Tag Archives: Writer in Residence

Arts Office Announces New Kerry Writer In Residence

Kerry Writer in Residence, Emer Fallon.

THE Kerry County Council Arts Office has announced that Emer Fallon is the new Kerry Writer in Residence.

Emer is a poet and fiction writer living in West Kerry. She has a keen interest in climate and the environment and these topics feature in her creative work.

Emer would like to explore them further during her residency, as she engages with both new and established writers across the county, through her Writers on the Bus project.

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The project will highlight the service provided by Local Link Kerry, while aiding writers living along the bus routes, in reducing their carbon footprint, connecting them with each other and providing them with a platform to share and showcase their work.

From mid-April, Emer will be hopping on the buses, meeting fellow writers and chatting to them about their writing.

She will provide a series of workshops, exploring themes such as ‘A Sense of Place’, ‘Grounding your Words’, and ‘A Deep Dive into the Weather’, with the aim of creating new work for display on eight of the buses.

Emer is also really looking forward to connecting with individuals and groups of all writing levels and experience throughout her residency.

“I have benefitted so much from the advice and input of other writers, including many past Writers in Residence, so I would love to offer that support to anyone who may be seeking writing advice or feedback.”

For further information and to sign up for Writers on the Bus, or for a group, or one-to-one, session with Emer, email her directly at emerwriterinres@gmail.com, or call the Kerry Arts Office on 066 718 3541.

The Kerry Writer in Residence is co-funded by Kerry County Council and The Arts Council of Ireland.


Writer In Residence Returns To Deliver Workshops

Kerry County Council Writer in Residence, Máire Holmes (centre) about to begin her class with the Castleisland based Scríobhneoirí Sliabh Luachra Writers Group. Included are from left: Frank Kevins, Ray Canoy, Micheál O’Shea, Jimmy Cullinane, Helen Blanchfield, Ms. Holmes. Cáit Curtin, Billy O’Connor, Liam Cummins, Anna Brosnan and Maria O’Brien. Photograph: John Reidy

MÁIRE Holmes, who returned recently as Kerry’s Writer in Residence, is delighted to be back giving in-person workshops.

This part of the Arts Office programme is co-funded by Kerry County Council and The Arts Council.

Máire’s aim for 2023 is to facilitate Kerry’s prolific creative writers and to continue encouraging all works-in-progress, poetry, prose, plays, screenwriting, and other disciplines in English or Irish language.

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“We are delighted to have Máire Holmes back in Kerry,” stated Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer Kerry County Council. “Máire is committed to helping people tap into their creativity, through exploring and enjoying creative writing.”

“The welcome is astounding,” says Máire. “The creative traditions in Kerry are as vibrant as ever!”

Recently at Tralee Library, Mary Relihan launched the book Interactive Voices and Scribes, a direct result of the Writer in Residence Zoom meetings, held during lockdown.

Mary Relihan from Enable Ireland spoke of the benefits of Zoom during those times. The Writers met with Máire on a regular basis and completed their project.

While Zoom meetings continue, Maire has many dates confirmed for in-person visits to Writing Groups, Festivals, and events. Assisted by the Arts Office, dates are now set for visits to Killorglin, Killarney, Tralee, Listowel, Kenmare, Sneem, and Ballybunion.

Presenting prizes recently at the Ballydonoghue Bardic Festival, Máire paid tribute to Kerry writers and poets of all ages. “I’ve met every age group,” says Máire. “Creativity is ageless and in full bloom across Kerry.”

Anyone who wishes to start writing, continue writing, or intends to join a writer’s group can contact Kerry County Council’s Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541. The office will put them in touch with Máire, either by email, phone or post.


Kerry Writer In Residence Facilitating In-Person Workshops Around The County

Kerry County Council Writer in Residence, Máire Holmes (centre right) being presented with a copy of ‘Poets and Dreamers’ – an anthology by Scríobhneoirí Sliabh Luachra Writers Group. Making the presentation is Helen Blanchfield with group members, Maria O’Brien (left) and Anna Brosnan. Photograph: John Reidy

MÁIRE Holmes, who returned recently as Kerry’s Writer in Residence funded by Kerry County Council, The Arts Council and Creative Ireland, is delighted to be back giving in-person workshops.

“On a recent trip to Tralee I was very happy to meet with the Lesley Collins writing group,” says Máire. “Over the last two years this group never missed an online session with me so it was great to meet them in person.”

