Roger Harty: A Duck Is A Duck

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rsz_roger_hartyGET to the point Roger. What in God’s name does a title like that mean – A Duck is Duck.

Well – exactly that – A Duck is A Duck – Because it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck – Why? Because it is A Duck!

In very simple terms what I am saying here is that A Duck is A Duck because we recognise it by its looks and behaviours.

Now this might seem like I am being very particular and pedantic (I like that word!) but it is so true – we recognise things by the way they behave.

There is a very funny sketch in one of the Sminky Short videos called Elephant and it plays out beautifully the point that I am making here. Please have a look at it if you get a chance.

Now as human beings we have the physical self (our bodies) and also what is known as The Inner Self. The best way to communicate with our Inner Self is to connect with who we truly are. Now that is the nub of the matter – What do you mean when you say – Who we truly are!

Who we truly are – we human beings are – balls of vibrating energy. Yes believe it or not that is what we are – vibrating energy. How do I know this and how am I so sure? Well just like above I know this simply because that is how we behave – like energy.

We have an energy field around our bodies – this is often referred to as our aura. We connect at energy levels with what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell. All of these ‘senses’ give off a different ‘vibrational energy’ which we as ‘energy’ connect with. i.e. Energy connects with energy.

A simple example of this is that to imagine you and a friend were lost at sea on a boat. You are out in the ocean, it is night time and you have sent out all the necessary alerts. A night searching Sea-King helicopter comes looking for you.

Question – How does it detect you ?

Answer – By using an infra-red detector.

So the infra-red detector (energy detector) connects with the heat (energy) that radiates from our bodies and we are recovered.

Why do we give off heat – because we behave like energy and energy gives off heat.

Energy connects with Energy – simple.

So because we are energy we can connect with our ‘True Selves – Inner Selves – Energy’ i.e. What we truly are.

This is best achieved when we take time to ‘Meditate’ which gives us the opportunity to connect with our own inner truth.

This is what Jesus meant when He said – Be Still and Know that I Am God.

This is what The Buddha meant when he said – seek peace from within.

This is why the book – The Power of Now – has sold over 30 million copies.

• Next week I am going to write about – A key question!

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