 to enter.

Contestants will be set tasks to complete against each other with one lucky winner of €2,000 to be donated to their chosen club charity/ community group.

We are hoping to finalise the contestants as early as possible this week. The five major GAA Clubs are being approached as well as the Rugby and Tennis club.

We are looking for someone who is willing to perform tasks that would test their physical, mental abilities and responsiveness in front of a live audience and obviously up for a bit of fun!

If any club member is interested and can raise sponsorship let any club officer know

PILATES: Pilates classes in clubhouse every Wednesday night.  Get yourself in shape for the New Year with Pilates.Intermediate class 6.45pm and Beginners/Improvers at 8pm. Contact Niall Lucey on 087-7662161 for more info.

LOTTO :The draw for the jackpot of €1,600 took  place on Tuesday evening last. Numbers drawn were 1,316 22.There was no winner.  €50 winners were David & Brid Rath Elaine Healslip €25 winners were Mary O Shea,Eamon Sheehy,Ashley Tobin Anne Marie Lucey.Next week’s lotto is worth €1,700. All welcome for draw in club each Tuesday at 10.30pm

UNWANTED GIFTS:Please donate any unwanted Christmas gifts to our Bingo,where they will be put to good use as raffle prizes every Monday night.Please leave in clubhouse for attention of Niamh.

BINGO: NA GAEIL bingo is on every Monday night At 8.30pm sharp. We have prize money of over €1,000 guaranteed every week with a mini jackpot that increases forthrightly when not won.A door prize and a halftime raffle with lovely prizes is also a weekly event.A bus service is on 087 2817577.

You can ring this number for pick up and drop off.100% of our fund raised go back into the club directly.The  bingo is run on a total volunteer basis and a huge thank you to all the parents who offer their time to run this vital fundraiser for the club.if anyone wants to donate a spot prize to bingo please it at the club marked bingo.Thanks to all our patrons who support our bingo on a weekly basis.

Intreo Centre At Godfrey Place Closed For Two Days This Week

Kerry ETB new insert
Social Welfare Office
The Intreo Centre in Godfrey Place

THE Department of Social Protection wishes to advise customers living in Tralee and surrounding areas that the Intreo Centre located at Godfrey Place, Tralee will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

The Intreo centre located at Edward Street will remain open.

The Department apologises to customers for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Department will be in contact with customers who are due to sign for Jobseekers’ payments and customers who are due to attend for Public Service Card appointments at the Intreo Centre, Godfrey Place on Tuesday and Wednesday, to make alternative arrangements with them.

Tralee Sees Rise In Unemployment During December

Kerry ETB new insert
Social Welfare
Social Welfare

OVER the course of December there was a rise in the number of people on the live register in Tralee.

Tralee saw an increase of 111 people to 5,154 seeking employment assistance in the last month of the year.

Unemployment had been steadily falling in town the three months previous, but has since jumped up again though still well off the yearly high in August which had 5,713 people claiming social welfare assistance.

Monthly unemployment figures 2015 

2015 Monthly Liver Register figures.
2015 Monthly Liver Register figures.

January – 5,572

February – 5,644

March – 5,534

April – 5,438

May – 5,425

June – 5,609

July – 5,701

August – 5,713

September – 5,220

October – 5,093

November – 5,043

December – 5,154

Kerins O’Rahillys GAA Club News

Strand RoadKerins O’Rahillys 10K 1916 Commemorative Run

It is all systems go now and people have really started to train for the 10K at the end of the month. We are looking forward to another entertaining day and welcoming old and new friends to our club.

Registration is filling fast for the Kerins O’Rahillys 10K 1916 Commemorative Run which will take place on Sunday the 31st of January 2016 at 10.00am at the Kerins O’Rahillys GAA Club in Strand Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry. The 10K route will start and finish outside the Club House.

The route will take in the surrounding areas.

Coaching and Development

With ever increasing playing numbers at all ages in the Club we are always anxious to ensure that every player is given the best possible coaching in the skills of the game. We are extremely grateful for the hard work and commitment of our members who volunteer to coach and assist in any way with each team.

As in previous years we are looking for new people to get involved. We have had a very productive 2015 and look forward to the same in 2016. This would not be possible without our volunteers. Bearing this in mind and planning for the season ahead we would like to invite anyone who would be interested in getting involved in any team from Saturday Mornings to Minors to get in touch.

“Many hands make light work”. Coaching courses will be provided as were in other years and can also be updated. If you feel you have time to give please contact Juvenile Chairman Dinny O’Connor on 0879574410 or Senior Chairman Frank O’Connor on 0877971862. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Congratulations to Hazel Moran on the birth at the weekend of her son. He is the first grandchild of Ger and Trish and Great grandson of Paddy and Dollie so will no doubt proudly wear the jersey in years to come.

Congratulations to Templenoe who are through to and All-Ireland Junior semi-final.


The Lotto takes place in Charlie’s Bar every Monday.  The Lotto results for Monday 4th January were 1, 4, 13 and 15. There was no jackpot winner. The next jackpot will be €2,500. There were 3 match 3 winners. They were Martin Hartnett, Antoinette Sayers and Eamon Clifford.

The 5 people drawn for the December 2016 draw were Michael Griffin, Ester Brosnan, Neil Moran, Susan Nix and Luke McNamee. To play the Kerins O’Rahillys Lotto, four numbers are selected from 1 to 28. If anybody matches the four numbers selected on the night he/she wins the Jackpot.