Máire Holmes also hosted a creative writing workshop with the Ballydonoghue Bardic Festival at the end of March.

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“The buzz in Ballydonoghue has stayed with me,” she says. “The festive atmosphere was a celebration of past, present and future literature in Kerry.”

Her most recent in-person event was with Scríbhneoirí Sliabh Luachra Writers Group in Castleisland.

“The fáilte was memorable,” Máire says. “This group is a family of poets and writers, and on my visit I felt like one of the family.”

Máire’s aim for 2022 is facilitate Kerry’s prolific creative writers and to continue encouraging all works-in-progress; poetry, prose, plays, screenwriting, and other disciplines in English or Irish language.

Token of appreciation: Kerry County Council Writer in Residence, Máire Holmes being presented with a gift in appreciation of her services to the Castleisland based Scríobhneoirí Sliabh Luachra Writers Group. Making the presentation are : Frank Kevins (left) and Jimmy Cullinane. Photograph: John Reidy

“Máire was absolutely fantastic during lockdown,” says Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer Kerry County Council. “She took to online workshops and remote mentoring with a heart and a half and it was so valuable to give people a chance to engage creatively during that time. We are delighted she is now back meeting people in person as well.”

Anyone who wishes to start writing, continue writing, or intends to join a writers group can contact Kerry County Council’s Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541 who can put them in touch with Máire, either by email, phone or post.

Kerry County Council Writer in Residence, Máire Holmes (centre) about to begin her class with the Castleisland based Scríobhneoirí Sliabh Luachra Writers Group. Included are from left: Frank Kevins, Ray Canoy, Micheál O’Shea, Jimmy Cullinane, Helen Blanchfield, Ms. Holmes. Cáit Curtin, Liam Cummins, Billy O’Connor, Anna Brosnan and Maria O’Brien. Photograph: John Reidy

Máire Holmes Returns As Kerry’s Writer In Residence

Máire Holmes.

MÁIRE Holmes has returned as Kerry’s Writer in Residence.

Her aim for 2022 is facilitate Kerry’s prolific creative writers and to continue encouraging all works-in-progress; poetry, prose, plays, screenwriting, and other disciplines in English or Irish language.

“I am delighted to be back at my desk and I am also looking forward to seeing more people in person during this residency,” says Máire, who continued to meet writers and groups online during 2021.

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“The people in Kerry have so much to say and share and creative writing is something everyone can do,” she added.

Máire will give one-to-one remote mentoring sessions as well as group sessions with writers’ groups.

“Writing helps people connect with their own thoughts and provides an outlet for creative expression,” says Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer with Kerry County Council. “Máire is very experienced and generous with her time. I would urge anyone with an interest to make the most of this opportunity.”

Anyone who wishes to start writing, continue writing, or intends to join a writers group can contact Kerry County Council’s Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541 who can put them in touch with Máire, either by email, phone or post.

Writers who are in full-time work or education, and are over eighteen, can avail of evening sessions by appointment.

The Kerry Writer In Residence is funded by Kerry County Council, The Arts Council and Creative Ireland.

Council’s Writer In Residence Continues Work During Lockdown

Writer in Residence Máire Holmes gives a tutorial on Zoom.

KERRY’S writer in residence Máire Holmes has been at her desk in Galway working for the past nine months.

Using online meetings and emails she has been connecting with and mentoring writers’ groups and writers, despite lockdowns and restrictions.

Máire’s work with people has been extended thanks to funding from Healthy Ireland’s #KeepWell campaign. This additional funding will allow Máire to continue her residency for another 12 weeks.

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“The arts in these difficult times helps people stay connected and provides an outlet for creative expression,” says the Mayor of Kerry, Cllr Patrick Connor-Scarteen. “I am delighted that Kerry County Council is able to offer an extension of this service to the people of Kerry.”

“I am delighted to be extending the residency via technology,” Máire says. “Writing is a very powerful way of processing events and emotions. It is a gift we all have, and I am honoured to be in a position that helps people bring out what needs to be expressed.” She added, “Creativity in Kerry has blossomed  during lockdown, thanks to the support of the team at the Arts Office.”

Máire gives one-to-one remote mentoring sessions as well as group sessions with writers’ groups.

