KDYS Launches New Online Support Service For Families

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KERRY Diocesan Youth Service has launched a new initiative to provide a telephone and email support service for all parents and children across Kerry.

The service was created as a direct response from the needs that the Tusla-funded Tralee Springboard Family Support project and other KDYS services were hearing in the community.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Ireland, the KDYS has been trying to ensure that all young people and their families in Kerry are receiving the support that they need to cope with these difficult times.

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Already, KDYS youth workers, across their suite of services have, come up with new ways of engaging with young people and the wider community.

This phoneline, email and resource page are the latest additions to the ever growing services that the is KDYS providing, to support a response to children, young people and their families in realtime. You can find them by clicking here and here.

The Family Support page of the KDYS website will host locally made videos for children and parents which address the current issues.

Over the next number of weeks, new child-friendly videos will be added which address such issues as what is Covid 19, isolation and lockdown amongst others, all of which are difficult issues to explain to a child.

They will also be providing locally produced videos for parents on managing behaviour, understanding my child issues, getting some me time and other practical issues.

“The purpose of this type of service is to have local people answer local needs. The phone, email and resource page is developed as a response to the issues that parents are having now. We hope that we are able to help parents (in particular) can find some solutions to their current issues,” said Chief Executive of KDYS, Tim O’Donoghue.

We were delighted to receive very positive feedback from Dr Caroline Webster Stratton  on the first of our new videos for children. She said “Thank you so much for making this clip. It is incredible!” and on behalf of Wally she wrote “Love my Irish Wally cousin. I am his American cousin and thanks for helping me feel less worried” Wally in Seattle.

“This endorsement is a real shot in the arm for the staff of the project and tells us that we are on the right track with our creations and over the next few week we will be adding new videos to help children (and parents) understand isolation, regulating emotions, being able to calm down etc.” said Tim.

The Family Support phoneline will be answered by a member of the Tralee Springboard Project staff team. The staff are professional and experienced family support team offering parents and carers a listening ear, parenting support and  signposting to other relevant services if necessary

Tralee Springboard Project is delivered partnership with Tusla – Child & Family Agency. The KDYS is operating remotely and full support services are still being provided. For contact details, please search KDYS on all social media platforms or see www.kdys.ie

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