Match three numbers to win €25. Tickets cost €2 each. The Kerins O’Rahillys Lotto can also be played online at

Lotto Sellers The club needs lotto ticket sellers. It can be worth your while. If you are interested contact any member of the Senior Committee.


Whist drive is back on Thursday nights. Call the club on 7124956 for details. All welcome.

Yoga Classes

There are yoga classes in the club on Thursday nights from 7.30 to 9pm. Phone or text Mike at 0872732591 for further details.

Pilates Classes

Do you want to improve your flexibility? Do you suffer from back, neck or hip pain? Do you want to improve your strength and tone up? Well look no further “Pilates Classes” have arrived at Kerins O’Rahillys. Mondays 7-8 are for men only, Fitness and Flexibility is at 8.15 to 9.15.  Tuesday evening Pregnancy classes at 6pm-6.45 and Pilates for Fitness at 7pm-8. Contact Izabela on 087 765 0125 for further details.


Weightwatchers classes take place in the Healy Room at the Kerins O’Rahillys clubhouse every Thursday. The times are times are 9.30am and 5.45pm. Contact Helen for details on 0879504232. All welcome.

Charlie’s Bar

Club Lotto on takes place in the bar every Monday night with a special in house raffle if you are present so why not pop along. Why not treat yourself to lunch in Charlie’s. There’s something to please everyone.

The Active Retired Coffee Morning Group meets every Tuesday morning in Charlie’s. Come along and keep in touch with old friends and make new friends. All welcome. “Dance for Fun” is on Wednesday nights.

This has grown in popularity and is a very entertaining night out, a great way to stay fit, learn to dance and to make new friends. Come along and check it out. We have many different size function rooms and cater to all types of functions.

Contact Tom or Eileen or any member of staff at 7124956 if you have any queries. Charlie’s Bar is on Facebook where there are regular updates on what is happening. Why not check it out.


Sincere Sympathy is expressed to the family of Seán O’Donnell Main St Blennerville (Seán was one of the all time greats. He had 3 Senior Co Championship medals with Kerins O’Rahillys and was one of only 2 players to play in the 6 finals that Kerins O’Rahillys were involved in between 1953 and 1963.)

Mary Dwyer (nee O’Brien) St Johns Park and late of Doon Tralee, Mary Val O’Shea (nee O’Shea) O’Rahillys Villas and Firies, Mary O’Sullivan (nee O’Regan) Gortbrack Ballyseedy Tralee, Patricia (Pat) Quinlan Booterstown Dublin and Tralee, Catherine (Rosie) Foley (nee St John) Beaumont, Thurles and Tralee and Denis Hickey Chutehall Tralee.

P.R.O Contact

If you have any thing you feel is of interest for the Kerins O’Rahillys notes please get in touch. You can contact me at Why not join our Facebook group to keep up to date with all fixtures and what is going on in the club. Just follow the following link or follow us on Twitter @korgaa

St Brendan’s Basketball Club: Men’s Team Reaches National Cup Final

St Brendan's Basketball ClubST. BRENDAN’S BASKETBALL CLUB

Hula Hoops Men’s National Intermediate Club Championship Semi-Final

St. Brendan’s 68 Cork Celts 57

Our Senior Men continued the fine run of form on Sunday in Portlaoise against Cork Celts in the semi-final of the Hula Hoops Men’s Intermediate Cup.

The game started out with the tension high on both sides with the more physical Cork side dominating early. This trend continued throughout the first quarter as our guys struggled to find their range.

Great inside work from Paul McMahon and brothers Kieran and Conor Donaghy kept the Cork side at touching distance as the opening 10 minutes saw us trail 17-12.

Continued below…

St. Brendan's Cup Semi Final
The victorious St. Brendan’s Senior Men’s side after their 68-57 win over Cork Celts in the Hula Hoops Men’s Intermediate Cup semi final in Portlaoise on Sunday. The Tralee side will now face BC Leixlip Nemunas in the final over the last weekend in January at the National Basketball Arena in Tallaght.

The first quarter proved a real eye opener and our boys responded well and picked up the tempo. Great defensive work from Darren O’Sullivan and Jason Quirke set the tone and the buckets followed.

Michael O’Donnell and Rob Mulcahy found their range as St. Brendan’s dominated proceedings in the 2nd quarter opening an 8 point lead before the half. As Cork sides normally do, the Celts came back strong and never lay down.

Kieran Donaghy stepped up in a big way and carried the team through the 3rd quarter. Brendan’s led 49-43 after the 3rd quarter.

The 4th quarter started poorly for Brendan’s and the Cork side closed the gap to just 2 points. A badly needed timeout sorted out everything and never looked back with the Cork side having to foul at the end of the game.

Brendan’s eventually ran out 11 point winners with a score line 69-58. Having overcome UCD Marian in the other semi final, BC Leixlip Nemunas will provide the opposition in the final with a date and time to be confirmed.

We would like to thank the 70 odd supporters that travelled to support the boys and we hope to build on the momentum right up to the Cup finals weekend at the end of January.

Team and Scorers: Kieran Donaghy 22, Fergal O’Sullivan 19, Mike O’Donnell 10, Paul McMahon 9, Rob Mulcahy 3, Darren O’Sulllivan 3, Conor Donaghy 2, Cyril Wallace 2, Jason Quirke, Stephen Hanifin, Nathan Roche, Kasper Buivydas

Boys U14s Cup

St. Brendan’s 24 St. Mary’s 20

The U14s won the Cup on Sunday after a very tight and defensive game against Castleisland. After losing to them in the league and blitz our boys were keen to take back some of the local bragging rights from their keen local rivals.

