PHOTO: Niamh Appears To Millions On US TV Looking For Another ‘Twin Stranger’

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Niamh Geaney.

A KERRY woman was interviewed live on American news WGN News which was broadcast to over 2.3 million people earlier this month, all in the name of research.

Castleisland’s Niamh Geaney found fame earlier this year when she took part in an online experiment with called ‘Twin Strangers’ in which she and other participants set out to find their doppelgangers.

The 20 year old then caught the world’s attention after she found a woman named Karen, who for all intents and purposes is almost identical to the Castleisland woman (see previous story and video here).

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Then she found another doppelgänger, this time in Genoa, Italy (see previous story here).

Now she’s broadening her search Stateside. She recently appeared via Skype on the morning news channel WGN News in Chicago, which was viewed by over 2.3 million people, talking about the project.

Let’s see if she can make it ‘Quadruplet Strangers’!

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