Anyone who has not yet made contact but is interested in availing of the writer in residence services should contact Kerry County Council’s Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541. The Writer in Residence is funded by Kerry County Council, The Arts Council and Creative Ireland.

Writer In Residence To Recommence Work Remotely

Máire Holmes.

AFTER the unexpected break due to Covid 19 safety measures, Máire Holmes is recommencing her work as Kerry County Council’s writer in residence, co-funded by the Arts Council and Creative Ireland.

This isn’t Máire’s first residency in Kerry – she proved popular here a number of years ago, interacting with students and writers all across the county at events, libraries and readings.

The residency will re-commence remotely with Máire working with writers through email and video link.

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“I am delighted to be returning via technology,” Máire says, “and am looking forward to virtual meetings with writers for my residency.”

Máire plans one-to-one remote mentoring sessions; “I want to give dedicated writers a performance platform,” she explains. “The solo writer is familiar with solitude and yet seeks some way to be heard, by sharing work that is not yet published.”

During lockdown Máire was still busy, co-ordinating and editing an e-book of poems by young people for Cruinniú na nÓg, entitled Present Day Poetry, Kerry.

Máire Holmes will commence her residency in July 13th and anyone interested in should watch Kerry Arts Office’s social media for updates, sign up to the Arts Newsletter on the Kerry County Council website or contact the Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541.

New Kerry County Council Writer In Residence Appointed

Máire Holmes

MÁIRE Holmes from Galway is Kerry County Council’s new writer in residence, co-funded by the Arts Council and Creative Ireland.

This isn’t Máire’s first residency in Kerry – she proved immensely popular here a number of years ago, interacting with students and writers all across the county at events, libraries and readings.

“I am delighted to be coming back to Kerry,” Máire says, “and am looking forward to meeting with writers for my residency. I’m half packed already!” She is grateful to the Muckross House Trustees for making available a cottage at which she can stay during her residency.

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Máire plans to meet with writers in one-to-one mentoring sessions – “I want to give dedicated writers a performance platform,” she explains. “The solo writer is familiar with solitude and yet seeks some way to be heard, by sharing work that is not yet published.”

Máire Holmes will commence her residency in March and anyone interested in mentoring or school visits should watch Kerry Arts Office’s social media for updates, sign up to the Arts Newsletter on the Kerry County Council website or contact the Arts Office on arts@kerrycoco.ie /066 7183541.

Filmmaker And Writer In Residence Appointed By Kerry County Council

Filmmaker in Residence, Mieke Vanmechelen.

A WRITER in Residence and Filmmaker in Residence have been appointed by Kerry County Council.

Donegal native, Annemarie Ní Churreáin, is this year’s Writer in Residence, while Filmmaker in Residence is Mieke Vanmechelen.

Annemarie Ní Churreáin is a poet and writer of creative non-fiction essays, Annemarie’s work is primarily concerned with the fragility and complexity of human relationships.

Annemarie Ní Churreáin, Writer In Residence.

She is a fluent Irish speaker who is looking forward to exploring the marks of history and mythology in the Kerry landscape.

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In addition to her work with communities and individuals, Annemarie will be touring sheelagh-na-gigs, soaking up the Dark Sky Reserve and looking at the story of Queen Scotia – daughter of an Egyptian Pharoah said to have died in battle in Kerry and be buried in Tralee.

During this residency Annemarie is working towards a new series of poems which explores the theme of female mythological characters in dialogue with Ireland today.

She will also run a series of structured and themed workshops with students, poets and creative thinkers, encouraging confidence especially among young people, supporting them to start composing, editing and sharing their own poems.

The writer works with groups and communities throughout the county. Professional writers have a long history of activity in the County working to support new talent as they discover it. They have worked with community groups, on special projects & publications, with schools and arts venues and at the same time finding inspiration in Kerry to develop their own personal work.

The Council is encouraging writers, bookshops, groups, communities and schools to make contact with them so that they can facilitate access to the Writer In Residence. Annemarie can also be contacted at writer@kerrycoco.ie

Belgian born, Mieke Vanmechelen has been living in Kerry since the early eighties and is well known in professional film circles for her outstanding work in film.

Mieke is reaching out to secondary school students on this residency and is keen to make contact with a great many schools. Her plan is to make a documentary in as many schools as possible with a strong emphasis on working collaboratively.