Despite not playing our best we were able to contain the strong Castleisland side and bring home the first major piece of silverware of the year. Our experienced players Enda, Rap, Peter and Cian stepped up in a big way but without a big game from young Tadgh Reen rebounding the game may have been lost.

Rap Buivydas deservingly took the MVP with 16 points. Fergal and Darren are thrilled with the result and would like to thank the parents for the efforts made throughout the year. Congratulations to all the crew and it is onwards and upwards!

Boys U14 Div 3 Pool A

St. Mary’s 44 St. Brendan’s 33

Brendan’s travelled to Castleisland to play league-leaders, Marys.  Brendan’s started strongly with scores from ball-carrier Jack Clapham and Graham Sheehy and led 6 – 4 after the first quarter.

The second quarter saw the introduction of Mary’s formidable big man. Staunch and dogged defence by Sam McCarthy and Denis Malihin curtailed but failed to totally stop the big man’s scoring (he scored all Mary’s 4 baskets in this quarter) but Brendan’s prevailed at the other end with 2 smart baskets from Liam Kingston, 3 from ball-carrier Garry “Gazza” Lynch and a final sweet shot from Daniel Bowler to have Brendans leading 18 – 11 at half-time.

The third quarter often decides these game and Mary’s came out battling hard. They attacked the Brendans defence, with 4 of their 5 players scoring including one sweet 3-pointer, despite the best efforts of Matthew Hussey and Ryan McHugh. Brendans battled hard and when they penetrated the Mary’s defence Ryan McHugh, Sean Dillane, Graham Sheehy and Garry Lynch all scored.

At the end of the third quarter Brendan’s lead was bridged and the game was tied 28 – 28 with all to play for. Mary’s totally dominated the final quarter. Brendan’s defence never quite got to grips with the Mary’s offence which exploited the gaps and scored 16 points in all in the final quarter.

Brendan’s could only muster 4 points in reply. The final score 44-33 in favour of Marys belies the extremely close battle that prevailed for most of this game.

Players & scorers: Garry Lynch 11; Graham Sheehy 5; Liam Kingston 4; Jack Clapham 4; Ryan McHugh 4; Sean Dillane 3; Daniel Bowler 2; Sam McCarthy; Matthew Hussey; Denis Malihin; Joshua Roche; Declan Mangan, Nelly OLanrewaju; Matthew O’Mahony


Boys U16 Div 1

Glenbeigh 34 St. Brendan’s 57

Boys U16 Div 3 Plate

Gneeveguilla 50 St. Brendan’s 35

Boys U16 Div 3

St. Brendan’s 32 Tralee Tigers 30


Wednesday 13th January

Ladies Div 2

KCYMS v St. Brendan’s at 7.15pm in Killorglin Sports Complex

Men Div 1

KCYMS v St. Brendan’s at 8.30pm in Killorglin Sports Complex

Boys U12 Div 3

St. Anne’s B v St Brendan’s B at 7.30pm in Farranfore Community Centre

Under 12 Boys Div 3

St. Anne’s B v St. Brendan’s B at 7.30pm in Farranfore Community Centre
Sunday 17th January

Under 14 Boys Div 3 Pool 1

St. Brendan’s v St. Joseph’s at 12.30pm in Moyderwell School

Under 12 Boys Div 3

St. Brendan’s B v Ballybunion Wildcats at 10.30am in Moyderwell School

Tuesday 19th January

U14 Boys Div 3 Pool 1

St. Anne’s v St. Brendan’s at 6.00pm in Farranfore Community Centre

Wednesday 20th January

Ladies Div 2

Horans HS Lixnaw v St. Brendan’s at 8.00pm in Lixnaw Community Centre


St. Brendan’s Basketball Club Training Times for 2015/2016 are now confirmed. The venue is Moyderwell Hall.

Boys and Girls Academy 5yrs-9yrs
Tuesday 5-6pm

Saturday 10-11am

Girls U10s

Friday 6-7pm
Boys U10s
Wednesdays 6.30-8pm

Sunday 9.30-10.30am
U12s (A)
Tuesday 6-7pm

Sunday 11.30-12.30pm
U12s (B)
Thursday 6-7pm

Sunday 10.30-11.30am
U14s (A)
Wednesday 5-6.30pm

Sunday 1.30-2.30pm
U14s (B)
Tuesday 7-8pm

Sunday 12.30-1.30pm
U16s (A)
Monday 6-7pm

Friday 7-8pm

U16s (B)
Thursday 8-9pm

Sunday 2.30-3.30pm


Tues 8pm-9pm
U18s and U20s
Saturday 7pm – 9pm
Senior Men
Wednesday 8pm-9pm
Senior Ladies
Monday 7-8pm

Thursday 7-8pm
Senior Men and Senior Ladies interested in playing this year please get in contact with Claire O’Sullivan or Fergal O’Sullivan. New players always welcome.

Please be aware that due to registration with Basketball Ireland and KABB, all players and teams must be registered as soon as possible. If you are interested in playing this year get in contact with your coaches and let them know.


St. Brendan’s Basketball Club’s Juvenile Academy for boys and girls is actively encouraging budding young basketball enthusiasts to join.

Our Academy is an integral and important part of the continuing development of the club. The Academy times are as follows Tues 5-6pm and Sat 10am – 11am for the 5 to 9 year olds. Our Academy is held at Moyderwell Gym with our coaches Linda Raymond and Charles O’Sullivan and players Michael O’Donnell and Arianne Finnegan. The cost of the Academy is just 3 euro per hour.

