SPONSORED: AIB’s Castle Street Branch Modernises For Today’s Customer

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The new-look AIB branch in Castle Street.

IF you haven’t been down to AIB for a while, then you’re in for a surprise when you next visit the Castle Street branch.

The premises has been completely transformed over the past couple of months  to provide a banking experience that suits today’s busy customer.

Gone are the lengthy queues and in comes a more hands-on, personal touch from the staff, easy to use self service options, comfortable booths to deal with customer queries and even a place to relax and read the papers.

Joe Shannon, Manager of AIB Tralee, explained the reason for the changes.

“It’s all about putting the customer first and making it a lot more convenient for people to bank. Many routine transactions thus far would have required people to queue. Now these can be done through the self-service options from 8am to 9pm, seven days a week here in the branch.”

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Customers can now use the iPads available in the bank to access their accounts.

The ground floor is now more open plan with office spaces relocated upstairs, leaving more room for customers and bank officials on the ground to assist customers with their queries and guide them through transactions in a manner which best suits their needs.

The Branch provides online banking facilities, easy to use self service automated cash and cheque lodgement devices and a number of Cashier points.

“It’s bringing banking into the modern era,” said Mr Shannon. “We have a lot of technology equipment available in-house, including the iPads and internet banking, so it’s a one-stop shop. The last thing people want is to come in and get stuck in a long queue, so it’s all about making it as convenient and as expedient as we can for customers.

Of course, some of our customers find using technology a challenge and this is why we have  staff availible at all times to guide them through their banking business,” he said.

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The bright and welcoming new-look AIB branch in Castle Street.

“The new layout & facilities allows our customers to conduct their banking business in a pleasant modern environment and in a manner which suits them.”

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The spacious new look at AIB in Castle Street.

The changes are going down great with customers, so why not pay them a visit soon and see for yourself.

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The many kiosks enable customers to do their banking electronically and there are staff there to guide customers through their transactions.

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