Roger Harty: The Power Of Now (Audio Version)

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rsz_roger_hartyTHIS is something that I came across by pure chance and all I can say is ‘boy has it made a difference to my life!’

As you know I have written and spoken about my recovery from serious depression on many occasions and if I was asked the single most important thing that speeded up that recovery I would have no doubt that it involved what I am writing about in this article.

So in many ways I am truly grateful to what ‘The Power of Now’ Audio Version has brought to my life.

I wrote about ‘The Power of Now’ and also of the book of the same name written by Eckhart Tolle in my previous article (click here).

I had read it and perhaps reread it but it was only when I got the audio version that things really began to make a difference.

Just to explain what I mean by ‘Audio version’ – this is where a book that comes obviously in written form is available in the spoken word.

It used to be done by tape, this was replaced by CD and the latest version is now available in download form. Many books are now available in this manner and are of particular benefit to blind people.

The real beauty of ‘The Power of Now ‘audio version’ is that it comes in the spoken word of its very own author i.e. Eckhart Tolle himself.

I listened to this (audio version) over and over again simply paying attention to my breath while listening to what the author is saying. I especially concentrated on not trying to understand what he was saying I simply listened.

If I was to give advice to anyone this would be it – simply don’t try to understand it, focus on your breath and just listen and repeat it over and over again.

Just like practicing anything it is the simple repetition that causes the improvement.

As the old saying goes – ‘How do you get to Carnegie Hall?’  Practice! Practice! Practice!

Or – It is in doing we learn.

Some things in life we find difficult to explain ‘How’ it works – All I can promise is ‘That’ it works – but only if you apply it !

I can hear you say – ‘Roger, not good enough we want to know how it works?’ so this is my best effort at trying to explain same!

As human beings we could best be described as ‘balls of energy’. If we got lost at sea and were rescued at night by the latest Sea-King helicopter, they would use an infra- red device to detect us on the sea. Why? Because we are balls of energy and thus we emit – Heat!

If ever we wanted proof that we are energy then this is it!

Now light is a form of energy and so is sound. We have often heard of light- therapy but what I am suggesting that listening to the Power of Now is a magnificent source of sound therapy, and what’s more is that once one has acquired the CD or download the rest is free.

The author of  ‘The Power of Now’ Eckhart Tolle is an enlightened human being so when we listen to his voice repeatedly we pick up the sound energy that emanates from his voice which in turn can have a profound positive effect on our wellbeing.

It’s as if our own bodily energy connects with his sound energy which in turn  is enhanced it by changing its frequency.

We can all understand and accept that a bad apple can spread it’s ‘badness’ amongst good apples, well what I am suggesting here, is that good energy can equally be spread in the same way.

Obviously it takes time to time to reap the benefit but  again as they say, Patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait.

• Next week I am going to write about ‘Addiction’

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