For more information on our Academy please contact 086 871 9335 or 086 862 5932

St Brendans Park FC News


Action from Park Fc v Listowel U11's Saturday 09th January
Action from Park Fc v Listowel U11’s Saturday 09th January

Saturday 9th January 2016 
U13 Daly’s Supervalu Premier 
Killorglin A 5-0 Park A .
U13 Daly’s Supervalu Div.1 
Park B 9-2 Killarney Athletic .
U15 Killarney Plaza Premier 
Park A 3-0 Dynamos A .
U15 Killarney Plaza Div.2 
Asdee 0-2 Park B .
U17 League 
Inter Kenmare 2-1 Park B .
Listowel Celtic B 0-12 Park A .
Sunday 10th January 2016 
Greyhound Bar KO Cup 1st Round
Ballyheigue Athletic 0-4 Park A .
Denny Premier B 
Park B 3-0 Ballyhar Dynamos .

Our academy for ages 5 to 10 years continues every Saturday . All our coaches are fully qualified so your child is guaranteed the very best of Coaching .Proof of this is that our academy has been running since 2006 and over 100 kids attend every Saturday.

The U6’s , U7’s and U8’s will be from 1.00pm- 2.15pm and this will be followed by the U9’s and U10’s from 2.45pm-4.15pm . Please insure that you bring Shin pads, water, jackets etc.

All parents are welcome to watch the whole session or arrive a little early to see how much fun their child is having. If you would like to get involved yourself in any way, just ask one of our coaches for assistance on how to do this.

For any questions or comments please email .

P.R.O Contact ;
If you have any thing you feel is of interest for the St Brendans Park Fc notes please get in touch. You can contact me at

Our Club website is available where you will also find links to our Facebook and Twitter club pages . All coaches are asked to submit match reports and squad photos as soon as they can after matches so that they can be posted on the website .

(U15) Div 2 ;
Asdee 0-2 Park B ,

Park U15 presented with new training tops and Kit Bags
Park U15 presented with new training tops and Kit Bags

After working hard at training on conceding less goals, that was our objective last Saturday on our visit to Asdee. With a solid back four of Josh, Joe, Nick and Kevin and Alex sitting in front, we never really looked like conceding and this gave us the confidence to our midfielders of Dara, Reese, Gavin and TJ to get on more ball and attack.

Nathan playing upfront alone for the first time tried hard all day and with more luck could have bagged a few. Our opener came from Dara who got on the end of a great cross from TJ to slot home close in. Second half started much the same where we limited Asdee to very few chances because of a good shape in the backline.

Our second came with 15 mins left when Josh raided on the back post to fire home a great left-footer from 20 yards. We used all subs and they each played a big part, in particular Denis, who showed great composure on the ball with precise passing. Man of the Match goes to Nick for orchestrating the back four so well although he was kept on his toes all day by Jack in goals. Our thanks to all at Asdee FC for a very sporting game.

(U13) Div.1

Park B 9-2 Killarney Athletic

It was a cold dry morning for the game between Park U13 B and Killarney Athletic. The pitch was soft and muddy causing the ball to stick. The game got under way at 10.40 and from the start Park went on the attack, after 3 minutes the tone of the game was set when Connor Brick got the ball in mid field and made his way forward and took a shot that hit the back of the net.

Park were in control from then on with some good play on both wings and the two corner backs pushing forward. After 12 minutes Matt Healy received the ball in the area and made it 2 for Park.

Two minutes later there was a lovely cross from the left side which saw a scramble in the area and the ball made its way into the net helped on by a Killarney player, an O.G. making it 3-0. The game continued with Park dominating playing some great one twos and in the twenty fifth minute Danny Fisher found the back of the net.

Four minutes later Matt Healy got his second making it 5-0 at half time. Four minutes into the second half with Park still in control poor back play led to Killarney snatching a goal. However within one minute Park replied when David (Tiny) Callaghan unselfishly passed the ball to Matt in the area who stuck it in the net for his hat trick.

5 minutes later Tiny himself scored a lovely goal only to have it ruled off side despite the ball being in front of him. However, 6 minutes later he scored another which was allowed and made the score 7-1. In the twentieth minute of the half a lovely curling ball played in by Adam Walker from the right hand side found its way into the back of the net.

6 minutes later another scramble in the Killarney area saw Killarney score another O.G., Parks ninth. With the game almost over Parks concentration lapsed and Killarney scored the last goal of the game making it Park 9 Killarney 2.

This was not only Parks first game of the year but the first since November of last year and everyone were very pleased with the 3 points which keeps them on top of the table. Well done to all 16 players who played their part

Kerry schoolboys and girls soccer league team of the week ;
Well done to Nick Izehi St Brendans Park Fc U15’s who made the Kerry schoolboys and girls soccer league team of the week .

Slí Eile Play Therapy – Our website sponsor ;

We are proud to announce Slí Eile Play Therapy as our new website sponsor. Slí Eile Play Therapy are based in Manor, Tralee (next to Wadding’s Butchers) and assist children who may need help in dealing with emotional, behavioural and/or psychological difficulties. Slí Eile also provide parental guidance and support.

Owner and Play therapist of Slí Eile Laura O’ Carroll felt that St Brendan’s Park FC and Slí Eile were an ideal fit as “The Park provide a very healthy environment for children to develop sports wise and socially and our aim is also to help children develop and deal with issues on a more personal level.