“I would like to work with teams of students, preferably from Junior Cert upwards, and with a total of 15 students from each school”, Mieke stated this week. “The work produced in each school will merge into a single project which will evolve from a question that is linked to the notion of diversity as well as the complexity of place and people within the county”.

Footage recorded will then serve as the basis for the project and will inspire additional footage which connects directly to the experiences/ideas/thoughts of the young people involved.

Mieke’s work will offer opportunity to explore and to tie ideas, notions and dreams together in what will be a powerful message from our young generation. “Accessibility and fun are a key part of the residency and we look forward greatly to seeing Mieke make inroads into our schools as there is a great love of film among this age group”, Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer at Kerry County Council stated about the project.

Mieke can be contacted at filmmaker@kerrycoco.ie The Filmmaker in Residence is a partnership between Kerry County Council and The Arts Council.

It is supported by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and the Trustees of Muckross House. As an expanded partnership it demonstrates the ethos of Creative Ireland, enabling creativity in every community.

Council Appoints Writer And Filmmaker In Residence

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Ciara Hyland, new filmmaker in residence.

KERRY County Council has made two new appointments in both writing and filmmaking.

Ciara Hyland from Cork is the new Filmmaker in Residence while Máire Holmes, who lives in Galway, is the new Writer in Residence.

Ciara Hyland is a documentary director behind the documentary ‘Diarmuid Lynch – The Forgotten Volunteer’ about the incredible life of the last man out of the GPO for TG4. She also produces and directs documentary segments for Nationwide on RTE and for Duiche on TG4.

“I’m absolutely delighted to be the new Filmmaker in Residence,” said Ciara. “I’m thrilled to have been given this opportunity and am so looking forward to working with the people of Kerry.”

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Ciara plans on using the Residency to develop Kerry Storyscene – a digital storytelling project that opens up and gives access to the community to make their own short documentaries exploring the theme of Kerry 1916 – 2016.  Possibilities for this theme include exploring history – personal or family, the Kerry landscape and heritage or even some personal opinions or poetic musings!

“Digital Storytelling has a long history of opening up documentary making to the general public – removing barriers, giving people a voice and democratizing the documentary making process. It’s a viewpoint that is very close to my heart,” says Ciara. “Everybody has something interesting to say and everybody should have the opportunity to create and shape their own stories in their own way.”

Ciara will facilitate a series of workshops around Kerry where people will learn how to put music, pictures and voiceover together to create short powerful documentaries.

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Máire Holmes, new writer in residence.

Máire Holmes is the newly appointed Kerry County Council Writer in Residence. She has a lifetime’s experience in literature, writing many poetry books and plays. She has been writer in residence in Mayo, Connemara and the Aran Islands, and most recently in Kerry in 2015.

Máire’s plan for the residency is to make a one hour radio programme Kerry 1916 – 2016: From Wireless to WiFi based on writings produced by the people of Kerry during the residency. For the project Máire will work with people of all ages to cover a wide range of themes: historical, emotional, aesthetical, sporting, creative and spiritual.

“The purpose of creative writing is communication and more so, fulfilment,” says Máire, “and a radio programme can share that which springs from the heart of the writer with the heart of the listener.”

Máire will speak more about the project at Killarney Library on Culture Night, Friday, September 16 at 6pm.

Kerry County Council Invites Applications for New Writer In Residence

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Kerry County Council logoARE you a published writer? Well then, this might be of interest to you.

Kerry County Council, in partnership with the Arts Council of Ireland, is seeking a Writer in Residence as part of its Artist Engagement Programme for 2016.

Previous Writers in Residence included Galway’s Maire Holmes, and Tralee’s Noel O’Regan.

The residency this year is themed to focus on Kerry from 1916 – 2016 and the theme can be explored through a wide range of possible approaches, in both the writer’s own work and the groups and individuals that they mentor or assist.

‘‘The writer in residence is always a very popular residency with the people of Kerry – there is a strong tradition of writing in the county and a great love of the written word’’, says Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer with Kerry County Council. ‘‘The old saying that everyone has a book in them is certainly true in Kerry.’’

Applicants are welcome from published writers who have experience in hosting workshops and mentoring emerging writers.

If you would like to be considered, the closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm on March 10, 2016.

More information can be found at www.kerrycoco.ie or from the arts office at arts@kerrycoco.ie or you can phone 066 7183541.