Sponsored: Mary’s Advice On Tribella Treatments At The CHRC


Mary O’Donnell of the Cosmetic And Hair Restoration Clinic has advice on Tribella treatments at the Clinic…

People are asking me my advice on Tribella treatments. My advice is to have one and see the results for yourself.

I recently had a Tribella and feel my skin is more uniformed and looks like I have foundation on. For me after years of sun exposure I had a lot of pigmentation, and I did not realise how ageing it was.

Fine lines are reduced, and my overall skin looks fresher and less dull. I also noticed my skin firmer from the radio frequency part of the treatment, which is especially good, if you are experiencing lack of firmness in the skin.

There is three different sections to this treatment to treat all different concerns you maybe  be experiencing.

The Tribella is the ultimate facial rejuvenation treatment. This treatment works on pigmentation, fine lines, redness, wrinkles, skin laxity and fine lines.

Straight after your treatment, your skin will feel warm, and you will have a red appearance. It may feel like mild sunburn and pigmentated vascular lesions may become darker in colour.

After 24 hours you may apply makeup and the treatment will continue to work and full results will be three months after your last treatment. A course is recommended but just try one.

You can expect to see fresher, brighter skin that looks more youthful. Contact chrc@bonsecours.ie or phone 086-0786120.