Thursday 14th January 2016
U16 Premier
Castleisland v Park A 6-15pm , Venue Mounthawk Park .
Saturday 16th January 2016
U12 JK Sports Premier
Park A v Killarney Athletic 10-30am .
U12 JK Sports Div.1
Castleisland v Park B 11-00am .
U14 Foundation Sports Premier
Park A v Listowel A 12-30pm .
U14 Foundation Sports Div.1
Park B v Inter Kenmare 12-00pm .
U14 Foundation Sports Div.2
Fenit v Park C 10-30am .
Youths FAI Cup 3rd Round (Last 32)
Avenue United v Park Fc 2-00pm .
Sunday 17th January 2016
Denny Premier A
Castleisland Afc v Park Fc 11-30am .

Action from Park Fc v Listowel U11's Saturday 09th January (2)
Action from Park Fc v Listowel U11’s Saturday 09th January (2)

Austin Stacks GAA Club News



Gene O’Donnell has organized a very interesting Coaching Conference which will take place on next Saturday (16th Jan) at the Meadowlands Hotel from 8am to 1pm.

If you go to our website you will get the full details. Spaces are limited, so it is advisable to book early by contacting Geno at 087 9047707or at

Speakers will include Pat Flanagan (former Kerry trainer), Joe O’Connor (Ireland’s Fittest Family), Eoin Burns (Breathing Coach) and Roy Guerin (Paralympian).

SENIOR SCÓR: For full details of Scór Sinsir see Brian Caball’s Juvenile Notes.

THE YEAR PAST – JUNIOR B FOOTBALL: The Team Management of Colm Mangan, Tim McMahon and John Murphy pulled no punches in their Report to AGM – claiming that ‘the Junior season was most unsatisfactory in 2015’.

While they fulfilled all 10 Co. League fixtures – through no fault of their own they had to concede against Rathmore in the Molyneau Cup (Co. Championship). They played 15 games in total (getting a walk-over in another) and only 9 players of the 61 who lined out during the season played in 8 games or more. So without a settled team it was understandably that, out of the 15 games played we only won 3, drew 1 and lost 11 (12 if you include the walk-over we gave to Rathmore).

John Murphy had the most appearances with 13, followed by Seán Purcell on 12 and Dale Counihan on 11. Kyle Fitzgibbon was top scorer with 1-20, followed by Darragh Long on 1-18, Seamus Bastible with 3-11, Seán Dukes with 2-9 and Breandán Caball on 0-11.

MINOR FOOTBALL; Gene O’Donnell – together with his fellow management team of John O’Sullivan, Eamonn O’Reilly, Brian Morgan (earlier in the season) and Wayne Quillinan (later in the season), with some invaluable assistance also from William Kirby during the course of the year – can feel well pleased with the progress made, even though results did not always go to plan.

They played 16 games, winning 7 and losing 9 – with one of the competitions (the Central League) still unfinished as we enter the new year). The Central League was comprised of six teams – Dingle, Gaeltacht, Kerins O’Rahillys, Laune Rangers, Milltown and ourselves. That meant a 5 round League with a semi final and a final.

The opening round was fixed for 22nd June, with R2 on 29th, R3 on 20th July, R4 on 27th July and R5 on 17th Aug. The semi final was fixed for 24th Aug with the final 5 days later on the 29th Aug. We qualified for the semi final which has yet to be played.
Philip Quilter played in all our 16 games, followed by 15 appearances for Calvin Foley and Seán Dukes, and then Danny Kinsella, Brandon Patterson, Louis Ryle and Cian Liston with 14 games each.

Calvin was also chief scorer (5-33) followed by Ferdia O’Brien (1-39), Louis Ryle (5-8), Cian Liston (7-3) and Seán Dukes (0-14). Seán, of course, created that all-time Club record of having the most Minor appearance (38), breaking the record held by John Dennis (37) achieved in 2006 and Ciarán Flanagan (37) in 2014.

Jack Morgan and Ferdia O’Brien were involved with the Kerry Minors during the year. Jack won back to back Munster and All Ireland Minor medals – the first Club player to do so in 52 years (Henry McKinney was the last Club player to do that in 1962 and 1963).

In next week’s Notes we will conclude our look back at 2015with a summary of the U21Fs and Senior Hurlers

WELL DONE: to Wayne Guthrie, Shane O’Callaghan and Darragh O’Brien who were involved with the Kerry SF team’s McGrath Cup game (against Clare) in Fitzgerald Stadium yesterday (10th Jan). Wayne had to retire during the second half after picking up an injury which, we understand, isn’t that serious.

Well done also to David Mannix who got favourable mention (with photo) in last Saturday’s Irish Times – mentioning that he is in fine form with DCU as they progress (winning two games out of three – so far) in the O’Byrne Cup.

BEST OF LUCK: to neighbours, John Mitchels, in their Co. League Div. 2 promotion play-off final next Saturday. A win against Spa (Killarney) would see Mitchels back in Division 1 for the first time since 2003.

CLUB SOCIAL: The Club Social takes place on Saturday 30th January at the Ballyroe Heights Hotel. It will include a Champagne Reception and the facility to watch Kerry .v. Dublin NFL game live in the hotel bar. The match will be followed by dinner, band & disco ’til late. Tickets at €30 are available from the Club Bar from this weekend or you may pre-book by texting 087 0559455 or 087 2461732. Always a great night.

