Gardaí Appeal To Public For Information After Separate Incidents In Tralee Area

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GARDAI are investigating two separate incidents in the Tralee area over the past 24 hours.

On Sunday night at 10.30pm, a van was broken into at a farmyard in Curraheen. A vehicle carrying two males entered the farmyard and they broke into the van, stealing a wallet. Any information is appreciated by Tralee gardaí.

Meanwhile, someone attempted to break into a house in Killeen Woods at 3.30am this morning (Monday). The person broke a side window but was interrupted by the occupant of the house and they fled the scene.

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If anyone saw anything suspicious, they are asked to contact Tralee Garda Station on 066-7102300.

Also, Tralee gardaí have reiterated their warning about fake €50 notes in circulation around the Tralee area. They are asking businesses and the public to be wary of these notes and to check their 50s when they receive them.

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