Roger Harty: The Success Of Recovery Is In Discovery

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rsz_roger_hartyThe success of recovery is in discovery,

Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary,


This is the first line of my own personal mantra which I wrote about last week. It is basically reminding me to learn something new every day and to keep my mind open.

What I mean by ‘open’ is to always allow for the possibility that there may be a better way of doing a particular task or that I may be able to look at something in a different way.

May I live as if I am going to die tomorrow

May I learn as if I’m going to live forever

Problems are part and parcel of everyday life but we can learn so much from problems if we can allow ourselves the space to stand back from them and allow them to become teachers in their own right. Even if you can’t solve the problem you can always change the way that you look at it.

One thing is for sure and it is as follows:

If you always do as you always did – You will always get as you always got

So if in life we are not happy with ‘our lot’ and if you agree with the above sentence then the one ingredient that we must be open to is ‘Change’ i.e. to do things in a different way which will in turn alter the outcome.

I have a great example of this in my own life when I discovered that it is possible to look at everything through the eyes of ‘energy’.

Of course I was sceptical about it myself initially but the more I practiced it the more I realised that it made complete sense to me as all matter in this world is made of energy and all living creatures are made of energy.

I then began to study – what gave me good energy and also what drained the energy from me. I had never looked at this world this way before.

Examples of good energy – Hanging around positive people, learning about and spending time to meditate, doing exercise on a daily basis, paying attention to my diet, caring for the world that I live in and for the people and animals that occupy it, learning to accept that I cannot change everything.

Examples of negative energy. Perhaps the easy way would be to say – the opposite of the list above but it could also include things like – not going to bed at a reasonable hour, drinking too much alcohol, working too hard, not being pleasant to people etc, etc

I know I have written many sayings in this article but in terms of looking at the world through the eyes of energy I’m going to leave you with what I believe to be ‘A Classic’ and it goes as follows.

Stand by the radiators and keep away from the fridges

In simple terms – If people/things are giving you good energy – stick by them and ditto for the reverse.

Next week I am going to write about – Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary

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