BINGO: continues in our Clubhouse on this and every Saturday night commencing at 8.30pm.

CLUBHOUSE: As always the Clubhouse is available for all types of Parties. For Bookings phone Des Griffin at 086 402 0808.

CARDS: The 45 Card Sessions continue in the Clubhouse on every Monday and Thursday nights, commencing at 9.30pm each night.
All at the Cards extend sincere sympathy to Bridget Herbert on the death of her brother, John Hayes (see sympathy)

LOTTO: Last week’s (4th Jan) Jackpot, worth €5,000, was not won. The numbers drawn were 9, 20, 24 and 29.
The €20 Winners were: Liam Lynch and Kieran Murphy, both c/o Carmel O’Neill; Helen McSweeney, c/o Denis O’Connor; Elisha Dowling, c/o The Club; and Mary O’Riordan, c/o John O’Riordan.

SYMPATHY: Sincere sympathy is offered to the families of the following who died recently – Mary O’Sullivan (nee O’Regan), Gortbrack, Ballyseedy; John Hayes, Rannagh, Tulla (Co. Clare) (see Cards); Catherine (Rosie) Foley (nee St. John), Beaumont (Dublin), Thurles and Tralee; Mary Val O’Shea (nee O’Shea), O’Rahilly’s Villas and late of Val O’Shea’s Bar, Bridge Street and Rossmore, Firies; Patricia Quinlan, Booterstown (Dublin) and late of Tralee; and Denis Hickey, Chutehall.

Kerry Badminton Association Club News


Badminton AssociationThe Listowel annual Badminton tournaments which commenced with the mixed doubles competition in 1972 heralded the start of the Kerry 2016 Badminton season over the Sat/Sun. of last weeekend.

Over 120 players competed between both days with all Munster Counties, except the Banner County, represented at the Saturday sessions..

Results as follows…

The 45th Annual Mixed doubles final
Karen O’Sullivan (Cork) and James Flaherty (Moyvane) defeated Marion Rohan (Kingdom ,Castleisland) and John Moyles (Limerick) 15-21; 21-14; 21-15

Ladies doubles Division 1&2; Winners; Patricia Herlihy (Cork) & Elaine Hudson (Moyvane) 125 points; Runners-Up Carmel Hudson (Moyvane) and Sinead Galvin (Killarney; 118 points

Mens doubles Div.1&2; Winners; Tom Bourke (Kingdom) & James Leane (LIstowel) 168 points; Runners-up; Brendan Nyham (Cork) and James Flaherty (Moyvane); 166 points

Masters Mixed doubles final; Winners Amanda Carmody (Moyvane) and John Molloy (County) Defeated Lorraine Hopkins (County) and Tom McElligott (Listowel) 30-21

In this competition Molloy successfully defended the title that he also won last season.

Division 3 Mixed doubles final for the Mary Keane perpetual Shield; Renee Lenihan (Kingdom,Castleisland) and Kieron Crehan (Killarney) defeated Carmel Hudson (Moyvane) and Tom Clear(County,Tralee) 21-14; 18-21; 21-10

Division 4 Mixed final; Susan O’Connell (Iveragh)and Jamie Elliott (Moyvane) defeated Mary Bradley (Kingdom) and Kevin O’Mahoney (Ballyheigue (21-14;21-19

Division 5 Mixed final; Jennifer Murphy (Listowel) and Colm Carroll (Ballyheigue)defeated Karen Lawlor and Andrew Dai (both Listowel) 21-19; 22-20

Those 3 last finals on Sunday provided great fare for all present. The division 3 decider for the Mary Keane perpetual shield saw local publican Mr. Billy Keane in attendance to present the shiled in honour of his late mother Mary who passed away last August. Mrs Keane had a passion for the game of Badminton and was one of those along with the late Jimmy Harris and Jim Cody who reformed the Listowel Club in 1962

From the month of January until the month of April the Killarney Sports Centre will see a host of Badminton activity between Munster and Kerry championships as well as some Inter County team events.

With the Killarney hall offering 8 badminton courts it has proved to be a great venue to host such Badminton events.

The first of the Munster championship events will be the senior 2 and the graduates competitions to be held in the Killarney Sports hall on Sunday next January 17th. These Championships are to be hosted by Kerry so all clubs are requested to supply helpers on the day.

Please contact coordinator Jennifer Keane at 083 3347228 and advise if you could help out on the day for an hour or two.

The Munster Senior 1 Championships and the Junior Championships take place also in Killarney on Sunday January 31st. Hopefully these events will see many Kerry entries. Again, details and entry forms can be secured from Club secretaries.

In between these Munster events on Sunday January 24th will see the start of the CPC.IE sponsored Kerry County singles championships in both ladies and mens disciplines for divisions 1,3 and 5.

It is hoped to see a good turnout out in these singles events.

As noted in this paper last week the Ladies and mens doubles league finals will take place in the Presentation gym hall this Wed night with Clubs Moyvane, Killarney Annascaul and Ballyheigue being the combatants in the four deciders to be played out. The action to commence at 8 pm

Another reminder to all Badminton enthusiasts, ,especially to teachers, of the Shuttle time Badminton Course to be held in the Milltown Presentation School on Manday Next January 18th

If interested contact Karen Brady at the following;Tel: (Ire) +353 (0)1 839 3028 – Email:

PHOTOS: Minister Opens New JRI America Offices And Welcomes Progress On New €20m Facility

Jasmine New Insert
Minister of State for the Diaspora Jimmy Deenihan speaking at the opening of the new JRI offices in the Kerry Technology Park. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
Minister of State for the Diaspora Jimmy Deenihan speaking at the opening of the new JRI offices in the Kerry Technology Park. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

MINISTER Jimmy Deenihan welcomed progress on a new €20 million advanced technology facility during a visit to Kerry Technology Park today.

He was speaking at the opening of JRI America’s new offices in the Kerry Technology Park.

“I welcome the progress on the new €20 million Advanced Technology Building for Kerry Technology Park, now that planning permission has been lodged by the IDA,” said the Minister, referring to the new facility announced by the IDA early in 2015.

“I’m confident that the planning application for the purpose-designed 25,000 square foot facility will transition smoothly through the planning process, giving Tralee a state-of-the-art, turnkey property solution that will greatly assist with IDA’s efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment here.”

A planning application was received by Kerry County Council on December 23 from the IDA Ireland for the construction of an advanced technology building and a decision will be made at the beginning of March.

Minister Deenihan performed the official opening of JRI America’s new, state-of-the-art offices at Kerry Technology Park.

“Back in 2011 when I announced the establishment of JRI America’s software development operation, I strongly believed that the location of Tralee would serve them well, in terms of acquiring the skilled workforce needed and benefitting from the business-friendly environment that exists here,” said Deenihan.

“I’m very gratified to see that this has proven the case and that, with these new 14,000 square foot offices, the company is planning strategically for further development into the future.

“That growth is expected to see the workforce expand from its current level of, I understand, almost 70 people. That is terrific news for Tralee and for the wider region,” he said.

Staff at JRI America provide support for a broad range of functions, including Software Development, Quality Assurance, Network Support, Data Centre Support and Technical Customer Service activities.

The Tralee operation supports the group’s Western Hemisphere IT operations, including US, Europe, Moscow, Dubai and other markets. If JRI America can do it, so too can other global companies.

“There is space and scope on this fine Technology Park, some 22 hectares, for businesses. We send out the message today that Tralee, and Kerry, is very much open for business” said Deenihan.

At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Claire Nash, Deirdre Carr and Breda O'Dwyer. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Claire Nash, Deirdre Carr and Breda O’Dwyer. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Eimer O'Connor, Mary Lucey, Claire Horgan, Oliver Murphy, Bridget Crowley, Brid Mcelligott and Louise Nagle. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Emer O’Connor, Mary Lucey, Claire Horgan, Oliver Murphy, Bridget Crowley, Brid McElligott and Louise Nagle. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Siobhan Hannon, Stacy Stack and Leanne O'Dowd. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Siobhan Hannon, Stacy Stack and Leanne O’Dowd. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Rebecca Ryan, Sarah Lenihan and Aislinn Desmond. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park were, from left: Rebecca Ryan, Sarah Lenihan and Aislinn Desmond. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
Staff and guests at the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
Staff and guests at the opening of the new JRI offices in Kerry Technology Park. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

Tralee Imperials Basketball Club



What a weekend in Basketball both nationally and at a Co. Level.

The club were involved in 4 of the 5 finals on Sunday and gave some tremendous performances that we are so proud of and well done to all involved.

U11 Girls

These girls were 1st on and played with great energy and provided everyone with a thrilling encounter. Unfortunetly they lost by 2 baskets. Fantastic effort for such young girls and this team are team to be watched for the future. Many thanks to Coaches Niamh Collins and Helen Rodgers.

U18 Girls.

Next up was the older girls and what can I say. Anyone who was privileged to be in attendance will tell you it was a cracker. The game went to 3 overtimes despite the girls thinking they had won as the time had elasped and we were 2 points up.

However a decision was made that a basket scored by Castleisland after buzzer went was valid and ended in another extra time. At the end of 3rd overtime with 3 of our players fowled off Castleisland were deemed the winners by single point. There was outrage after in the hall and to say that Tralee Imperials werent robbed is an understatement. Again massive thanks to coach Liam Culloty and their sponsor Four Star Pizza.

U18 Boys

Well done to our u18 boys who won the KABB u18 Cup last Sunday. It was a historic win over St. Mary’s, the final score 61-58. The side from Castleisland led Tralee by 7pts at half time but the boys had a very strong 3rd quarter out scoring St. Mary’s 14-6. Tralee led 42-41 going on to the final quarter.

Despite 3s from Shane O’Connell and Adam Donoghue from St. Mary’s, our boys had the mental strength to finish out the game with scores from captain Keelan Crowe, Ryan Leonard and Dara Devine. Patrick Kearney made a free throw and grabbed a vital rebound to finish out the game. A special mention to Kieran Mangan and Robbie Dinan who gave their all underneath the boards.

Final Score: Tralee 61 St. Mary’s 58 Top scorers: Leonard (27), Devine (16), K. Crowe (10). Team: Michael Linnane, Deaglán Crowe, Ryan Leonard, Patrick Kearney, Keelan Crowe, Dara Devine, Rory O’Connor, Kieran Mangan, Dovydas Baltonis and Robbie Dinan.

Well done to the boys and their coaches John Dowling and Rick Leonard.

Thanks to all our supporters and team sponsor Leahy Construction Ltd. Focus now turns to the remaining fixtures in the league, with the next game against local rivals, St. Brendan’s, on January 25th in Mounthawk at 7.30pm.

U16 Boys

As if we hadnt endured enough we had to witness another classic game v KCYMS. Imperials got the better start with some fantastic scores and link ups between Daire Kennelly and Tristan Raymond.

The game switched leads numerous times and again it was nail biting stuff to watch. They lost in the end by a single point and a more detailed report will be given next week. Well done boys. You should be very proud as we are of you. Huge thank you to Jimmy Philip and Anne for all the support you give these boys and to Premier Financial Services for their sponsorship.

On behalf of the club i would like to thank the Co Board for hosting such an amazing event. Alot of hard work is evident here and is much appreciated.


The news was announced on Saturday that coach Liam Culloty is tobe the NEW U18 Irish Ladies coach. This is a huge honour for Liam and the Club and well deserved for his committment over the years….and we wish him all the best over the next 6 months.


The academy resumes next Saturday at 9.45 for 5/6 yr old. We lok forward to seeing huge numbers back in attendance.


Please note this Sat sees our ladies at home to Oblates Drimnagh at 7.30 in Mounthawk. We implore you to come out in huge numbers to support our girls especially as Oblates have qualified for the Cup Final and feeling confident. As always a huge thanks to Sponsors Garveys.

Lastly we would like to congratulate Tralees St Brendans who won the semi-final of Hula Hoops Men’s national Intermediate Cup. Well done lads and we wish ye all the best in 2 weeks times

St Pats GAA Club News


St PatsLotto:

There was no winner of our Club Lotto Jackpot on Sunday night last. The numbers drawn were 4,16, 21 & 24. The five €30 consolation prizes went to Jim Murphy Derrymore, Michelle Hogan Ashgrove, Fred Browne c/o Tony Casey, Collette Savage Annagh and Moss Quirke Kerin’s Park. Next week’s Lotto will have a Jackpot of €4,300 and the draw will take place this Sunday night January 17th in Keane’s Bar. Lotto tickets are available from the usual outlets or any club officer.

Jimmy Duffy Cycle:
Congrats to all cyclists that took part in the Jimmy Duffy Memorial Cycle. Approximately 160 cyclists took part, including many locals. All proceeds going to the Red Cross.
Special thanks to the Windmill Bar for providing refreshments following the cycle, to the volunteers on the day and to all the talented musicians that provided a fantastic nights entertainment in the Windmill Bar.

Blennerville School Book:

“Blennerville National School and Community  A Story Worth Telling” Is now available. It is on sale for €10 from the school, Rock Street Post Office or The Kerry Book Shop.

Blennerville Community Playschool:

Blennerville Community Playschool would like to thank all its sponsors for the recent Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Fundraiser held before Christmas. Likewise we would like to thank all those who attended and supported the night by buying tickets. We raised €935 which will go to covering overheads and resources for the children.
From January the Playschool will be relocated to the new primary school in Blennerville. There are some places currently available. If interested in enrolling contact Marlene on 0870564023.
A big thank you must be extended to David Doyle Electrical who helped us out of a dilemma when we had no premises for the Playschool. Also a massive thank to Terry O Brien who has helped us out considerably over the last few months.


Ballymacelligott GAA Club News


Ballymac CrestSCOR
The Scor Sinsear Final of Coiste Tra Li and St. Brendans Board will take place on Friday night 15th January 2016 at 8.30pm in St. Brendans Community Centre in Ballydwyer. Ballymac GAA Club will have a number of participants on the night. All are welcome to attend and as always there is a good nights entertainment assured.

Due to Scor Sinsear Finals our Coiste Na nOg AGM has been rescheduled to take place on Sunday next 17th January 2016 at 4.00pm in the Club rooms. Anybody interested in the development of underage football in the Parish is welcome to attend.

Our Ladies board AGM will take place on Monday night next 18th January at 8.00pm. All are welcome to review the events of 2015 and look forward to what promises to be another eventful year for our Ladies footballers.

Ballymac GAA Club are holding a Strictly Love Dancing Event on Saturday 13th February 2016 in Ballygarry House Hotel at 8.00pm. This promises to be a night not to be missed! There will be door and spot prizes with a disco till late. Tickets are €20 and are available from the Halfway Bar, O Riadas and Castlemeats Castleisland. A dedicated facebook pages has also been set up where tickets can also be purchased. Please when on this page share and like amongst your friends.

Once again The GAA is holding it’s annual club draw to assist clubs throughout the country to raise much needed funds. The draw will be held on Friday 11th March in Croke Park. There are many prizes up for grabs with all proceeds going to Ballymac GAA. Tickets cost 10 Euros & can be purchased through Club Secretary Fionnán Fitzgerald at 087-9860441. Closing date for purchase of tickets is Thursday 13th February.

Congratulations to TK Bobcats on their victory in the Cup Final over KCYMS in the Academy Section of the Kerry Area Basketball Board. A special mention to coaches Billy McGaley, Roscoe Patterson and Brian Boyle for their work with the boys.

Ballymacelligott Community Alert Group wish to thank all those who purchased calendars for 2016. Approximately 200 calendars were sold. In a special way we thank Fr. Pat Crean-Lynch & Sr. Bernardine Broderick for their support in distributing calendars.

Also a huge thanks must go to the staff and proprietors of Glenduff House Kielduff, The Halfway Bar Ballydwyer, O’Riadas Bar Maglass & Mannix’s Post Office Ballydwyer. Without this support the sale of calendars would be difficult.

Proceeds from the sale of the calendars helps fund the warning text system. We now have over 600 people on the warning text system. If you wish to join then contact Fionnán Fitzgerald, Secretary Ballymac Community Alert or any member already on the system.

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